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Xeros Armera's Mission Database

vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
Xeros Armera's Mission Database

Welcome to my mission database.

I'll post all the information on my missions here, both old and new, and anyone can post questions, comments or suggestions. It's always nice to hear from someone who has played my missions. I do apologize for letting my foundry work grind to a halt so suddenly, but, life. Now I'm back and ready to resolve all those stories I left somewhere near the middle. Hopefully the Foundry hasn't gotten even more difficult to use since I've been gone and hopefully I'm still at least a half decent story teller (that is, if I was to begin with).

I'll try and keep doing regular updates and get missions out in a decent time, but there's only one of me and I have a lot of other things that require my attention at the moment (unfortunately).

On a related note, I have noticed that my tips have now reached more than 35,000, so thank you very much to all you generous tippers out there and everyone else who has played my missions and left such great comments.

Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    Foundry Missions:


    Once Upon A Time: Part I *Withdrawn*

    Part 1 of 6

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew is sent on a routine mission to study an anomaly passing through the Donatu System, but things take a strange turn and the crew find themselves thrown backwards in time and into the middle of a conflict between the Federation and the Klingon Empire

    - Moderate combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HBGZEEWW4
    Level: Any

    Once Upon A Time: Part II *Withdrawn*

    Part 2 of 6

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew is sent to the Imaga System to gather more data on the anomaly, but are once again pulled into the past where they meet John Kepler, and must help fight an enemy that is a mystery to the Federation in the 2350s.

    - Heavy dialogue
    - Moderate combat

    Project ID: ST-HGUXNFLML
    Level: 16+

    Once Upon A Time: Part III *Withdrawn*

    Part 3 of 6

    Author: XerosArmera

    The temporal anomaly that has been traveling through space is spotted again and the crew is sent to investigate, but when they arrive they are confronted by the Borg and must once again fight in the past and the present to preserve the future.

    - Heavy combat
    - Very heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HNI9TTHLB
    Level: 41+

    Once Upon A Time: Part IV *Withdrawn*

    Part 4 of 6

    Author: XerosArmera

    The anomaly, which was thought to have been sealed, has reappeared and is continuing on its path to the Sol System, the crew must once again intercept the anomaly and find someway to close it, but once again things are complicated by history in the making.

    - Light combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HMJOP9WNK
    Level: 31+

    Once Upon A Time: Part V *Withdrawn*

    Part 5 of 6

    Author: XerosArmera

    The anomaly has reappeared beyond Earth near Romulan space and the crew is dispatched to investigate, but this time things are different and the Captain is faced with some grim realities and difficult decisions.

    - Heavy combat
    - Very heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HJOTQO7UZ
    Level: 16+

    Once Upon A Time: Part VI *Withdrawn*
    The exciting conclusion to the Once Upon A Time series!

    The Final Chapter
    Part 6 of 6

    Author: XerosArmera

    With the warning that Admiral Kepler gave fresh in their minds the crew are called upon to defend the Federation against a Borg attack, but when the Cardassians send out a distress call the crew must decide which is more important, the present or the future.

    - Very heavy space combat
    - Light ground combat
    - Moderate dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HMMWTBXFM
    Level: 46+


    The Ambri Directorate: Part I *Withdrawn*

    The Ambri
    Part 1 of 3

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew is asked to participate in an unusual "First Contact" situation, but when things take a turn for the worse the possibility of Federation membership for the Ambri is called into question.

    Mission begins in the Chiron System in the Vendor Sector of the Alpha Centauri Sector Block.

    - Moderate combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HC9J373RI
    Level: 31+

    (This mission is set after my Once Upon A Time series and is best played after completing those missions.)

    The Ambri Directorate: Part II *Withdrawn*

    Civil War
    Part 2 of 3

    Author: XerosArmera

    Six months after the failed negotiations on Ambria the crew is ordered back to the Ambria System where Captain Kepler awaits with news of civil war on Ambria and a volatile hostage situation, the Federation must help bring an end to the conflict, but will it only lead to an even greater tragedy?

    Mission begins in the Chiron System, in the Vendor Sector of the Alpha Centauri Sector Block.

    - Heavy combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HLLNA8SBD
    Level: 31+

    The Ambri Directorate: Part III *Withdrawn*

    The Battle For Ambria
    Part 3 of 3

    Author: XerosArmera

    A year after the resolution of a hostage situation the Federation has decided that the civil war on Ambria has gone on long enough, the crew is dispatched with a fleet to put an end to the conflict, but will this help or hinder the Federation's relationship with the Ambri?

    Mission begins in the Chiron System, in the Vendor Sector of the Alpha Centauri Sector Block.

    - Heavy combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HEH532CCR
    Level: 31+


    Blood and Nanoprobes: Part I *Withdrawn*
    Colony of Ghosts
    Part 1 of 3

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew is dispatched to a long dead world to recover any information they can about the Borg attack that left the Valkor Prime Colony uninhabited, but a series of unexpected discoveries reveal another mystery on Valkor Prime

    Mission begins in the Bomari System, located in the Risa Sector of the Sirius Sector Block.

    - Light combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HILJXS3MC
    Level: 31+

    (Blood and Nanoprobes is set after Once Upon A Time and The Ambri Directorate Series, if you have not played these series then it is recommended that you complete them before beginning the Blood and Nanoprobes mission as elements in this series are dependent on content from previous stories.)

    Blood and Nanoprobes: Part II *Withdrawn*
    Shadows of the Past
    Part 2 of 3

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew returns to the Valkyria System to assist Captains Zalicarten and Kepler continue the investigation into the tragedy that befell the colony, but things are not as simple as they first seemed and the crew is drawn deeper into the mystery of the Valkor Prime Colony

    This mission begins in the Bomari System, located in the Risa Sector of the Sirius Sector Block.

    - No combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HLOIXSHMX
    Level: Any Level

    Blood and Nanoprobes: Part III *Withdrawn*

    Phoenix Ashes
    Part 3 of 3

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew is recalled to the Valkyria System to assist in the recovery of the colony's scientific data, but when things once again take an unexpected turn the crew is faced with the full harshness of life in Starfleet

    This mission begins in the Bomari System, located in the Risa Sector of the Sirius Sector Block.

    - Moderate combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID:ST-HPNU6EKAF
    Level: 41+

    Mind Games: Part I *Withdrawn*

    Project ESPER
    Part 1 of 3

    Author: XerosArmera

    When Starfleet loses contact with a small convoy near the Klingon Neutral Zone the crew discovers a secret the Federation has been hiding for nearly 150 years that could further intensify the war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire

    - Heavy dialogue
    - Moderate to Heavy combat

    Project ID: ST-HE7PDLKAF
    Level: Any

    NOTE: This mission has been completely redesigned and republished from its previous version. Any comments posted before September 23, 2012 do not reflect the contents of this mission.


    Ambria's Pride: The Eagle's Claw *Withdrawn*
    Part 1

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew is asked to come to Ambria by Captain Dallas to say goodbye before the Deianeira sets off towards the edge of Federation space, but there is more waiting at Ambria than an old friend.

    Mission begins in the Chiron System, in the Vendor Sector of the Alpha Centauri Sector Block.

    - Heavy combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HPGKNOMFQ
    Level: 16+

    (This mission is set after the Blood and Nanoprobes series, it is suggested that you complete that series before playing this mission)

    Garden of the Dead *Withdrawn*
    Ambria's Pride
    Part 2

    Author: XerosArmera

    After the recent attack on the station and Ambria, Captain Grant and Administrator Zelltyrpal are wary that the new alliance may be the target of a number of groups and that caution is needed. So when a strange new species, calling themselves the Kayru, arrive the crew is called to investigate and monitor the situation on Ambria.

    Mission begins in the Chiron System, in the Vendor Sector of the Alpha Centauri Sector Block.

    - Heavy combat
    - Heavy dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HEU59CFN6
    Level: 46+

    (This mission is the second part of the Ambria's Pride series, it is suggested that you complete part one of this series before playing this mission)

    Coming Soon: Ambria's Last Stand
    Post edited by vexravus on
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited August 2017

    Thicker Than Water *Withdrawn*
    Deianeira: Part I
    Part 1 of 4

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew are ordered to assist another ship in responding to a distress call, but it quickly becomes apparent that the situation is far more serious than just a ship in distress and the crew find themselves caught between duty and ethics.

    - Moderate Combat
    - Heavy Dialogue

    Project ID: ST-HRNQ56R4T
    Level: 31+

    This mission begins in the Myrax System, located in the Vanden Sector of the Zeta Andromedae Sector Block.

    (NOTE: This mission takes place after the Blood and Nanoprobes series, it is suggested you play through that series before beginning this one. This storyline also runs parallel to Ambria's Pride: The Eagle's Claw.)

    The Importance of Being Q *Withdrawn*
    Deianeira: Part II
    Part 2 of 4

    Author: XerosArmera

    The crew are asked to join the Deianeira to analyze an anomaly beyond Federation space, but when they arrive they are greeted by a fresh, yet familiar face and things take a turn for the absurd, disturbing and just plain irritating....

    - Heavy dialogue
    - Heavy combat

    Project ID:ST-HKKZVPIS6
    Level: 46+

    This mission begins in the Lahra System, located in the Arawath Sector of the Zeta Andromedae Sector Block

    (NOTE: This mission is the second part of the Deianeira series and it is recommended that Thicker Than Water be completed before this mission is played.)

    snoitcelfeR *Withdrawn*
    Deianeira: Part III
    Part 3 of 4

    Author: XerosArmera

    After a harrowing experience at the hands of Q the crew continue with their original mission, assisting the Deianeira in investigating a spatial anomaly, but their investigation draws them into something much larger that could lead to a much greater threat.

    - Heavy dialogue
    - Moderate - Heavy combat

    Level: 31+

    This mission begins in the Lahra System, located in the Arawath Sector of the Zeta Andromedae Sector Block.

    (NOTE: This mission takes place immediately after the events of The Importance of Being Q and it is recommended that you play that mission first.)

    Coming Soon: Memento Mori: Deianeira Part IV


    Please play, enjoy and review my missions, and please comment, any feedback is useful and it's always nice to know someone enjoyed my work. If there are any issues with any of my missions please do not hesitate to post them here, to post them in a review of my mission or even to PM me. I wish to ensure my missions are error free and enjoyable to play and with the recent and ongoing Foundry issues, sometimes that can be difficult. That being said, please do not give one star reviews based on issues or errors that may be beyond my control. By all means let me know so that I can either fix them, or at the very least remove the mission until it can be fixed.

    Thank you
    Post edited by vexravus on
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    [Post Reserved for Future Missions]
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Mission Timeline

    Series: Once Upon a Time
    Time Frame: 2409
    Info: This series is in six parts. Part one is set in early 2409 (sometime in January) and each subsequent mission takes place approximately 2 months after the one before it, meaning that the chain runs through January to November 2409.

    Series: The Ambri Directorate
    Time Frame: 2410 - 2411
    Info: This series is in three parts. Part one begins in early 2410 (Approximately March). Part two is set six months after this (September 2410) with part three concluding the series a year after this (September 2411).

    Series: Blood and Nanoprobes
    Time Frame: 2413
    Info: This series is in three parts. Part one is set in February of 2413, with part two following approximately two weeks later. Part three is set about two weeks after this, in March 2413.

    Series: Ambria's Pride: The Eagle's Claw
    Time Frame: 2413
    Info: This episode is set in late April of 2413.

    Series: Deianeira: Part I - Thicker Than Water
    Time Frame: 2413
    Info: This episode is set in mid May 2413.

    This timeline will be updated as more missions and series are published.
  • ascaladarascaladar Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I very much enjoyed your missions, however I could not complete your Deianeira: Part II mission, since some NPC did not spawn. Was there an update to that mission?
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ascaladar wrote: »
    I very much enjoyed your missions, however I could not complete your Deianeira: Part II mission, since some NPC did not spawn. Was there an update to that mission?

    There were some issues with some later missions (specifically part 2 of Ambria's Pride and part 2 of the Deianeira series) that had some issues, mainly bugs involving NPCs and B.Offs, etc. They have not been updated yet and at the moment Foundry editing is offline (but playing and reviewing still works...because that makes total sense). So, yes, I am aware there are some bugs in a few missions, I just can't do anything about it yet. That is why all of my missions are currently marked *Standby*. As soon as I can edit my missions again I will check them all and then change their status to *Published* and *Updated*. Hopefully the Foundry will be online soon, just keep checking back.

    Thank you for your feedback and patience,

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Missions Should Now Be Playable Again

    Thank you.

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Foundry is back up and authors can once again roam freely through it! I am currently testing and updating missions. At the moment all my previously published missions are back up and (as far as I can tell) free of glitchs or bugs. There is one exception and that is The Importance of Being Q, which suffered from pathing issues before the Foundry went down for the Legacy of Romulus update. I will try and get it back up ASAP.

    I would also like to let everyone know that I am currently working on completing a couple of missions that I began before the Foundry went down. Now that I have a little time to myself (not much, but it will have to do) I will try and get them published as quickly as I can without sacrificing quality.

    Thank you all very much for your patience. Updates will follow as I make progress.

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Alright, so I have been working on part 3 of the Deianeira series, snoitcelfeR (I'm sure you can guess what it's about) for quite some time. I have finished the mission, however I can't publish it because of a Foundry error. For some reason it says that I have unfinished tasks (choosing a costume for a dialogue and filling in text) but all these things are complete. So, I can't publish the mission until I figure out a way to fix these problems.

    If anyone else has had this problem or has any idea how to fix it (other than completely rewriting the mission) then please let me know. If I can't figure out a way to publish the mission then I'll just have to start rebuilding and hope I don't have the same problem. I will try to do it as quickly as possible.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Time for an update on the mission situation. After spending the last few days looking for a solution to my problem, checking and rechecking the mission, asking on the forums, checking old posts and even posting an error ticket I think I may have resolved it.

    For some reason I had unfinished task messages that linked back to the grant mission dialogue, which was complete and regardless of what I did to it I couldn't get rid of the unfinished task messages. After checking over the story again and again for anything left unfinished and checking through each group of dialogues in the story I did a check through the dialogue tab. Near the bottom I found 2 unnamed dialogue entries, both of which were apparently located within the grant mission object (didn't even know that was possible.) which would explain why no matter how many times I checked my story/mission I couldn't find a problem.

    After deleting these the unfinished task messages have disappeared and I am now in the process of test playing to ensure there aren't any more errors that have crept into the mission. With any luck I will be publishing this weekend, or Monday by the latest.

    Keep checking back for part 3 of the Deianeira series snoitcelfeR.

    Thank you very much for your patience and continued support,

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Part three in the Deianeira series, snoitcelfeR has been published and is available to play!

    Having solved the issues that were preventing me from publishing the mission I have tested and done what polishing I can and released it. Thank you for your patience, I hope that you enjoy this mission and are looking forward to the conclusion of the series.

    The next mission I will be releasing is part three, the conclusion to the Ambria's Pride series, titled Ambria's Last Stand. As work has not yet begun on this mission I cannot really give an estimated time for publishing, but I will try and complete it as quickly as I can without sacrificing quality.

    After Ambria's Last Stand I will be completing the Deianeira series with a mission entitled Memento Mori. Check the main mission posts for a little teaser image.

    Thank you,

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Update time.

    I haven't done much work on my upcoming missions lately as I haven't had all that much time to do so. Also, I've been told by a number of people about a bug that seems to crop up in The Importance of Being Q, but seemingly intermittently.

    I've checked and play tested the mission and have been able to complete it without any issues and it seems that others have as well, but some people have reported that during a particular part of the mission BOffs and enemy groups get stuck in the ceiling. There is nothing I can do about this. I have never had it occur during a play through and short of changing/redesigning that particular map it is a bug that I have absolutely no control over.

    At some point I will probably end up going back and picking another map for it (though the options are rather limited) but I just don't have the time or the energy at the moment. If you encounter this bug I'm afraid all you can do at the moment is drop the mission and try it again and hope that you get lucky and don't experience this bug twice. I can only apologize, but when Cryptic's maps are bugged like that there is nothing I can do to help it other than avoiding the use of that map. And as I said, I won't be doing that in the immediate future.

    In all honesty, I am having trouble continuing with my Foundry work, since the Foundry seems to experience more and more bugs every time the game is patched and it's quite frustrating, also the amount of content that is added to the Foundry is a bit of a joke. I hope that this changes in the near future, but I won't be holding my breath.

    I promise I will, at the very least, finish the Ambria's Pride and Deianeira storylines, but at the moment, unless either the Foundry improves, I get a mass of free time or my mood just improves exponentially I may be putting my future Foundry projects on hold for a little bit.

    Any of those things could possibly happen, so we'll see. This is by no means me saying that I'm pulling the plug, but I am putting it on the back burner for the time being. One of the advantages of this is that it will give me time to think of and write more and better mission ideas, so there's that.

    Again, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has played and reviewed my missions. A special thank you to all the generous tippers out there as I have exceeded 32,000 in tips, and I hope you continue to play and enjoy my work. I'll try to keep it going.


    P.S. I did get a comment about wanting to see more of Amy Kepler in missions and I have been thinking about it. I think it could be an interesting choice and if anyone else would be interested in seeing more of her, please let me know, as it will make my decision that much easier.
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Okay, so I lied. I've temporarily withdrawn The Importance of Being Q while I rebuild part of the Borg map. After a few more play throughs I got the Borg flying into the ceiling bug and it's annoying...also there were a couple of other bugs I want to fix that I'd never seen before. So, I'm doing that. It won't be quick, but I'll do it as quickly as I can.

    It also appears that Cryptic have removed the Dominion Ensigns group from the Foundry. At least that's what the error message said and when I checked, there were no Dominion Ensigns in the NPC Groups tab...no idea why they've done that, but whatever, I've given up questioning Cryptic's strange decisions...

    I'll try and get The Importance of Being Q back up as quickly as I can, but I'm still short on time and patience and the Borg maps seem to be particularly bad for building on and using in general...so 90% of my time will be spent trying to find the correct values on the Y axis...if it weren't for that I could probably build a new map pretty quickly. Hopefully Cryptic/PWE will eventually give someone the job of actually working on/improving the Foundry (maybe the janitor is free?) and building decent maps will go from taking weeks/months to only taking hours/days. But probably not in my lifetime...or Q's for that matter.

    But clearly...a Romulan Temporal vessel, that's far more important...Anyway, enough bashing Cyrptic/PWE, it's mainly just frustration, but overall they are doing a fantastic job with the game, I'd just like a little bit less attention paid on lockboxes and pay to win loot and more time spent on content and improvements to the Foundry and its assets. Maybe the upcoming Season 8 will herald a new frontier for STO...or maybe it won't. We'll see.

    Anyway, I'll stop complaining and get it done asap and then maybe take a little break before completing Ambria's Pride and Deianeira.

    I'll keep you posted.

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Of course when I was just getting around to continuing/completing the voyages of two of the crews in my Foundry missions my computer decided it was it's time to go off to the big desktop in the sky (I may have fried the CPU...). So basically I'm out of action until I can get it fixed.

    If I'm lucky this will simply mean buying a new CPU (if they still make the one I was using) and probably a bigger, better fan to cool it. If I'm not lucky...it could mean a little more expense. I'll have to wait and see. Either way, I can't access the Foundry and I can't work on any missions. Also, at the moment I'm having to learn to use Linux (more difficult than learning to read Klingon) which is making even simple tasks three times more difficult.

    I'll continue posting with updates about the situation and, who knows, maybe some time away will inspire me or at least keep me from burning out on the Foundry completely. Maybe they'll even introduce an update that helps with stability and overall ease of use (yeah...right). Hopefully I'll be able to access the Foundy again soon.

    Keep checking back and thank you, as always, for your continued patience.

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Update* - Sunday, September 8, 2013

    Hello all,

    I've been away from the Foundry and STO as a whole for a while because of some computer problems and the encroachment of reality (a constant bother). But, I have returned, at least I think so...I've been out of it for a little while and have quite a task ahead of me, mainly the repair of The Importance of Being Q followed by the completion of the Ambria's Pride and Deianeira stories.

    I have plans for both and one of them was in production when my computer decided it had had enough, so hopefully I will be able to get back to work on them relatively quickly and finish them. One small problem with that seems to be a drop in both my energy levels and creativity. I'm not sure why (possibly a problem with some faulty EPS relays) but it has been hampering any progress.

    I have recently been asked about my missions and been told by someone that they are playing them, so that is encouraging and should help jump start me again, so you can look forward to more from me (if you enjoy my missions that is, otherwise this may come as quite bad news).

    Once Ambria's Pride and Deianeira are complete I will be looking at where to go next. I do have a few ideas, but I may end up putting it to some kind of vote on here, since my biggest thing as a Foundry author is giving players something they will enjoy and really get into, and I've found it always helps when you had some hand in it (though chances are if I do give options they will all eventually be realized...I'm kind of like that, can never leave well enough alone).

    With that said, if you do have any comments or suggestions about things you would like to see in my missions then please, share them here. I love to hear from people who have played my missions, whether they enjoyed them or not. Criticism helps me improve and praise is just a nice thing to get.

    So, please continue to play and enjoy my missions, tell your friends, tell your enemies, just tell everyone. I hope I can continue to produce content that will be enjoyed.

    Thank you,

  • stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I haven't got much to say, but welcome back! Good to hear you able to work on your missions again!
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Nerf is OP, plz nerf
    That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.

    I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    stoutes wrote: »
    I haven't got much to say, but welcome back! Good to hear you able to work on your missions again!

    Thank you very much! It's good to be able to be back on STO and in the Foundry, though I have to admit I didn't miss some of the bugs that crop up...I can't wait to get some work done in the Foundry. :)
  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Just so you know, I've never known the necro thread rule to apply to Foundry mission threads. Just like how we're allowed to post images in this section, but nowhere else.
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Good news! I have completed the rebuild on the second Borg map of The Importance of Being Q and published it. I didn't have any problems during testing, but I didn't the first time either, so it's really no indication of whether it will be playable or not.

    If you had previously tried the mission and were unable to complete it then please give it another go. Hopefully you shouldn't encounter any issues this time.

    I am now moving on to complete part 3 of the Ambria's Pride series Ambria's Last Stand. I am hoping to complete it soon (within the next week or so if I can find the time...or just don't sleep) so that I can move onto part 4 of the Deianeira series, Memento Mori.

    On another topic, I have had some comments on my missions regarding the timeline. Usually along the lines of "ITS 2409 BUT THE MISSION SAID 2413!!!!". I generally don't pay these comments much attention because there would be no point. If you can't accept that my missions don't adhere to the STO static timeline then...well, I don't know how to end that sentence because I don't care that much. I've said my missions do not and will not be restricted to 2409 (since it makes little sense and if that really is true in the main game then 2409 has been a pretty busy year...also the Captain's Log gives stardates that would suggest that game time has been progressing, just go and check if you don't believe me) and I have given a small timeline for them, that helps to demonstrate when each mission takes place and how they are set relative to one another. I will update this soon to accommodate Ambria's Pride and Deianeira. So there you go. Thank you to the vast majority of people (everyone but about 2 people I believe) who either didn't care or just accepted it. I know I shouldn't bother addressing this over two people, but it's more for me and for future reference.

    I think that's about it for now...I really just wanted to let people know that The Importance of Being Q was back up and that I am actually active again. Also, a quick thank you to greendragoon, I was fairly certain I could use the older threads, but I just wanted to play it safe...also there were issues with the forum changeover when PWE took over (with the first thread anyway) and formatting issues with some of the posts on the second thread that meant I couldn't move or edit them as easily. This thread however will most likely be permanent. I still plan to post as often as possible and at least once every 20 days or so, just in case.

    Okay...that's it!

    Thanks to everyone who checks in every once in a while and who play my missions. I appreciate it very much.

  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Update* - Tuesday, September 17, 2013

    I have been slowly updating the little bit in all my mission descriptions (in the missions themselves) that directs people to this thread, so that it points to the right thread, and that has been taking a surprisingly long time. While doing that I've also been bug fixing, etc. That hasn't taken as long, except for anywhere I used Dominion Ensigns, since apparently they, and only they, have been removed from the Foundry...go figure.

    The rebuild of the Borg maps in The Importance of Being Q has been completed and published (which I think I mentioned in my last update) and I have removed one of the Tholian Ensign encounters in the Colosseum, so now there are only 2 Tholian Ensign groups instead of three. But hopefully now the mission can be completed and enjoyed properly...or at least until the next Foundry or Season update when everything breaks again. My advice: Get to it sooner rather than later.

    Work is progressing (though somewhat slowly) on Ambria's Last Stand, but I hope to have it completed soon. I've been having some issues with allied space groups randomly disappearing...If I can fix it then the rest shouldn't take all that long. If this is another Cryptic bug that is being ignored by the one dev that seems to work on the Foundry then it may take considerably longer. If anyone knows what I'm talking about and has any supplementary information then please let me know.

    I will try and get my next two missions done as quickly as possible in order to complete the Ambria's Pride and Deianeira series' while ensuring that they are of the same quality as the rest of my missions (Cryptic bugs notwithstanding) and then I will be opening it up to players to decide where the focus of my stories goes. So keep an eye out for that.

    Thank you to everyone who has played, commented and tipped, I hope you continue to enjoy my work.

  • wombat140wombat140 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hi - I've been playing "Mind Games" part 1, and enjoying it a lot. However, I'm completely stuck in the section called "The Search". I've tried about half a dozen times now and I just cannot hit all three planet reach markers. Sometimes I get two of them, but then however much I circle up and down the third one refuses to take effect. Not always even the same ones.

    Do you know about this bug? Do you or anyone else happen to know a way past it? It's not a Season 9 thing, it's been happening since before then and I've just tried again and it's still that way.
  • wombat140wombat140 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Just to say that, possibly as an accidental result of some patch or other, those reach markers are now FIXED and just the right size! They still take a little skill to hit but if you pay attention you can do it. Can now confirm that this mission is great - I recommend it to anyone.
  • vexravusvexravus Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    *UPDATE* - Thursday, August 3, 2017

    So, I've been away for a while...

    After quite a long abscence I'm getting back into STO and will hopefully be updating and republishing all my old missions and getting to work on some new ones. Step one is relearning everything I used to know about the Foundry and then learning all the new things that have changed or been added. This may take some time.

    If you've ever played any of my old missions please feel free to comment. Tell me what you liked, what you didn't and what you'd like to see next. If you've never played one of my missions then please keep checking back and give them a go once I've fixed everything.

    Hopefully it won't take me too long to get back into the rhythm of things and start creating great new Trek based content.

    Feel free to comment or message me in game @XerosArmera (though I can't promise I'll be quick to reply), I love chatting to people about Trek and would love to hear what you have to say, just keep it civil and constructive.

This discussion has been closed.