Why not make them purchaseable from the c-store BUT make them single purchases similar to tribbles, NOT account unlocks, say 500 zen each? The CE owners would still have the account wilde unlock, and people who want them on multiple alts will have to pay mass amounts of zen.
Aernt the Enhanced Plasma Manifold off the Obereth and the Enhanced Induction Coils off the B'Rolth similar to the RMC?, granted not a boost to all powers, i think Induction gets 33% to weapons and engines and the plasma gets 50% to shield, engines and aux for 25-30 seconds.
If i'm not mistaken they WERE availible to players, at least until the queue revamp. They were rewarded for completing the original elite optionals on Infected, The Cure and Khitomer space and ground. Since the old elites have gone, so has our ability to earn them
Aye, i had the same problem with the honor guard be'ves costume piece on my kdf. I had to regrind the set in order to to get the costume piece. It gave me a new accolade identical to the old one. I now have two honor guard elite accolades. The guy on DS9 is actually a woman. CMDR Roxy, she's in the old omega force room…
Hi all, as I said I would keep all of you updated on my quest to get the Be'Ves, and I can happily say I have managed to get it :). all I did was get a fresh Honor Guard set from the rep system, didn't even give it to CMDR Roxy. It gave me a new accolade, Honor Guard Elite, I already had a Mk XII set before but I might…
Hi all, just keeping those of you who want the Be'Ves on my progress, i'm about 5 marks and 2 BNP's away from the last piece in the set, i'll run a defera later on in the evening and i'll let everyone know the outcome either way.
Got the armor, when i claimed it, it made the noise what you get for getting something for the first time. Also whilst i'm on the subject of honor guard costumes, i take it there's no chance to get the other costume variants?
Sure will do :). You'd think cryptic would put the version obtained from trading with roxy in the project slots. I'm going to grind over the weekend to ensure i get it done before S10, as they're force-converting everything to the new dynamic item system and i dont want that to affect my chances. At the time of posting…
When you do manage to get them again eventually, trade them in for identical pieces at CMDR Roxy to see wheather it makes a difference. Im probably going to have to get them again and do the same, Unless cryptic add mk 13 or 14 variants to Roxy
Ah, then i take it it was a reward for completing the elite optionals on the STF's? if so, then will advanced tick the optional boxes? EDIT :- Tick the Optional boxes for the Accolade?
no, I have the standard honor guard costume pieces but I learned that there was another upper piece called the be'ves, I'm not sure if it was for completing the optionals or weather it was unlocked as standard. it's similar to B'etor's costume in the tv shows and Generations
I chose episodes but i'd prefer more of a top 3, in which i'd choose in order:- 1. Story Missions (Episodes) I really love the quality of the story missions since the 2800 FE series and I hope we see more of them. they are of excellent quality. 2. Exploration, (Like the OLD Exploration system involving the nebula's)…
I'm afraid there isn't. there's One for ship Purchases, one for Ship Selection, one for Ship Equipment and one for shuttle information. Now granted, the ship equipment vendor does sell minor and major ship components, but every other starbase has a ship repair facility and a medbay. Also, I think that after you complete…
ok Jesus no need need for the attitude. and as for the Game, it is just that, a Game so chill out and relax. they said they're working on it. they're not going to leave us high and dry for long