I got problem with disconect in play, from last day and today. My network is ok, check what I can. I am from Poland. My Brother in law hes similar problem same tame, difirent city. 30 seconds of game and disconect counter shows up. Can't play, can't du any mission. Ther is aproblem with game?
Nicor looks good but I think people spend lots money on kyes, milions of EC on exchange and start crying. It is powerfull ship but delicate, when lots players start dying on STF it will go to hangars like Kumari - lot of firepower but easy too kill. Scimitar stil better.
I think ther is one Remna ship i ST: TNG Unification: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081029030108/memoryalpha/en/images/5/5a/Combat_vessel%2C_Unification_I.jpg Unification plot is around Romulans and this ship (for me) look like Remans ship could look. Fed can't connect it to Romulans, it is powerfull, small, great…
They can be purswade to hunt elseware: on holodeck or on Borg, 8472 ect. That make them worty allays. Hirogen hunting grounds are between Alpha and all fun that is in Delta: Borg, 8472 and Voth. You think that Borg don't assimilte Hirogens? The can be great tactical drones! ;) Maybe Hirgoens need ally? If Sela make…
I dont see problem to include Jem'Hadar ships into Cardassian Military. In time of Dominium War those ships ware produced in Cardasian shipyeards, all plans, schematics should be in Cardassian data banks. If not, Damar rebels shuold steal what they could. JHAS, Escort Carrier and Drednought will look nice in those…
I have that problem and I think it happend only with some ships. Have it only with my KDF character (yes like to hang someone ;-) ) Sometimes happend when I use Fleet Tor'kaht and always when use fleet Ar'kif, it was working ok but when I buy Ar'kala, commander level, to have quad cann it broke and I see hanged reman…
I got him and Its great ship. But it would be nice if some of you show your builds for this ship. :) In: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/ My is on a2b and I don't have idea what to do with all tactical BOFF slots.
Yeap The Breach is The Broken, on normal and elite. No reward, it shows only rescued ships, rest numbers is 0. P.S. New episode with Tuvok isn't broken, it is just a TRIBBLE! 45min flying blind and I can't finde good hole and go on. I drop it. No other mission is so frustrating to do!
In PvE Guramba is most efficient. Now I use: 1xQuad disruptor; 1x Fleet disruptor DHC 3xdmg 1xacc; 1xRomulan Hyper-Plasma Torpedo, 1xOmega Plasma Torpedo (for now torp ar for fun, I feel missing one cannon in front) 3xFleet turets 3xdmg 1xacc (have similar set of cannons and turrets of Polarized Disruptors [acc dmg] -…
Kazons - maybe they will add some Kazon ships (even if in boxes). Imagine that in Delta lost a Klingon Bird Of Pray not a Voyager and they meet Kazons - that would be fun! ;) Chalnots - good idea! P.S. I love old game: Star Trek Birth of Federatnion, when I play klingons I always wanted to have Naussicans and Chalnots in…