Thanks for the tips everyone! I've been trying different variants with what I have. Right now, I can't beat teh Vaadwaur ships, which is really getting annoying.
Cool, I'll give that a try. I promoted him past the Lieutenant rank where the High Yield Torpedo II is (he's a Lt. Com now) but it's still not usable in space for him. Also, what do I have to do to get the training manuals required for the other abilities?
.....and just like that, whatever I did got me to the sector/astrometrics view and I'm heading to the Azure, and it's not asking me to go to Sol anymore.....not sure what I did, but it worked haha!
I've tried double-clicking on sectors, clicking "Warp to Sector Space"...when I do that, it takes me to the Vulcan system, but the popup prompts me to enter the Earth (Sol) system.
I'm supposed to just be able to click on something on the map and warp there, right? After I hit "M" for the sector map, nothing I click on will let me warp there.
Awesome, thanks! The three missions that I have active are "Stranded in Space", "Unlocking the Box", and "Starbase 24". The last mission that I did was the one against the Borg cube.