Maybe I'm just the materialistic one here, but with so many people basically locked out of the game, during an event, it would be nice to help us out over that.
I'm having the same problem as well. Game loads, just black screen. Win 7, Nvidia GTX 1060. I'm seeing a trend here with Win7 and Nvidia cards... Edit: Update, checked my Nvidia drivers and they're current.
Really, a constructive suggestion is, if a uniform type is introduced to game, include a pistol and rifle of that uniform era/style. The weapons are as much a part of the 'uniform' as a comm. badge or rank. Heck, in TNG Yesterdays Enterprise, the phasers were part of the uniform design thus the belts.
The big thing is, the Original Series era (including the movies and JJ-movies) have seen a lot of additions in regards to ground items/uniforms. We've seen pistols and rifles left and right, but there's a huge gap between the time of Star Trek VI and 2409 where we have basically 1 option, the Type III rifle. TNG fans…