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What is the Arc Client?
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thetratz Arc User



  • Wow, they really should notify customers before making purchases then. If I wanted zen, I would've spent $10 on 1000 points instead of $15 for 500. Seriously, what the flying f#ck else is there worth subscribing to gold for? Loyalty rewards? Hahahahahaha *straight face*
  • This totally makes sense. Here's how I see it. Why not make GPL available on the C-Store market, then make useful items available in game for GPL only (black market stuff?)...now here's the kicker, remove the ability to play Dabo with energy credits in exchange for latinum. If you play with EC, then you get EC. You play…
  • If they simply made the planet a backdrop that's enormous and fixed, the problem would be solved with very little resources used. The biggest planet I've seen is the right size for a moon at best...and moons are close enough to planets to be drawn in for a cataclysmic event and are often 1/4 the size of the planet. I'm…
  • Ship interiors weren't originally in the game, either. It can be done. Anything other than "yes" is simply admitting they don't want to do it because it's not important enough to them. Solutions are what good business models run on, not problems. Sure, it would be difficult, but I'm sure they're making enough money to…
  • This is exactly what these forums are for. New members are just as valuable to fleets as fleets are to lonely members. Let the fleets come looking. Quality membership is part of why Reclamation is a little quiet. I've seen 2-3 people on fairly consistently over the last 3 days. This next part may sound crazy but, believe…
  • Well, I may have beat you to it. I just joined "Reclamation" after an engrossing RP encounter with their leader. He tells me things are quiet right now but that's only due to the season. Feel free to look them up (leader his @FinalStand). He prefers full RP engagement on approach. The the is Klingon heavy.
  • I am pretty much looking for what you are. If you find something cool, please let me know :D. @Tratz
  • Have you ever felt the thrill of being a predator in PvP...or been outmatched and forced to succeed in overcoming the foes that are denying you your game? This isn't about "picking" on people. It's about having a purpose for all the fighting. Forgettable score boards don't interest me. Shallow achievements and rewards are…