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theroyalfamily Arc User



  • Just FYI, this also happened to me at the Risa resort. Couldn't interact with any of the consoles (bank, etc), couldn't activate floater, and so on. Could pet my tribble, and could beam out. Showed up for a second when I landed at SFA, but went away quickly. Came back when I returned to Risa.
  • I personally generally like the different ships Cryptic has designed, especially the non-launch ones. There are some misses here and there, but for the most part they are good, but take some getting used to. (The big sin of STO ships is having cliping parts.) The nice thing about Trek is that SIF fields and the like mean…
  • Guess what: 99+% of a general/admiral's duty (or a captain, for that matter) is paperwork and/or meetings. Guess what doffing is: paperwork and meetings. That's right! We all wanted to be admirals, and we get to be with the duty officer system!
  • 1. No new factions. The present factions aren't unique enough, and the storyline doesn't really support anything more (at least as far as canon goes), unless they are going to go with some obscure VOY/TOS Alien of the Week. Picking Red/Blue team doesn't work in present STO. Plus, adding a new faction generally means less…
  • I couldn't really last week, and now I'm filled with anger and frustration. It certainly doesn't help that I hit 50 right when the Cardassian arc starts, and for some reason the missions only reward half the xp, even though they are as long as any of the newer missions.
  • The textures for the deflector and hangar bay of the Orion Marauder Flight Deck Cruiser with the Update skin are missing. Also, that ship uses a generic Starfleet ship with the temporary hp effect for it's hull hp monitor in the UI.
  • The old Romulan arc was the exact same quality and length, and they still redid it, even though it was Fed only. This will affect all players, so it would be more worth it.
  • There are currently three missions that deal with the MU at all, one of which is only at the very end, and only one of which is available to non-Feds. The only thing the MU is even involved with outside of these missions is the MI event, which only the one mission is necessary to introduce them. Heck, they could take out…
  • This whole arc will get cut down to 4-5 episodes (not counting Breen and 2800), so that's what we have to work with. All the straight Dominion stuff ("Rapier", etc) will get cut out. It never made much sense anyways. MU stuff will be a one-off, longer, and probably entirely new, mission. Maybe a chance to introduce…
  • Female orion necks clip with all jacket collars when turning down many of the sliders. Shoulder width, chest depth, and chest size seem to be the culprits. Very annoying for petite characters. Normal Small
  • Nope, Americans are having this problem too. Seems to be random on who gets to stay and who gets kicked.
  • Even the high dps folks would have trouble with that. That's on Normal by the way.
  • Too late for that now OP. STO is with the SAG now, so they have to use union actors, which are more expensive than Random Dev #7. Besides, it's not like throwing more money at DR would have made it better. It's an obvious rush job, and there's only so much time in the world.
  • As I stated in the other thread, pets are probably being treated as NPC's, which makes sense since they pretty much are. This, however, is not allowed, since it helps the players, and if the pets aren't exploding several times a mission then they are helping. Before DR this wasn't a problem, since most people were done…
  • They were treating carrier pets as NPC's the whole time, and only in DR did this become a problem, since even in Normal the NPC's are attrocious. I would hope this means a nerf to the NPC carrier pets too, but I figure it won't. They wouldn't need to nerf player pets if the NPC stats weren't so ridiculous to begin with,…
  • I don't think so. It's been how long since the old mirror invasion existed? I'd bet most people weren't even around back then. Now, doesn't make it any less stupid. People still just skip the intro and go pew and die.
  • I haven't been having fun with DR. Not that I have had unfun either. I haven't even gotten to experience any DR stuff at all yet. I heard from Tribble that the grind was pretty bad for the DR story missions. So, on my newest alt I didn't do very many of the story missions (not bad, because of the long XP weekend), so as to…
  • This is what really rustles my jimmies. I purposely waited on completing the majority of the story missions on my newest alt (made at the beginning of the Bonus XP Weekend month) once I heard from Tribble that there would be gaps between missions, thinking that I could catch up with what was then the best source of XP for…
  • Every player that posts one of these represents x players that haven't even visited the forums.
  • Nope, orientation has nothing to do with it. There are only two ways to do it, and it's been used both ways, and tilted like that too (and the TRIBBLE didn't always tilt it). The swastika is a pretty universal symbol, used all over for different reasons. It was used in pre-Christian Germanic stuff, which is probably why…
  • Also, all enemies were lvl 50 when they should have been 60, like the players.
  • Just an example: I have one alt I'm using right now. This alt (a Klink) was at level 50 at the start of DR, like everyone else. However, I had only done the missions up to the first Specters mission; when DR started I was at "Spin the Wheel". Between then and now I've done the missions from there through "Operation Gamma"…
  • A GOOD player could do ISE in a shuttle. Some players couldn't handle it with a T5 ship. Have you actually pugged anytime in the last year? There are people that can't do 4k dps with tac buffs. Smirk was hardly doing 2k with a T6 ship in one of those pre-DR streams. 6-8k is not going to happen with this player base. Also,…
  • No, Advanced is meant to be done by the people that could do the old Elites. This was said multiple times, even in the patch notes for DR. Normal is meant for people that can't even do that (like sub-50 players). Please get it right.
  • I can confirm this. I posted things on the exchange at far below market rate, just to see if it was just that I couldn't see them, but they have not been selling. I still get some things sold, but never while I'm on. Could it be that things are kept in a sort of "exchange inventory" until you log off, and then they appear…
  • Heh, that Normal sphere has less hp than a lvl 52 (normal) Galor in the missions.
  • This seems to happen if the Tuvok briefing doesn't trigger. The time my team got trapped, there was no Tuvok briefing like normal, but when it worked the next two times the shield went down as expected.
  • The free Klingon Dyson ship (and presumably the rest of them) have weird front torpedo hardpoints. Not only are they all the way back there, but they appear to be inside the ship, thus clipping through the hull. It also appears the torps clip through that triangular bit that comes off the side of the lip.…
  • Just in general most skirts clip with most long jackets. Heck, most everything clips with the long jackets - belts, armor doo-dads, etc.