Funny you mention Spectres! They wanted to do an overhaul pass on that one and the Breen arc to make them fit the overall storyline better and give them a visual update. Turns out they weren't coded the same way to the same standards using in-house practices/processes, they were sort of thrown together. There is no way…
Long ago and far away I had two friends on the inside that worked on the actual technical side of things. They have long since moved on to other things. One now works in a recycling plant turning PET soda-bottle-waste back into useful materials, the other is IT Services at a regional credit union. I myself have a vastly…
What I don't get is why people have a pathological need to unlock literally everything for every character. When I build alts I build them to be unique. Of the 14 alts I switch between each has a couple of ships and a unique build and a set of gear or unlocks that makes them different than the other choices. Never have I…
To be honest "in game chat" in this day and age is largely unneeded. There are third-party programs like Discord and Skype that provide a better experience, that are free and are largely superior. I'd go so far as to shut down Zone Chat as well as shutting down the in-game mail system. It is mostly a joke ANYWAY, it lacks…
Combination of phone-calls and emails to folks outside of the normal customer service "experience." My account was literally banned for buying ZEN through steam. Most amazing cluster**** I've ever experienced. Even more unacceptable was the fact that they can't tell me WHY that was even possible.
Resolved --Anti-gold-selling measures were triggered by a routine Steam transaction, which is utter bull* but that's just part of the whole "working as intended" mantra at Cryptic/PW. One should not be banned from a game for using a CC through Steam to pay for currency in game. That's just... not even remotely funny.…
Left Kael a message and I'm getting in touch with them via email next. The phone number is for billing support and I don't think they can help with this. Thanks for your help so far...!
Part of the reason I love Star Trek is it's fairly easy to fill in the blanks as far as plot holes, story inconsistencies and other gaps. Heavy Spoiler Alert for Picard Episode 1: 1) Mars Burning. Planets are huge. You would not believe just how huge planets are. That's a lot of oxygen... and greenhouse gasses! Mars is…
I'm more confused as to why they chose to run the Jem'Hadar stuff over again. It is flatout boring and kind of cheapens the Dominion and their place in the scheme of things. Especially when we've barely scratched the surface of what the vastly more interesting JJ-Alt-Verse and Discovery-Verse could contribute to the game.…
To me this expansion or season or whatever you want to call it makes little sense. It is literally a Discovery-flavored reboot of AOY with less content. And fewer ships. Literally TWO player ships. The iconic Crossfield is a lottery ship in an out-of-production lockbox. Why are we still getting Swarm lockboxes in a new…
Ok while the production values are astounding, it is basically a reskin of all of the previous content. To the point where I could predict the dialog and story outcome of the tutorial -- because I've run the EXACT SAME CONTENT how many times now? How many? Too many. We know they can create original content they did it…
I played around with it this morning. I fail to understand why it has to be random. Would it kill you to make it possible to build the gear we actually want? Real research and development is not a random-number function. People do not throw a bucket of dice on the table and build a complex system in that manner.…
This will be the best holding ever and the players will love it. Should make up for the fact that I just can't be assed to grind out any more marks or anything these days. I play the feature episodes then skedaddle.
I thought that was more of an Infernal Combustion Engine. Burns the souls of the vanquished and all that. If we want to go all tree-hugging hippy-dippy we can run a story arc where we send the Starfleet Green Shirts to force the Kar'fi to switch to a renewable energy source.... only to have the Green Shirts consumed by an…
So where is the rest of the episode? It seems like "most" of it is missing. I'm hoping against hope that there was a mistake and an incomplete episode was uploaded... I rushed home from my day to play this? I was expecting quite a bit more. This was basically an excuse to sell the Galaxy Class interior wasn't it? As bad as…
Well you asked for it. It's basically a copy-paste with a few words changed here and there. That's IT. All of the campaigns are exactly the same, EXACTLY the same. The wording is slightly different between them but otherwise... what is the goddamn point of adding another campaign that is EXACTLY the same as the other ones.…
Ya know... If the trash mobs actually dropped worthwhile loot, and if vendors actually paid for said loot... I could see the EC cap as being a good thing. But really the only way for a casual player to get those levels of EC is to buy keys and drop them on the exchange. And with the price cap going up so will prices. That…
While I am reminded that Star Trek has taken political stances in the past they have done so with considerably more grace and originality than this episode did. It was a valiant attempt to shrug off the shallow storytelling and war-stories of seasons past... but it failed in execution. There was no subtly nor was there an…
At least it's fixed. Thank you! Can you share some insight on what went wrong and what needed to be adjusted/repaired/reworked? Maybe even *sunglasses on* enlighten us? *CSI SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAMMMM*