That's because they fix the WRONG bugs. If important items got fixed, we'd probably complain less. But just a little less mind you... 7am to 9am PST. But they started 5 minutes late.
I've seen alot of threads saying the lag occurs when everything passes THROUGH Boston. I live in New York, which is a hop, skip and a jump away and get really laggy all the time.
I'm not in to big of a hurry at this point because I have to grind Argala a dozen times or so so I can get to level 54, do one ground mission. then go back to Argala again. Rinse and repeat...
Give them a few. They have to figure out what they initially broke when they patched so we can get in and find out what they REALLY broke with the patch...
The Romulans are at the point where the KDF was before Stahl came back. TRIBBLE content, TRIBBLE ships, TRIBBLE weapons ((Well, except for their torpedo launchers.)) Their the new red-headed stepchild of STO.
I always wondered why their so anal about the amount of dilithium you can grind in the game. No matter how much you put together, your still gated at 8k a day (9 if your Feds) so it makes no sense whatsoever for them to TRIBBLE us over the rest of the way...:P Anyone with half a brain can make their 8k in a little over an…
Drozana is falling apart and any decent club DJ will have enough bass pumping that would cause some major structural failures. And we all know how Ferengi are about their safety systems such as structural integrity fields. One moment dancing your heart out, the next having your heart ripped out by the vacuum of space. And…
This is exactly correct, and has been done by Cryptic before. By the time their done 'tuning' the HP problem, people will be so happy they can STF again that most will simply go back to the herd mentality and let the dilithium reductions go. STO is gated in so many ways. I can't even imagine how a brand new player must see…
Why not? Feds have whined and cried until KDF doesn't really have anything that's unique to them anymore. Why not take it all? The KDF is, and will always be the Feds whipping boy in this game. As much as Stahl says he wants balance, they can't do that because the 90% of people who play Fed will ***** and moan its to hard…
Federation has 80% of the material/content in the game, stop whining... Lets just take away everything but Federation content. That way we can just circle around the map doing absolutely nothing. It would solve The Grind anyways...
All the canned questions have been answered before this. Have to wait for the great unveiling for the next can to be opened. New and intelligent questions are not encouraged. Besides, most of them would be about bug fixes..XD
Their banning Origin accounts for people asking for refunds as well. EA, the killer of all games good.
It comes down to laziness. Most puggers are lazy, could care less and let other people do the work for them. Why bother repairing when they don't care about the optional anyways. I don't care if its a sickbay or torpedo launchers you don't have. The damage is taken as a whole against your ship, not single station specific.…