You can right-click on them and then there is a entry I think "Use" that will bring up an interface where you can "buy" new crafting stuff in exchange for the old traces etc.
Or they could just make reputation stuff account (+ faction) bound and you'll still have to grind/earn your passives. (but maybe its a bad idea most people want the passives and not the rep stuff cause of fleet stuff,idk)
at least all of u get a failure message, after I click on login in the launcher nothing happens,as if I never clicked..if I missspell my name or dont write my password it tells me though. Even run that steam game file control thing and it downloaded 4 Gigs in about 5 hours, and does it help? Nope..(sry kinda reads more…
At least for the medical support, I can confirm it works for me (pre LoR haven't played that much ground since then), or my boffs (they tend to use more hypos than me).. have the Medic run around frequently although not always seeing it under my bunch of security escorts and my mirror universe pals.