My one thing is experience points. I have 14 characters but because of how little xp we get and how long it takes to get it I am forced to focus on my main. I never used to regret having lockbox ships on alts but now i wish I had given them all to my one main.
He'd come back if he could work remotely. Apparently they wouldn't let him do that so he left. When I see him ingame I'll let him know about this thread, though I already told him we miss him here.
I upgraded most of my fleet ships as i got upgrade tokens and so far the 2 stand outs for me were my fleet galaxy dread and my Charal. My Gal X can weather anything and my Charal has been melting mobs down. So I would personally upgrade the Charal :)
I don't usually post anything here as I am either playing or stopping in to read patch notes but this situation has spilled over into my fleet. After reading through everything that happened as well as talking to people I know that were affected by this I have to say that this was mishandled. What should have happened was…