Assuming these people would have the slightest idea, what the exploit was ... otherwise you're one of these people sittin in a sitcom audience, laughing every time someone tells you to ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
I don't usually post anything here as I am either playing or stopping in to read patch notes but this situation has spilled over into my fleet. After reading through everything that happened as well as talking to people I know that were affected by this I have to say that this was mishandled. What should have happened was the addressing of the issue as was done but not the seemingly random way of "punishing" players and engendering such negative feelings from the customer base. A better way would have been to adjust the xp to what the devs consider the correct levels and inform everyone of the mistake. Taking things away like they did while playing the game as it has been played for years is not the way to retain your playerbase.
I felt the pain of trying to level enough to continue the storylines in the Delta Quadrant as my main has done everything else in the game. I can see why players felt the need to use the most efficient and quick way to level as found in the game and they did so. I also think the shock coming from the double xp month to the huge hit to xp of the new expansion led to a panic. My point is that this feels like a kneejerk reaction that did not receive the proper consideration it required and now is in danger of alienating the people that pay to play the game.
Now, on to a lesser gripe I have about DR content. Why were the Exploration clusters removed again? To keep players from being lost, to keep the download size of the game down, to keep players from easily collecting crafting materials? Oh, right, because the random mission generator wasn't making missions "worthy of later content." This is the reason I'm going with here.
So, now we come to DR and about a quarter of the new content are non-random Exploration type missions that are no better than the random stuff we got formerly from the Exploration clusters. If anything, the old Exploration clusters mixed things up a bit with both space AND ground missions, along with non-combat missions. Granted, they were boring and stale, but guess what, so are these DR patrol missions! And there are no ground missions in the DR patrols, at least not that I've seen so far.
Between gutting queue rewards, making content more tedious by raising NPC HP's to obscene levels and nerfing XP, go figure folks aren't happy. I'm one of the unhappy masses, but, I'm here for a while longer since I have so much invested in the game already. I just hope there are some positive changes coming soon.
Yep, I gave them $10 for a large XP boost that ran out at level 53, and I quickly noticed the "story" I was willing to PAY to get to play sooner, was not really story at all.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Considering that previously a story mission would almost give you one level, I don't see how the average player could have known that the Tau Dewa stuff was totally out of hand. I went there out of frustration since I couldn't continue the amazing new expansion that has totally more content than LoR and I certainly never paid attention to xp gains through kills (and I never played Elite before, except the old Elite queue stuff.
Though I must say that I never played any further than level 60. I have exactly one character that has a spec point beyond 60 and that was from playing the rest of Delta Rising, which wasn't very much.
Wanting to make leveling above level 50 slower is not the problem. The problem is that Cryptic forgot to make content to do so. Repetition is the death of fun. It's one thing to play Infected till you loose the will to live. But expanding this glorious grind to leveling is horrible.
The things I find funny about all of this are that Cryptic was told about the potential for this while DR was still in testing on Tribble. They ignored it. Players saw that there were no changes made to the potential exploit and figured it was working as intended.
Fast forward to the release of DR and there it is, the 'exploit' is still there, no changes made. So players that knew about it and saw there was no change decided that all is well and took advantage of the situation. They probably even went as far as to tell others, likely friends and fleet-mates, about it. News like this spreads like wildfire so where there were maybe a few dozen who knew in testing, several hundred, if not thousands, knew now that it was live.
Fast forward another week and NOW Cryptic senses something is going on. A week after launch and they are just NOW catching on? After players had told them about this weeks, perhaps months ago in testing?
And this whole thing wouldn't be as big as it turned out to be, if Cryptic had simply seen what they wanted and what they had and adjusted things accordingly.
And by that I mean this...
Cryptic decided to raise the level cap, lvl 50-60. Fine, sounds good. They go about creating content to allow people to level from 50-60. Again, fine. Then they go and nerf XP gain, making it impossible to level from 50-60 with JUST the new content. Hold on, that makes no sense. They must want players to do other things for the XP the player needs to get from 50-60.
And *THIS* right here is why people took advantage of the system. The XP curve from 50-60 is crazy.
Should it take longer than lvl 1-50? Perhaps it should. Should it take as long, and need as much filler as it does to reach that goal? in my opinion, I say no, it shouldn't.
I decided my first alt to go thru the DR content was going to finish out the older content first. I started with Rapier, which was the next mission for me to do, since I stopped doing regular missions once I'd hit 50. By the time I'd gotten finished with the Breen arc, I'd done 24 missions and gotten to... lvl 54.
Now, I headed to the DQ and started running the missions there. I just finished The Dragon's Deceit" mission last night and I'm level 56. 12 missions in the DQ and only 2 levels. Oh yeah, I'm going to be grinding XP someplace else it would seem. Oh, and on top of the 36 missions I've run post lvl 50, I've done hundreds of DOff missions, a few dozen queues and even some Red Alerts along the way.
Do I blame the people who exploited the game? Truthfully, no, I don't. Should they have known that going into "overkill mode" would likely have some repercussions? They absolutely should have. But in their defense, Cryptic knew for weeks if not months about this and CHOSE not to do anything until it apparently reached a tipping point. By then, well, welcome to Titanic 2.0.
Now, on to a lesser gripe I have about DR content. Why were the Exploration clusters removed again? To keep players from being lost, to keep the download size of the game down, to keep players from easily collecting crafting materials? Oh, right, because the random mission generator wasn't making missions "worthy of later content." This is the reason I'm going with here.
So, now we come to DR and about a quarter of the new content are non-random Exploration type missions that are no better than the random stuff we got formerly from the Exploration clusters. If anything, the old Exploration clusters mixed things up a bit with both space AND ground missions, along with non-combat missions. Granted, they were boring and stale, but guess what, so are these DR patrol missions! And there are no ground missions in the DR patrols, at least not that I've seen so far.
Between gutting queue rewards, making content more tedious by raising NPC HP's to obscene levels and nerfing XP, go figure folks aren't happy. I'm one of the unhappy masses, but, I'm here for a while longer since I have so much invested in the game already. I just hope there are some positive changes coming soon.
Yep, I gave them $10 for a large XP boost that ran out at level 53, and I quickly noticed the "story" I was willing to PAY to get to play sooner, was not really story at all.
Why, oh why ? 10 bucks for measly 10k xp ? Not even that, just a slightly increased earning speed. So after grinding 50k xp, you instead have 60k, yay ? Those TRIBBLE boosters are way overprized. :eek::o
Well, at least he isn't calling them cheaters. Its perfectly OK to close a loophole that allowed undue profits, but you can't accuse the people using the perfectly legal loophole of being cheaters. So it is nice he softened the accusatory language we often see in such cases.
"In the Delta Quadrant, we have increased the amount of skillpoints people get from kills, in order to make up for systems like [Mastery]."
So, first, by design, you give me 1,200 XP for a Vaadwaur in the Delta Quadrant, on Elite. And then, when I get about the same at DS9, also on Elite, I'm suddenly an exploiter!?
"In the Delta Quadrant, we have increased the amount of skillpoints people get from kills, in order to make up for systems like [Mastery]."
So, first, by design, you give me 1,200 XP for a Vaadwaur in the Delta Quadrant, on Elite. And then, when I get about the same at DS9, also on Elite, I'm suddenly an exploiter!?
Well, at least he isn't calling them cheaters. Its perfectly OK to close a loophole that allowed undue profits, but you can't accuse the people using the perfectly legal loophole of being cheaters. So it is nice he softened the accusatory language we often see in such cases.
People were able to level chars from 1-50 for years now in 1 to 3 day's. Now all of the sudden it's an issue and people get named and shamed by calling them exploiters.
The SP earned while playing on elite level was higher but also the ships required much more hitpoints to get destroyed. And it's logical that High Dps groups clear area's faster. i have also played in low dps groups, clearing an area on Elite then took long. So many people assumed this was implemented as per design (same was also deployed on tribble and players gave feedback about the same over a month ago). Also how should players guess how long leveling 60 more levels should actualy take, I was not aware Crytic wanted me to level from now on for month and month to reach maximum.
Also Crypic states that only a very small group leveled faster then they expected. If it was such a small group, why tampering with their toons and strip specialization points. If it was only a fraction of the player base, then they just could have let it be and solve this in a proper way instead of blaming players for developers failures. Fact is that cryptic can not PROVE how many players actualy had huge advantages. Only thing I know that lots more then 300 players are complaining now about lost specialization point on chat and fora.
Yeah. Seriously. It would now appear the devs have first mislead the community (maybe not on purpose, but that's nonetheles what happened), by increasing the skillpoint gain in the Delta Quadrant (and telling us about it!). And then they slam us for it, because, OMG, we weren't aware that the XP loot tables in others systems were supposed to pay out as much. That's really almost malicious.
Honestly, it's time the devs started taking some personal responsibility for this. Any outsider can clearly see this is not the players' fault.
And Elite paying out more than Normal?! I thought it has always been like that! And why not?! You get higher rewards on Elite STFs too. The playersbase has been ENTIRELY REASONABLE, and of good faith, assuming Elite would pay out more. Moreover, had I ever realized Elites would pay the same XP as normals, I would probably have filed a bug report, as Elites are considerably harder!
Without PVP this whould be no problem at all so solution is to take PVP out of this Game.
I can be just as stupid....
Remove PVE, that's clearly the problem. It's why this cluster**** problem happened in the first place. if it wasn't for PVE none of this would have ever happened. :rolleyes:
@ Askray. it's called a god damn joke. so don't warn me again for joking on these forums, get a sense of humor. I'll post this every time I joke so you will know.
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
And make a good Exploration part because we Star Trek Cpts want to be Explorers again.
On tonight's exciting episode, while exploring the Murky Way there's a clogged toilet on deck 3. Are Starfleet's finest engineers up to the challenge?
Tune in next week, as we join our heroes exploring the Doldrums Expanse. While mapping out the area, Ensign Gogh daydreams about what his life would have been like if he went to the Art Institute instead of Starfleet Academy.
Don't forget to tune in for next week's amazing season finale, as the Captain has to deal with a potential breach of the Prime Directive while exploring a Class-M planet. Ensign Gordo leaves a bag of chocolate on a planet where the native species have perfect dental hygiene. Will the crew be able to find the chocolate before the children do?
Yeah, um...I've never really understood folks making Star Trek out to be about exploration. Exploration's been a backdrop for all the adventure/action stories that took place...not the primary driving story line.
300 is a very small number from the hundreds of thousands of characters playing.
I call BS. At one time there is NEVER that amount. We *might* have that many 'toons generated collectively by all the registered players from all time, but otherwise no.
I call BS. At one time there is NEVER that amount. We *might* have that many 'toons generated collectively by all the registered players from all time, but otherwise no.
Shenanigans, I say!!!
You've never looked at an Instance list, have you?
so far I have been enjoying the DR expansion tremendously, I have done the first 2 missions on my fed, the 2nd patrol mission was awesome and took me 3 days to complete, I aim to do these missions on my Klingon over the next 3-4 evenings I will do them on my rom maybe next weekend, its so refreshing having content that takes a good amount of time to work through rather then blazing through it in a couple of days.
at this rate I guess it will take a good few months for me to work through all of the story on my 3 characters, now that's what I call good content, I have enjoyed all of the story from the introduction of new rom and you have really excelled yourselves with this offering, you have given us something very special.
don't be surprised if I take a break from normal play when the winter event is live, I do enjoy both summer and winter events and tend to stay there make the most of them while I can and all else is forgotten.
by the way thanks for the lobi and the dilithium weekend, the extra dil is a great help and should come in dead handy for upgrading weapons.
don't get downhearted about the gripes, we all have a bit of a whinge from time to time, I hope everyone realises that sto still has loads to offer dispite everything that has passed.
keep on trekking.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
A mod closing a thread made by the CEO, yeah, that should go over real well!
Yeah, Stephen really needs this picture as his sig, with that line This far, NO FURTHER! lol The players who DIDNT exploit would find it funny
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Anybody getting the Winter Soldier vibe out of that one ? :eek:
Assuming these people would have the slightest idea, what the exploit was ... otherwise you're one of these people sittin in a sitcom audience, laughing every time someone tells you to ...
I felt the pain of trying to level enough to continue the storylines in the Delta Quadrant as my main has done everything else in the game. I can see why players felt the need to use the most efficient and quick way to level as found in the game and they did so. I also think the shock coming from the double xp month to the huge hit to xp of the new expansion led to a panic. My point is that this feels like a kneejerk reaction that did not receive the proper consideration it required and now is in danger of alienating the people that pay to play the game.
That done, I will return to my quiet lurking.
Yep, I gave them $10 for a large XP boost that ran out at level 53, and I quickly noticed the "story" I was willing to PAY to get to play sooner, was not really story at all.
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Considering that previously a story mission would almost give you one level, I don't see how the average player could have known that the Tau Dewa stuff was totally out of hand. I went there out of frustration since I couldn't continue the amazing new expansion that has totally more content than LoR and I certainly never paid attention to xp gains through kills (and I never played Elite before, except the old Elite queue stuff.
Though I must say that I never played any further than level 60. I have exactly one character that has a spec point beyond 60 and that was from playing the rest of Delta Rising, which wasn't very much.
Wanting to make leveling above level 50 slower is not the problem. The problem is that Cryptic forgot to make content to do so. Repetition is the death of fun. It's one thing to play Infected till you loose the will to live. But expanding this glorious grind to leveling is horrible.
What he said
Why, oh why ? 10 bucks for measly 10k xp ? Not even that, just a slightly increased earning speed. So after grinding 50k xp, you instead have 60k, yay ? Those TRIBBLE boosters are way overprized. :eek::o
in the first minute and a half to 2 minutes.
"In the Delta Quadrant, we have increased the amount of skillpoints people get from kills, in order to make up for systems like [Mastery]."
So, first, by design, you give me 1,200 XP for a Vaadwaur in the Delta Quadrant, on Elite. And then, when I get about the same at DS9, also on Elite, I'm suddenly an exploiter!?
bahahhahahhahahha i know really lol
system Lord Baal is dead
That's what "exploit" means.
People were able to level chars from 1-50 for years now in 1 to 3 day's. Now all of the sudden it's an issue and people get named and shamed by calling them exploiters.
The SP earned while playing on elite level was higher but also the ships required much more hitpoints to get destroyed. And it's logical that High Dps groups clear area's faster. i have also played in low dps groups, clearing an area on Elite then took long. So many people assumed this was implemented as per design (same was also deployed on tribble and players gave feedback about the same over a month ago). Also how should players guess how long leveling 60 more levels should actualy take, I was not aware Crytic wanted me to level from now on for month and month to reach maximum.
Also Crypic states that only a very small group leveled faster then they expected. If it was such a small group, why tampering with their toons and strip specialization points. If it was only a fraction of the player base, then they just could have let it be and solve this in a proper way instead of blaming players for developers failures. Fact is that cryptic can not PROVE how many players actualy had huge advantages. Only thing I know that lots more then 300 players are complaining now about lost specialization point on chat and fora.
The functionality needed to send tickets to the support section, is no longer maintained. Now I have to contact tech support instead...
Yeah. Seriously. It would now appear the devs have first mislead the community (maybe not on purpose, but that's nonetheles what happened), by increasing the skillpoint gain in the Delta Quadrant (and telling us about it!). And then they slam us for it, because, OMG, we weren't aware that the XP loot tables in others systems were supposed to pay out as much. That's really almost malicious.
Honestly, it's time the devs started taking some personal responsibility for this. Any outsider can clearly see this is not the players' fault.
And Elite paying out more than Normal?! I thought it has always been like that! And why not?! You get higher rewards on Elite STFs too. The playersbase has been ENTIRELY REASONABLE, and of good faith, assuming Elite would pay out more. Moreover, had I ever realized Elites would pay the same XP as normals, I would probably have filed a bug report, as Elites are considerably harder!
And make a good Exploration part because we Star Trek Cpts want to be Explorers again.
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
Because PvP is a scapegoat.
Something's wrong with the game, and it's not an exploit? PvP's fault.
I can be just as stupid....
Remove PVE, that's clearly the problem. It's why this cluster**** problem happened in the first place. if it wasn't for PVE none of this would have ever happened. :rolleyes:
@ Askray. it's called a god damn joke. so don't warn me again for joking on these forums, get a sense of humor. I'll post this every time I joke so you will know.
On tonight's exciting episode, while exploring the Murky Way there's a clogged toilet on deck 3. Are Starfleet's finest engineers up to the challenge?
Tune in next week, as we join our heroes exploring the Doldrums Expanse. While mapping out the area, Ensign Gogh daydreams about what his life would have been like if he went to the Art Institute instead of Starfleet Academy.
Don't forget to tune in for next week's amazing season finale, as the Captain has to deal with a potential breach of the Prime Directive while exploring a Class-M planet. Ensign Gordo leaves a bag of chocolate on a planet where the native species have perfect dental hygiene. Will the crew be able to find the chocolate before the children do?
Yeah, um...I've never really understood folks making Star Trek out to be about exploration. Exploration's been a backdrop for all the adventure/action stories that took place...not the primary driving story line.
Shenanigans, I say!!!
You've never looked at an Instance list, have you?
system Lord Baal is dead
at this rate I guess it will take a good few months for me to work through all of the story on my 3 characters, now that's what I call good content, I have enjoyed all of the story from the introduction of new rom and you have really excelled yourselves with this offering, you have given us something very special.
don't be surprised if I take a break from normal play when the winter event is live, I do enjoy both summer and winter events and tend to stay there make the most of them while I can and all else is forgotten.
by the way thanks for the lobi and the dilithium weekend, the extra dil is a great help and should come in dead handy for upgrading weapons.
don't get downhearted about the gripes, we all have a bit of a whinge from time to time, I hope everyone realises that sto still has loads to offer dispite everything that has passed.
keep on trekking.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.