100%, having the hardest to get/most expensive ships in the game, be stuck on one character only just isn't fun. Even through some miracle or ridiculous amounts of work/real world money if you manage to get the ship you want it's still pyrrhic as now you've choose toons and regret the others missing it.
lockbox ships should really be account unlocks, or price caps, drop ratios rearrangement and other measures should be undertaken to combat hyperinflation and remove the scarcity around ship prices, recommended prices haven't been true for a long time. It really becomes a wall for new players
I always felt one of the worst things about ENT was how United Earth just has Star Trek ships. Before then I always imagined the Starfleet ship was the combination of the best design elements from all the cultures and worlds in Starfleet, then ENT came along to go nope, Humans are just best at designing ships, Federation…
I assume if you lived there, enough factories closed and enough shops died from big stores moving in to write two songs about it even if it doesn't compare to elsewhere? What we need from Star Trek is a list of rivers on Tellarus and etc, as naming after rivers seems a popular way in the canon for ship names so having a…
I kinda wish some consoles effects could be disabled for TFOs, but left in for single player. or maybe only show up for the player using them wish something simplier for everyone else. Some good consoles, cause too much trouble in TFOs, like the plasma storm, genesis, beacon of k, etc they'd be useful to have others in…
it's about grief and homesickness and regret? Thrice All American from the some album however, is all about Tacoma, but it's not as good a song though More empty buildings and closed down factories than dealerships, it's from the 90s though so maybe they hadn't opened yet.
Yeah, you get it as the prize, to playing the remastered content Everyone with the transponder, played those missions DISCO is also the newest faction and Strange New Worlds isn't even out yet and who knows what changes it's going to bring to that era
Didn't it come with some remastered TOS missions and it was a way to get people to play them? A DISCO recruit will probs come whenever they do an update to the DISCO prologue, probs to incorporate SNW's stuff
South Tacoma Way is a good song I have naming methods for each of my toons One is Romulan words for the rom dictionary (The romulan) One is Andorian placenames and mythological figures from memory beta (My main) One is famous boats from my country (My first character) and the last, the stars of the Pleiades' names from…
Now we've had a klingon year, I'm hoping next year will be another Romulan storyline and they can Romulan recruitment with that. A DISCO one would be great if it brought in more species, but I'm guessing they'll wait till Strange New Worlds has intro'ed new ships and costumes before adding more DISCO stuff cos it's same…
I think the protostar should be a Z store or otherwise easily available ship, not a lock box, because it's a children's show and younger players will come to STO to fly it if they can, so locking it out for them behind lockbox keys and the exchange wouldn't be a good move. The bad guys ships from Prodigy would be better…
The bridges I love, are locked to specific ships so can't use them on other ships. It'd be great if once you got a ship it unlocked the bridge for all your ships. If the Connie insides can fit in anything so can the rest. It'd be great to have boarding/incursion patrols, even if it was one set for each bridge and the…
Was meaning as it's pertinent to the conversation. If they don't then they need to be upgradable, if they do then there is a way to fly them T6 so less a worry, then it's just about consoles and stations.
DISCO's reunification, is alot different (and to me alot better) than Spock's. His movement was shown as assimilation/missionary, bringing vulcan believes and behaviour to romulans, making romulans vulcans, this is the road STO has taken with the republic too but more making Romulan's human. DISCO has Vulcan and Romulan…
I'm not sure it's that special? like it's a big deal for Starfleet, but isn't it the same as how Romulan ships are powered by a Singularity? I'd guess Protostar would work in STO, by using Rom Warbird style build for parts, with a pilot ships style boost console and a Crossfield like unique warp animation
DISCO is wholly the optimism and hope for the future, half the hate it's gotten is for resolving problems through Star Trek hope and diplomacy not star wars pew pew. Disco is doing the bright future through, here's how Star Trek brightness can bring back the light to dark places, it's not erasing it it's committing to that…
If you actually watch the show, it makes perfect sense. Politics change, the federation is about it's ideals, infinite diversity and cooperation. Not one planet or species. Earth withdrawing from the UFP makes 100% sense, it's not really what happened in DISCO, that's more the federation for all intents and purposes…