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What is the Arc Client?
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stainer2u Arc User



  • Ive Noticed when the DC happens in PVE's, you can not continue where you left off at. You login fast and your back in the pve fast.. Yet it gives you a 5 second timer then boots you. Dang i remmber them days after delta came out :(.
  • What's going on here is in 48 more hours im done with this game if I can't play it. No one from the STO company has given out any info and I don't suspect they will. login and about 1-3 server links befor them are dead or hardly working.
  • The reason your having issues with downloading anything with this company is, because there main servers cant be reached. when you do reach them its a false positive. This means once in side the game you can not move from the map your own. doing so will cause you to time out/ server not responding. In 6hrs this issue will…
  • I can't say im over heating either... I don't allow any of my gpu's or cpu's to exceed there normal speeds to casuse heat problems.. I'm running a simple AMD FX9120 4.0ghz 8-core ATI HD 7400+ 2gig card Crazy part is my manual for the computer claims I can over clock the video card by 500ghz and I can over clock the cpu by…
  • It's going on 13hrs and still every time I try to move between maps= server not responding. What comes next is my favorite ordeal= Server has timed out. Posting the traces is pointless, all online games never ever respond to anything that could be considered lag or connection issue. the only response you will recive is…