Are they working on it though? According to 'jaguarskx' he said "Actually, it existed long before April 2016. I reported the problem sometime back in early 2015." Now i get that its low priority but come on, over a year!! Pleeease!!
Just have to wait and see what they say next week...... I bet it's something like this... "Known Issues: The Assignments to recruit Romulan Bridge officers do not appear".
Fine its a known issue, rubbing our faces in it every single week and saying "yep bugs still here" isnt acceptable. This is me chilled, you should see me when i've really got a pis@%y on!! lol
Only if its 'choc chip', and its all well and good saying 'chill' but seeing the same issue posted month after month without any feedback or even a 'we're looking into it' isnt good!!
Here's a thought, instead of always putting this 'The Assignments to recruit Romulan Bridge officers do not appear' on your patch notes why don't you actually fix it!!!
Hmmm, problem i have with this is will there be 'Duping' problems etc? I play Diablo 3 on PC, my friends also play it on their consoles and they say that item duplicating has become a real problem in the game, obviously they are seperate shards but if STO becomes one universe for all computer formats then it may become an…
Ah thank you, thought there was another staff i was missing. So just going to wait now for a lobi discount and another upgrade weekend. Then buy 4 x lobi staffs. :) Thanks for all the help guys.
Yeah and at 200 lobi per armour it can get expensive, think i'll stick to 2 set Omega with the lobi staff for my boffs. What is the difference between the Advanced staff and the lobi staff? Havent really looked into it. o7
Brilliant, i agree that the lobi Herald armour/staff and the wrist lance are some of the best items around. Although all my boffs have epic Omega full sets i'm still debating getting each of them the herald staff..... but its 200 lobi for all 4 of them.... Sigh!! But its only money eh!! lol
Sigh, may have to bit the bullet and get a lobi staff for each boff, would cost 200 lobi plus upgrade costs. Think I choose the best set out of them all, the Omega set is a beast and my boffs tear through ground now. What's the two piece iconian like then? never really thought about that set. o7
Well just did the 'Khitomer stasis' ground and got the accolade along with the borg bridge officer so that went well, he does look the First time I've run it so apologies to the guys that where there with me. o7
Sorry I may have asked the question wrong, I didn't mean could my Main toon wear the costume...... I meant does the "liberated borg romulan science officer" herself come with a borg skin or has she just normal costumes? In other words like the zen store one which does have a borg costume. cheers
So i got the Omega shield on my main, however what shield would you choose... Although i have the Omega i was considering the new Na'khul one. So which do you regard as better? o7
I did all three sets items x 4 at epic (because i'm 'ocd' like that)... I dont have a lot of experiance in ground so i've just kept the 3 item set bonus. Against the borg it probably shines but if i had the choice i would probably mix and match the weapons... as has been mentioned previously the lobi herald staff rocks and…
not sure if i can justify the herald staff on all my boffs, although it would be cool the 200 lobi cost may be a little bit too expensive. But as with all things i may change my mind, not going to do any upgrades now until the next UG weekend. However the tips from this discussion have been very helpfull, from upgrading to…
Well replayed a few episodes (Night of the comet to get the Fed Rifle/phaser etc), loved tearing through everyone in 5 mins flat... Omega sets on my Boffs was definitely the way ahead lol, got to love the herald staff on my main as well Haven't laughed so much for ages. o7
I've run out of Dill and EC now... so here's how I ended up... Main Rom Tac now with: Lobi Herald Heavy Combat armor (epic) Lobi Herald staff (epic) Omega Shield (epic) All 4 Boffs now have the full Omega set each, all at epic. Good idea about all boffs with the Herald staff but I think I've spent enough :wink: Had some…
So for my main... thinking now... Lobi Herald Heavy Combat armor (not bought yet) Lobi Herald staff (already epic) Na'kuhl Shield (for the distortion) got shield/weapon/AP herald kit as well
Lol, Already bought the herald staff and the wrist lance from the lobi store and both upgraded to epic.... your right the staff is awsome. Was originally thinking of a 2 piece omega with the staff but may go a 2 piece na'kuhl. tbh havent looked into the iconian armour but may change my mind :) thanks for all the…
Yep... Ship sale!! (theres goes your money) :) I'm concentrating on my main character atm, afraid the only armour i have on my other 8 alt characters is the episode rewards (na'kuhl now, was jem hadar). However i have all my reps at level 5 on my main so i have all the ship & ground set items... I will be upgrading all the…
So, got one Omega set to epic and started on another.... thinking of having 2x Omega, 2x Adapted maco on my boffs with a 2 piece Na'kuhl for my Tac Rom... Thoughts?