So guys I have completed all story arcs and have all the episode ground sets as well as all the reputation ground sets (terran, iconian etc).... so which set would you upgrade to epic this weekend and why please?
I'm undecided but I want to upgrade one for my captain (Rom Tac), and also for my boffs.
'Shan Tar'
Reason is we have much less power creep on ground than we have in space. I think the DPS-width is 2k DPS there while in space it’s more like 257K.
Ground DPSer favor stuff like Advanced Fleet Armors, Undine 2 pice (gun and shiled) or the omega armor. Reason is the higher crit chances/severity you get with that.
Personaly I favor my good old maco set. The one I got 4 years ago. Has a nice shield recharger I use all the time when I find myself in a bad pug.
In short upgrade what you like, there are no bad choices among the stuff you listed. The Iconian one feels like a solid all-rounder there.
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For tac on the ground omega is an absolute beast. If you have to choose then Omega is your best bet.
I agree.
Omega is always my 'go to' for Tactical Captains.
I'm also quite fond of the Terran Ground set and I really like the costume unlock for it. I run that on my 2 Engineers and have been quite happy with it.
Omega is awesome though, it's tried and true and still the king after all these years.
Sounds good to me. Also salute for upgrading the gear of your boffs. In the latest FE I was under the impression that such a thing begins to pay out.
Since I have 9 toons I care about I focused only on the ground sets of the actual characters but therefore tried to bring them up to epic which feels also roughly at 50% of the involved costs at the moment. Outcome was:
Toon 1: Epic advanced fleet armor, undine shield & gun
Toon 2: Epic iconian Armor & shield
Toon 3: Epic omega Armor & shield
Toon 4: Epic delta armor, shield & gun
Toon 5: Epic terran armor & shield
Toon 6: Epic maco armor & shield
Most of the stuff was already at UR but since I don’t have anything better to do at the moment I managed to successfully hinder another 1,3 million dil from ever entering the marked.
Wait!! Don’t tell me we have a ship sale again in coincident with an upgrade weekend?
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Other than that I will have to agree with everyone else. If you are looking to get a full complement of reputation gear for a full ground team then the Omega set is tried and true. It's one of the very best offensive (its inherent team buff) and also defensive (because if its inherent dodge) sets out there. Its only flaw is the auto carbine rifle which has a short range and a cone AOE, which is the achilles' heel for any BOFF because they are not smart enough to make the best use of the AOE. The shorter range also forces them to run up to their targets.
I'm concentrating on my main character atm, afraid the only armour i have on my other 8 alt characters is the episode rewards (na'kuhl now, was jem hadar).
However i have all my reps at level 5 on my main so i have all the ship & ground set items... I will be upgrading all the ground sets at some stage however just going to concentrate on my ground team for the moment.
My ship is already all at epic with full iconian set etc.
Was originally thinking of a 2 piece omega with the staff but may go a 2 piece na'kuhl.
tbh havent looked into the iconian armour but may change my mind
thanks for all the suggestions guys, may get expensive though lol
Anyway the wrist lance was going to be my second recommendation, but you beat me to that, too. I'm curious about the Na'kuhl lobi sword though. Has anyone tried it out, and is it worth upgrading?
Lobi Herald Heavy Combat armor (not bought yet)
Lobi Herald staff (already epic)
Na'kuhl Shield (for the distortion)
got shield/weapon/AP herald kit as well
The Lobi Jemhadar Wide-Area Minigun a strong contender but it requires more careful positioning. Both of these weapons are superb for BOFFs because they do AOE damage on primary fire.
Shield wise you could go with anything you like. The Nakuhl shield seems cool for its distortion but I think the Omega shield is better for its dodge % chance. But I do admit I will have to look into the Nakuhl shield a bit more because I haven't tried a full BOFF team with it.
Main Rom Tac now with:
Lobi Herald Heavy Combat armor (epic)
Lobi Herald staff (epic)
Omega Shield (epic)
All 4 Boffs now have the full Omega set each, all at epic.
Good idea about all boffs with the Herald staff but I think I've spent enough
Had some spare EC/Dill left over so I upgraded all my episode reward Jem hadar set to epic as well (because I like it).
Thanks for all the tips guys.
o7 (salutes)
Wow..I thought I was hard core giving all my BoFFS Mark XIV Rep sets. Going to epic for your BoFFS is pure hardcore.
If I see you in the Dyson Ground BZ, I'm just going to stand behind you the entire time.
Hats off to you sir.. your away team must think you're the greatest captain ever.
A full team of Omega gear wielding BOFFs and yourself included gains a total of 12.5% critH and additional 12.5% critD for each individual when you have your full team with you. If the BOFFs then have the Superior Luck trait they gain additional 4.5% critH individually. That's 17% critH. Then throw in any random epic weapon with either 2% critH / 60% critD or 4% critH / 20~40% critD and they have like 19~21% critH with their weapons and 17% critH from abilities (fabrications etc.). Let's just say that it is carnage.
Interesting fact, the Lobi weapons are much cheaper to Upgrade than Rep Set ones or this Na'Kuhl set. The Advanced Herald Staff was 144k per bar going from Mk XIV UR to Epic, whereas the Na'Kuhl Weapon was 217k per bar just going from Mk XIV VR to UR. This free set has the same costs as Rep Project Equipment.
I think the Omega Set is the only one I don't have on any of my Characters.
To answer the other question posed - the non-SFD version of STO.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
It's pretty sweet. It's wide beam setting has quite a punch.
... wait can't you use the tailor for that with most armors. I mean my kdf tac is equipped with terran and undine gear but is using the honor guard visuals.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Omega sets on my Boffs was definitely the way ahead lol, got to love the herald staff on my main as well
Haven't laughed so much for ages.
Got both to go with the uniforms, thought about doing it a few times for my boff's
Its on my list now, this is why I love to read the forums, players helping players. Thank you!!
But as with all things i may change my mind, not going to do any upgrades now until the next UG weekend.
However the tips from this discussion have been very helpfull, from upgrading to the lobi Herald armour to all boffs now in Omega armour... Brilliant.
cheers guys o7