She's not even watching where shes firing at least the dude was aiming at something and looked mad...she looks like shes about to...well service us with the phaser...Seriously!
ok i must have mis read the omega tier 4 well it would be a nice feature request to bring beams up to an even playing field but i'll keep on waiting on that. Thanks guys.
Yes uninstalling and reinstalling did indeed work, i installed the steam version of the game doubt that it made any difference which version i installed but I wasn't taking any chances. Issue resolved and Looks like I'm getting better performance than I was previously so YAY!
I hadn't tried running it in WIndows 7 compatibility mode yet. I'm installing the steam client version, I run some other MMOs on the same machine with no major issues so i'm not sure if the windows 8 issue is really the problem or a red herring. Will know better once i get the new version installed.
Hav ea look at the memory alpha article on v'ger in the talk section located here. Specifcally read theought hte section about gene roddenberry's quote.'Ger