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  • I'm still waiting for a meme that uses STO or Cryptic as a verb to describe something that lacks even the most fundamental understanding of balance.
  • This isn't exactly true. While I do agree that Cryptic deserves some of the blame, because there are so many things they could do to improve this game, and refusing to do them is holding it back from becoming a reasonably good product... Much, if not most of the blame falls on Perfect World Entertainment and Paramount…
  • I may not agree with Cryptic's business model, nor how they are "improving" their game. However, I will say that you should never /ever/ compare Star Trek Online to a job. If you want to experience a game transitioning into a job, play World of ******** or Everquest. Anything that has a raid dungeon that takes multiple…
  • I would think that running a DBB would be more of a liability due to the immense power drain from Beam Overload, and how it'd kill your DPS more than increase it. Unless you pop a Weapon Battery as often as possible, which also seems like too much micro-management for my tastes. And I'm currently running a TER with TT1,…
  • Indeed. I'd also like to ask a question, myself. Is it worthwhile to go 3 DHC and a torp, with 2 Turrets and the borg cutting beam in the back? If so, what torp?
  • The primary reason for the MVAE was the LT. Cmdr Science Bridge Officer. You lose out on some tactical slots, but gain the ability to toss out a Gravity Well I or something else. So you're still primarily focused on DPS, but also have more utility than the average escort. The actual console is a novelty, indeed. However,…
  • Let us imagine for a second that you must grind for reputation in Star Trek Online. A foreign concept, I know! But, let us just imagine that it takes hours upon grueling hours of running the same content just to progress a little. Now let us imagine a world where Cryptic offers the ability to avoid these grueling hours of…
  • I honestly don't see the point of complaining about the reputation system on the forums. The market (as in the game market) has shown a trend towards companies ignoring complaints and reacting to how customers use their wallet. Right now costumers are still showing Cryptic they're doing a good job by purchasing Zen for…
  • Since the patch I've noticed a huge increase in the frequency of "Lost Connection to Server" messages that start counting how many seconds until it can re-establish a connection. The game constantly freezes every 3-5 seconds, and my character rubberbands to a single location repeatedly.
  • Thanks for the input, everyone. Looks like I'll be saving up for the Vesta afterall. Admittedly I'm not too fussed, as I've never really been a fan of the MVAE's aesthetic. The Vesta doesn't look too bad, and it'd certainly feel more "at home" on my science captain.
  • How is the Vesta more work than the MVAE? I've heard it has a lot of weird builds, and one individual claimed you'd have to respec a few times to get the most out of the Vesta. (Probably meant that you'd have to experiment, I'd guess)
  • Hmm, so one for the MVAE and one for the Vesta. Why do you feel the Vesta is the better choice? The MVAE seems to be a very straightforward, but the Vesta's power is a bit more unclear.
  • I have two questions. Question #1: How does Cryptic feel about the current level of power creep in the game? Many of the older ships, such as the Bird of Prey line, are becoming obsolete with newer ship releases that either perform the role of existing ships better, or have advantages of existing ships, but lesser…
  • All of the ships, as in every single ship in the game, not just the Birds of Prey. That is what I meant, though.
  • A balance pass, as in going through all of the ships and ensuring they're all roughly equal in terms of balance. Anyway, there will always be a flood of tears when a change occurs. Look at League of Legends. That game has 30 million players (or more), and the champions get rebalanced every 2-4 weeks. There are constant…
  • The problem may not be the fact that the T'varo is a superior ship than the B'rel with an Enhanced Battle Cloak, or that the T'varo is a superior Defiant Retrofit. The problem is that the T'varo is just the latest example of unrestricted power creep. Star Trek Online will eventually reach a point where it will be…
  • I'm not saying that the B'rel is useless. I'm saying that the penalties forced upon the B'rel are no longer necessary as other ships that fill a roughly similar role are statistically superior. The BOP class has many downsides, and newer ships simply have fewer downsides, while having greater boons.
  • Honestly, if Cryptic doesn't care about player retention, it'd be nice for them to be polite enough to come out and say it, rather than play coy and pretend that they care. I'd like to think that they do care, and that they're willing to take the necessary steps to draw in more long-term players. It's just that they have a…
  • There are still a number of ships belonging to the Klingon's allies that are not available as playable ships. The Zilant Battleship is one such example. There are also other Birds of Prey that I hear exist that are not in the game, so there are in-game models that could be touched up and added to the KDF. Another sad part…
  • The only way you could change a BOP's BOff slots is if you gave the KDF some science vessels as choices while leveling, and since all science vessels (Gorn ships) are C-Store only, that isn't going to happen. Considering they have such versatility, the lack of an ensign Boff slot is a valid balancing point. The other…
  • Point taken. My previous comments were made primarily out of frustration, as is prone to happen when it comes to MMO games. But you're right. Cryptic is nowhere near the level of EA. There is a lot that we've been given, and considering they're working with the Champion's Online engine, they've done brilliantly with what…
  • It honestly does feel as if that is the case, but if that is true why do people continue to play the game if Cryptic is proving to be such a terrible company in the Free to Play market? Player retention is of vital importance. The more players you get, and the happier you make them, the more likely they'll invest in your…
  • I'm not discounting the fact that universal slots give the ship a hefty advantage. What I'm saying is that the T'varo fills the same role as the B'rel in a general sense; that being a ship that can fire torpedoes like cloaked. Many players on the forums have stated that the B'rel and other BOP ships are overpowered because…
  • A problem with many games is the bar of entry is set rather high. For a free-to-play player like myself, my investment into STO isn't as high as it was when I was playing World of ******** Battlegrounds or Arenas. I spent days, if not weeks going over the strengths and weaknesses of my class, and all the information was…
  • How bad is it that the game has 20k players who cannot play the game? Cryptic is losing 20k potential players giving them money. Even if only 1% of them actually purchase something, that is still more than the amount of money they're getting by pissing them off by not allowing them to play at all because they don't want to…
  • Since I am having this issue as well, I figured I'd offer some screenshots to help visualize the graphical bug. As you can see, any setting below 75% alters how the character's face is displayed and makes these odd spots visible. When making an alien, these spots (for me) are yellow, rather than black. *EDIT* This bug also…
  • That may have been me, as I was the one who brought up Vengeance from WoW, which essentially works thusly: You gain bonus damage equal to 5% of the damage you've taken, up to a maximum of 10% of your maximum HP. Considering in WoW gear typically gives you massive HP pools, and STO gear doesn't, you'd have to balance it in…
  • Because you really need a tank in space combat, right? It's not like the name of the game is all about killing something quickly before time runs out. It's also not about escorts being able to tank damage long enough to kill something, while a cruiser just kinda plinks at something and does nothing. Oh wait..
  • Gotta love forums. Quote a comment in another thread, and post in an unrelated thread.
  • The trinity isn't lazy, just an established norm. There are some games that have been able to avoid the trinity, but it typically means that you have complete freedom. That wont work with STO in its current form, because of how consoles work and how ship balance works. However, your description doesn't quite make sense. If…