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ryjokel Arc User



  • Please go ahead and close this thread, it is far beyond redemption at this point. Sorry for the trouble.
  • @darkbladejk Please stop this hostile interrogation of everyone, and everything that is being said. This is not suitable behavior for a Community Moderator. Green tag or not, please behave yourself. I'm struggling to see where your relentless disagreement with every opinion fits into this discussion. You are way off the…
  • Ok, this thread is getting long winded, repetitious and messy. There are some good ideas and points being made, some comments have been taken out of context and some comments and replies seem to indicate that the original post was either misunderstood or ignored completely. As expected, some disagreements and differing…
  • @darkbladejk I understand what you're saying here. And also that this is a tired old subject that people want to just go away, and i get it. Each player is responsible for their own actions, and how they choose to effect the people around them. It is indeed the same old song and dance, and yes it never changes. But i…
  • It's possible. Please try to keep your comments relevant to the discussion at hand. This kind of judgmental attitude is precisely why most people do not bring their concerns to the official forum. P.S. Edit; Enduring personal judgment on an offical forum is not beneficial to this discussion or the forum community.
  • Yes, as a prime example, It's difficult to learn those tricks if the Tzenkethi are being instantly vaporized by overpowered players.
  • There are only a few people on this forum that think instakills is an issue, but this is not the only active STO community. In fact the population on this forum is only a small percentage of the active population as a whole. There are whole fleets of people who never visit this forum, let alone leave comments here. The…
  • Indeed. Having a higher difficulty Battlezone or two might sound appealing to anyone who is too overpowered for the existing ones. Either way, the idea is there if needed.
  • Ok, i got in contact with an old acquaintance who used to play STO, following the DPS league crowd to the upper limits, and explained the story behind my current dilemma concerning the "Power Creep/Instakill" dilemma. His initial reply was, "Don't bother, i don't think they care". However, he did say that if the devs do…
  • If i remmember correctly, T5 Level 40 can't, but most T5 Level 50 can use the T5U, and some T5 Level 50 very rares like the Kazon Raider can take a T6X on top of that. It can get very confusing. The STO wiki has been a helpfull tool for many https://stowiki.net/wiki/Playable_starship Edit; I just checked the wiki, i'm only…
  • I don't know what was said here, but to add to the reply. I have been lucky enough to be able to drop a stupid amount of money and time into this game because i feel it's worth it, to me. I have however decided to limit my own impact on the other players around me out of sheer decency. I've felt the impact of people who…
  • Yeah, i know what you're saying. The 30's TFO itself was not the issue, nor was it being yet another in a long line of them going back years. It was simply the fact that it is happening more often and spilling out into other parts of the game where normal average players are being effected by it. You guys don't hear about…
  • I see your point. As for incentivizing players, that's above my pay grade. I could offer all the suggestions in the world, and i do have a bunch of them. But they will only be of any use if someone who is able to enact the the necessary changes is willing to hear them and do something with them. Herein lies the limit of…
  • Yes, you are correct. However, i was referring to the "instakill" levels of DPS. There may be uses for it in some situations. But not all, and certainly not in inappropriate situations like lower level group content and public access arenas. As for the comment itself, it has now been taken out of context by multiple…
  • I had a few discussions with past fleet mates that read alot like this, also one of the catalysts for this long winded discussion. I don't expect it to make a difference. I don't even know if it's possible to fix, but it does'nt hurt to try, or ask.
  • Yes, again i agree with you. There are limits to what a person can and will do to be able to enjoy a game. Until a developer made solution is implemented, it really all boils down to player choice. what they are able to do verses what they want to do, and the grey areas in between. There will always be power creep, there…
  • Well, yes. I agree with you. Having the events set up like that is unfortunate and unavoidable. Even advanced level players will still be blasting through normal level content. It's the Advanced level TFO's and Battlezones that are most affected by rampant DPS spillage. There really isn't anywhere outside of Elite TFO's…
  • Yes, i agree completely. As long as these issues are discussed solely by the players, it will never be resolved, simply because we are not in a position to implement any changes. But, i started this thread, here on the official forums as a reminder to anyone who can make the necessary changes that this is still a relevant…
  • I can relate to this directly. The Tzenkethi are one of the many enemy types that require you too think about the appropriate strategy and equipment to deal with them effectively. I threw what i had at them until i discovered what did and did'nt work against them, it took time but that's the whole point, because it was fun…
  • Thank you for your very precise and accurate DPS metrics, it's appreciated. But maybe i should Be more precise with my wording, those DPS question were more rhetorical in nature, as most of my questions have been so far. (i'll edit that post for others) For instance, without getting too technical, is there a point in the…
  • So having read more comments on why people choose to play the way they play, i'll propose a few rhetorical questions. -How much DPS does a player need to be able to play the game ? -How much DPS is enough DPS ? -Is it truly necessary to be able to solo group content ? If folks want to be able to do the maximum DPS that is…
  • Sorry mate, but it's clear that you have misunderstood this discussion entirely and have no intention of finding out what it is about. Until you do, i won't bother replying to you again. This discussion is not compulsory, you don't have to be here if you don't like the conversation.
  • @Live8evil Honestly mate, i feel you're being a little aggressive with your remarks. None of my observations have been directed at you personally. If you feel that way, i can only speculate that you have misunderstood or misinterpreted my original post. Or my second post. Though i do appreciate your opinion on this. I hope…
  • This is the trouble with written text on a forum, it's difficult to successfully convey the indented tone that the post was written in/with. It's very easy to say something in a way that could be misunderstood or misinterpreted. I understand. The intended tone was light hearted and is merely my observations with a few…
  • Here's a fan site you might find helpfull :) http://www.starfish1.co.uk/charts.htm
  • So, has anyone else found this issue yet, or has this even been looked into yet. I only ask because i posted this several weeks ago, along with an in game bug report and have yet to receive any replies. I realise this is a very minor issue, but it would be nice to know that it has been at least acknowledged, or that…
  • I just took a look at the Klingon Empire Defense missions to see if they are fixed, and... -The Kahless Expanse, never had this issue for me. -The Azure Nebula, no longer has the white blobs, seems to be fixed. -The T'Kanis Nebula, no longer has the white blobs either, fixed. -The ChoS Nebula, is still affected by the…