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rreuben Arc User



  • Good luck to all who enter, any Star Trek event is worth going to.
  • Only the crew that make this game could break a mission that has been in the game since launch I know I was there and it worked then. Now it is BROKEN. Not for all tho I have run it 6 times solo no joy ran on a team the other person completed it first time no joy for me. This bug is a joke and so stupid, FIX THIS.
  • I have tried on all of toons, can not get the Lobi at all so not sure what is up if I messed something up or not. but I hope it gets fixed.
  • You mean the 29th right, the federation and the KDF outlawed time travel into the past you know.
  • with more and more fleets reaching tier 5, will there be a way for people to click on a player in a fleet and get a info sheet on the fleet they are in, from there tier to who the Officers of the fleet are. and will we ever see a ranking system for fleets?
  • I am on my Fleet ts3 one of my members on the east coast got in just fine, were im on the west coast and have been kicked out and refused connection many times, I checked all my settings and tryed other MMO's all fine but sto for me, not sure if this is just a west coast issue or not but I hope this is not a issue that…
  • Thank you, this is all you had to do in the last patch, take something away have a new system ready to go, my fleet will now resume fleet growth.
  • I run a full tier 4 fleet all aspects are tier 4, and I can tell you right now fleet marks are in need so bad Over 3000 needed a day, even if my fleet were to grind for 12 hours strait we could not earn the many, yet you claim there are to many fleet marks out there? you are not building a base clearly then if you were you…
  • You have no reason to say its crazy when I need 800,000 dil a month just for the limited time projects, And what about those who don't have 4 hours or more to play why should they be punished for having a life, the only people who hated the old style was the fact they could not use it them selfs it, and it did not hurt the…
  • In no way does he ask about having the consul ones back, I on the other hand would like them back as I did need that much for fleet projects timed events for bases, and now embassy's to, I can't even buy fleet stuff from the stores as all the Dil goes to projects, and the lose of the 50 fleet marks is bad also, The devs…
  • From Icarus Elite We as a fleet thank you the dev team for listening and making this right for the player base, We understand needing to make the game work with in the field of the economy, but as you stated fun is more value to the economy then anger. As Leader of Icarus Elite I speak for my fleet here and im proud to be…
  • To the Dev's, I ask one question for you all. WHAT ARE YOU ALL SMOKING? This dev blog makes no sense, you start off saying we don't refine enough Ore per day, so you are removing the Ore from STF's will help with that how? How can I build a star base earning less Ore then before, you change the cost of projects after my…
  • Those are Un-Locks as you advance thru the Embassy Holding.
  • I understand you relying that info, but that is not valid for this thread as they had changed their minds after that post, It went from 240/480 to 480/960 for the runs, now nothing is being rewarded as far as I and my fleet have seen on tribble.
  • After running Infected Space Elite and Khitomer Accord Space Elite with my fleet, I can sadly confirm NO Dilithum was rewarded for either run, We did not get the Optional in ISE due to player drop in run, but did get it in KASE. The Omega Mark's did drop just fine, Icarus Elite was testing the Rep Bonus hour event. Before…
  • Is there any word if this a error on other fleet bases? Hope it gets fixed soon.
  • As Leader of Icarus Elite you are welcome to join us anytime you want, we have a spot for you. R'C Icarus Commander, IcarusElite.org @rf93
  • Got lucky this time my fleet just finished cure ground before the game drooped yet again.
  • As Leader of Icarus Elite/House of Icarus I am Proud of my fleet and all other fleets who have reached Tier 4 on our Fleet Holdings. I have noticed in this thread posted by one of my rank 4's that there seems to be the idea of a race between fleets, It is good to compete but its about having fun more then racing. My fleet…
  • Its not a cheerful thing when you are in the boss room get her out and dc that close to getting it done with a possible drop. But glad its being worked on, hope the other bug with the fleet base table gets fixed to.
  • I can confirm My fleet running Infected ground Elite has been kick 2 times first right when we get Rebecca out of her cage, we got the op in that run second run we get to Ogen and dc right as we engage him in combat. At this time my fleet has stoped running stfs till more info is made ready.
  • After 1,000+ days in this game, I do miss the "retro" STF's my fleet was so good at them we could get all 3 done in about 4 hours, and those who know about the "retro" stfs that was no easy task. But I love the Idea if this STF and who knows the space part might come later as defeating the Queen has to set off a protocol…
  • Thank you.
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • I have been a LTS since Beta, I had to wait every 100 days to reach the next tier I enjoyed that as it helped foster a connection with the game the players and the spirit of Star Trek, The system with no attention to acted like it served as a Promotion type event, for every 100 days you were promoted up getting new perks…
  • None are skiped, they are done in order.
  • Wait till its 25,000 and 15,000 for just one project
  • I will just say 1,900,000 Dilithium and 24,000 Fleet Marks is just the start lol.
  • Wish it would show the pic and not the link, in other posts I have up they show but not this one.