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rliant1864 Arc User



  • From what I've heard, in PVP even little armament/skill mistakes are nigh unforgivable, so it's entirely possible something that small could give another person an advantage. However, from what else I've heard, PVP really isn't a big part of the game, given that PVP sucks ATM, and it's being reworked at some point by…
  • Just because a 1% chance means one out of one hundred is a win doesn't mean your hundred tries is going to include a winner. It's even over all players, just not necessarily over just one player.
  • Unless the ship is intended to be available in the C-store now or later, it's just using the DOFF packs instead of lockboxes as an online raffle ticket, though it avoids the spam of unopenable (if you don't want to buy keys) boxes, which is a big improvement. It's very cool to hear about the new DOFF powers though.
  • I'm not so sure that's true. I've had the same DOFF layout since maybe rank 35 at most (Rank 50 now, been so for about a month and a half), and since then I've changed ships 3 or so times, and weapons/shields much more than that. I can honestly say the weapons/shields of my ship and the power layout made for a MUCH larger…
  • You should clear up the lines that don't have anything to do with your comments. It'd make it easier to read, and it would be more clear that you are placing comments in the text and not simply copying and pasting the news article to be a spammer.
  • True, but there's monetary gain in not annoying players by placing sought after convenience abilities in C-store ships. True, some people will pay money for it, but they sure won't be happy about it, and in just the thread for the announcement alone there are two or three people unhappy about it.
  • IIRC they said that the two would be similar, not that the SB events are replacements for the Red Alerts. That'd be nice, but only if you join the queue with at least 1 fleetmate on your team. I believe it said on Stowiki that the release is planned for testing in late June/early July, with release planned for July.
  • Perhaps add these abilities to the regular ships, with bonuses of some sort for using them on the freighter?
  • Maybe a mini-mission where you gather evidence to prove that you were fooled, and not acting on your own, or breaking out of the facility (Different methods for the 3 Professions). It shouldn't take too long to make, at least I think not, and it would give a reason for players to go back and take the worst route.
  • I read a similar idea a while ago, but don't recall where. Perhaps historical missions, holodeck based, that chronicle the KDF/Gorn war, both from the Fed and KDF perspectives. The Fed offering humanitarian support for the Gorn colonies, getting attacked by the KDF along the way, and the KDF fighting the Undine controlled…