I'm sorry that you don't have a mission that you can pretend to have beaten at level 27 with just low end mission gear anymore, and therefore you can seem wonderful to yourself and fool nobody. When you have not just one but several 50 page threads stating this mission was freaking impossible at its stated level, not to…
That's not a uniform. That's a prefix. All that would show is that the ship is temporarily under the command of the Federation. Or to put it another way, British troops under the command of American Generals in WW2 didn't get to change their uniform too.
There's also the automated point defense console that I got from my limited edition game and that I still use on must of my ships. But yeah, this would be a bad idea I would think...
Ok I just confirmed today that Clearing and building from the ground up will work on tribble, but that just changing a few skills around and then hitting accept will pop up an error.
You probably have used a part in your customization that uses a bit from a C-Store ship. Happens all the time. Click off "show unowned costume parts" to make sure you don't see parts from a costume or ship you do not own.
I just want to say thank you to the devs who are working to fix the issues with the game at the moment, and wish them good luck on untangling the spaghetti. Debugging has to be the most thankless job in programming, and I wish them well on this maintenance. Personally the only issue that bothers me is the error on…
I thought the talk with Obisek on the Vault was handled fairly well as a Romulan-fed character. There was some extra dialogue and it was interesting. Its obvious that Obisek knows little about the Romulan republic and cares even less, but he respects their desire for freedom at least. I imagine its slightly different for…
The Legacy pack gives you every C'store Romulan ship currently available, a Bridge officer and a few more bits and pieces. Theres also a "starter" pack that gives you 2 ships and the bridge officer, which is the one I bought. The ships also come with Consoles, most of which you can moce to other ships, and which have…
Dude let me give away the ending. The smaller ships run off after you, and the onstantly repping ships eventually kill the Command ship through sheer attrition, and the Eletchi then start shooting one another and warp off, and you get a Singularity core. And you swear never to do this mission again, and you have to listen…
I was in the c-store D'D at level 37 sci, and my build was mission loot with dual cannons, and really doesn't matter much as I decloaked and detonated in a hail of disruptor fire from 300 ships with nothing better to shoot at. All I could do was chip away at them. But then I'm actually telling the truth and not trying to…
That last Drozana miss is a very good example as its staged. Basically unless you go mental on the comet you never have more than 2 Kling cruisers attacking you at once. The cruisers spawn depending on how much you have taken the comet down to. But yeah my sound was completly knackered during and after Defence of Rom.…
The advantage of The Eng is that they can, just by following their bonus skills and their traits, largely negate the big power disadvantage that the Romulans have on their ships. That is a very big deal which makes everything on their ships just perform better by default. On my fed and Klin eng captains I usually run a…
Lets see some youtube fraps of you doing it in 15 minutes without dying with a standard Mogai, lev 29-34 char and mission gear, Mr gods gift to gaming, because from where I stand you're lying your TRIBBLE off and impressing no-one.
Thank you for your first post ever, calling the rest of the player base a complete idiot, Mr Troll. I bow before your internet overcompensation for something. And anyone who says they walked though this mission is a ****** liar. If you are so rock hard let see you your youtube video of your awesome leet skeels.
I played last stand on Elite and it took an hour and a half, but I loved it as it showed me how to fly and fight with my D'D <3 So I'm a silly TRIBBLE on these things. This is the guy whos talking. I did the Devils choice mission on normal tonight as I had heard people complaining about it. I thought it was fun. And the…
You can also get Romulan Boffs from the Embassy if you are part of a fleet with at least level 1 recruit. And yes its possible to get Rommie Boffs in other ways, as I have a blue sci sitting wating for me to kick Hirven out of an airlock.
It wasn't a tactical move. The queues were always there, as anyone was around when Free to play launched can attest. Its just that you didn't hit the server cap until this week, so you rarely if ever saw them.
It means when you cloak you can spin around like a dervish to be facing the back of the enemy once you stop moving, ready to decloak and ream his TRIBBLE. It actually means you don't have to actually fly around him, and its simple to do. You can also be flying in one direction and actually turn the ship in a slide maneuver…
How to make the D'D work? Use the ****** cloak. Let me give you an example. I just did One of the elachi missions on eilte where there was a tone of them hitting this space station (forget the name right now, sorry) I didn't die once (well technically I did but it was because of a ship detonation which critted. Ouch) Mind…
Yeah, I've interupted Patching STO several times in the past, and "0%" was always what it has to download to get to the end of the patch. For example, if the patch was 150 megs, and I stop it at 100 megs Downloaded, It will say 0% when I get back to it, bot its 05 of 50 megs, not 150 megs. I understand you misunderstanding…
Its very easy for never-winter to have a nice stable server when NO-ONES PLAYING THE GAME. There was a queue of 12000 people waiting to play when the servers went down a few hours ago on STO. 2170 of them were gold members, I know as I was in the end of THAT queue. And seriously, 2/3s of the time? My 3 year old nephew is…
YOu cant take a patch OUt. You would have to roll back everything by a week. Talk sense. Anyway I'm having this issue for the first time. However I can get onto tribble without a hitch, if thats helpful
One thing that has not been mentioned is the truly massive modifier the Omega set gives to dodge. Put simply you wont be getting hit as often with an Omega set on. And the cloak ability is actually extremely useful. like for running up to Enemies and dropping mines, for example. The other thing is that when you wear it you…
Hey, Just thought I'd chime in with my post on this group. What we have are some very nice people and a well developed starbase (tier 4 Shipyard and sci, working on eng at the moment) and well stocked on requisitions. We are also fairly close to having a tier 3 embassy, diplomacy is maxed and we nearly have tier 3…