I have a question. Been looking into the ground sets as the week before last I reached T5 Omega on my KDF Tactical and been tossing up which ground set I should get. While I really like the stats of the Honour Guard set, I have been interested in the Omega as well.
From all your own experiences is Omega worth the 1500 Omega marks?
My KDF tactical doesn't do a lot of Melee unlike my engineers. I plan to get the honour guard on my other KDF if I ever get around to grinding up the Rep on them, which I am not overly fond of doing considering what a huge resource sink it is.
Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations they'd like to share?
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I dont like the omega for two reasons: 1 i dont like how it looks and 2 the weapon has not enough long range you need for some stfp for example infected.ill go for the khg or the adapted one.the sniper rifle is a good weapon you can use in all scenarios.add to this some shield regen abilities from the reputation system.
Personally I prefer the Honor Guard over the M.A.C.O. ground set.
Some reasons. This is primary in regard to Borg STF's.
1. During the Borg Stf's the Honor guard has two damage types Disrupter and Physical. Meaning a bit less remodulateing if you use alt fireing modes often, Borg do not adapt to physical damage. So if I get bugged with my instant remodulation cool down activating without remodulating my weapons, Alt fire still dose full damage.
2. The M.A.C.O. ground weapon feels like the Borg get more chances to adapt to the 3 shots as opposed to the single hit from the Honor Guard. This could be incorrect I do not know how the adaption code is written.
3. The Honor Guard can hit all opponets in it's primary shots path, with an A.O.E. alt Fire. As opposed to the M.A.C.O.'s single target primary, and cone Alt Fire.
4. The Clicky, set ability for the Honor Guard is a decent heal and in Elites I sometimes find myself rotating between the Honor Guard heal and my Hypos Healing items on my Non Science officers.
5. Honor Guard synergises better with the Adapted Honor Guard Sniper Rifle. One close up high damage weapon and one very long ranged weapon.
6. My tactical captain generally uses Team leader Kit. Launching Honor Guard secondary fire Photon Grenade + my Kit Photon Grenade on a group of enemies can be very devastating.
Outside of STF's I still use the Honor Guard + adapted Honor Guard Sniper Rifle. Saves on Hypos use. This may change once my Fleet gets access to Elite fleet ground weapons/gear depending on if it looks like it will be a good investment, and have higher damage output for non Borg STF missions. Then again I will more than likely only be wearing my Tholian ground set + Adapted Honor Guard Sniper Rifle once Legacy of Romulas, and Tholian rep is released.
Its retaliatory attack is better than the weak MACO knockback.
Its Shotty is FAR more effective than the Sniper Rifle because Sniper Rifles take FOREVER to fire their secondary shot and their normal shot is too weak and allows for quick regeneration.
Healing your shields is a little bit of a waste because they will be blasted off in the next breath but healing your HP actually matters.
Now that you get to use other Grenades + The Shotty secondary it is even more brutal. Talk about crowd control.
Having the close game covered by the set allows you to use a different long range weapon that is superior to a sniper (like Split Beam or High Density).
If you equip a melee weapon and go to town with it the HG set is vastly superior.
I love the Omega ground set on my tactical captain, also it really, really helps having the slower rate of adaption passive if you do decide to use it. I like to play the expose/exploit method on ground with a splitbeam rifle in secondary, if you save up the marks after getting the set, you can always add in the khg shotgun as a secondary weapon for the grenade and up close damage of it's main attack.
Also, Omega has a team passive that boosts CrtD/CrtH, and the innate crit boosting modifiers on the armor can help you pew pew with moar critz.
As for the KHG set, the grenade on the KHG rifle shares no CD with kit grenades meaning you can have some pretty good burst aoe output. It comes with a self heal over time (HoT) that really helps at times as an "oh doodoo" button to keep you alive, also that same HoT helps to counter roots and slows that the Borg do like to use a lot of. the HoT I think also helps to boost melee damage for a bit too.
If you wanted the Adapted KHG set you need to first have the main KHG set, so something else to think about there.
Thank you all, your insight and posts have been a huge help. I think I will go with the honour guard set for my tactical as well, seems the better set and more useful too.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
I use the MK XII KHG set and the sniper rifle from the Adapted KHG set on my character.
Those two weapons seem to be the right combo when I don't equip a bat'leth.
Also, I put the KHG set on my away team of three tactical, one medic. We seem to be pretty much unstoppable.
I haven't been unsatisfied with my KDF performance even once!
Just for contrast I put the MK XII Omega set on my Fed character and equipped the away team with Omega gear on the same officer set up as above.
They are good, but just don't seem to have the authority of the KDF or hte KHG setup.
One thing that has not been mentioned is the truly massive modifier the Omega set gives to dodge. Put simply you wont be getting hit as often with an Omega set on. And the cloak ability is actually extremely useful. like for running up to Enemies and dropping mines, for example.
The other thing is that when you wear it you are boosting the dodge bonus and Critical hit chance and damage of the entire team. And if 2 or three people are wearing it those bonuses stack. This is VERY noticeable in STFs. If you have 3 people with the Omega set the Borg just melt, and no-one dies. Also did you know that if you put one on your boffs the bonuses transfer as well? Yes you could have a 12.5% bonus to critical hit chance and damage, Plus a +125 All Damage Resistance and a +500% Avoidance chance ON TOP of the dodge bonuses you are getting from your armour, just from your doffs standing there!
The main objection to the set I found from people is the gun. Well hey, yes its a rapid fire and people dismiss it because the borg adapt faster. Well true, BUT you have your second weapon (the Adapted KHG rifle works well with it) AND you are doing 15 kinetic damage per shot to the borg with the gun, so there generally is a lot of damage getting through the adaption. Plus it has an immobilise effect, which means the enemies just stop attacking and just stand there. It may not be as dramatic as a knockback, but it is definitely useful.
Having used both the KHG and the Omega, all my characters now use the Omega set and I really feel its loss when I don't wear it. Its just too damn useful. If you want to use the KHG against the Borg fine, that's your choice, but seriously against anything else you will find the Omega just shines. But I tell you when I look up at the status bar and see 3 Omega fields I just smile and relax, because I know that there's going to be slaughter coming.
By the way, the Adapted KHG rifle is a bad choice with the KHG armour, simply because they are both disruptor weapons and the Borg will adapt to both your weapons at once. The Omega is an Anti-proton weapon.
You'd need to get the KHG set, then run the costume unlock project. After that, you just wear the KHG costume, set your Omega armor not to display, and you should be good to go.
Some reasons. This is primary in regard to Borg STF's.
1. During the Borg Stf's the Honor guard has two damage types Disrupter and Physical. Meaning a bit less remodulateing if you use alt fireing modes often, Borg do not adapt to physical damage. So if I get bugged with my instant remodulation cool down activating without remodulating my weapons, Alt fire still dose full damage.
2. The M.A.C.O. ground weapon feels like the Borg get more chances to adapt to the 3 shots as opposed to the single hit from the Honor Guard. This could be incorrect I do not know how the adaption code is written.
3. The Honor Guard can hit all opponets in it's primary shots path, with an A.O.E. alt Fire. As opposed to the M.A.C.O.'s single target primary, and cone Alt Fire.
4. The Clicky, set ability for the Honor Guard is a decent heal and in Elites I sometimes find myself rotating between the Honor Guard heal and my Hypos Healing items on my Non Science officers.
5. Honor Guard synergises better with the Adapted Honor Guard Sniper Rifle. One close up high damage weapon and one very long ranged weapon.
6. My tactical captain generally uses Team leader Kit. Launching Honor Guard secondary fire Photon Grenade + my Kit Photon Grenade on a group of enemies can be very devastating.
Outside of STF's I still use the Honor Guard + adapted Honor Guard Sniper Rifle. Saves on Hypos use. This may change once my Fleet gets access to Elite fleet ground weapons/gear depending on if it looks like it will be a good investment, and have higher damage output for non Borg STF missions. Then again I will more than likely only be wearing my Tholian ground set + Adapted Honor Guard Sniper Rifle once Legacy of Romulas, and Tholian rep is released.
Its synergy bonuses are superior.
Its retaliatory attack is better than the weak MACO knockback.
Its Shotty is FAR more effective than the Sniper Rifle because Sniper Rifles take FOREVER to fire their secondary shot and their normal shot is too weak and allows for quick regeneration.
Healing your shields is a little bit of a waste because they will be blasted off in the next breath but healing your HP actually matters.
Now that you get to use other Grenades + The Shotty secondary it is even more brutal. Talk about crowd control.
Having the close game covered by the set allows you to use a different long range weapon that is superior to a sniper (like Split Beam or High Density).
If you equip a melee weapon and go to town with it the HG set is vastly superior.
I love the Omega ground set on my tactical captain, also it really, really helps having the slower rate of adaption passive if you do decide to use it. I like to play the expose/exploit method on ground with a splitbeam rifle in secondary, if you save up the marks after getting the set, you can always add in the khg shotgun as a secondary weapon for the grenade and up close damage of it's main attack.
Also, Omega has a team passive that boosts CrtD/CrtH, and the innate crit boosting modifiers on the armor can help you pew pew with moar critz.
As for the KHG set, the grenade on the KHG rifle shares no CD with kit grenades meaning you can have some pretty good burst aoe output. It comes with a self heal over time (HoT) that really helps at times as an "oh doodoo" button to keep you alive, also that same HoT helps to counter roots and slows that the Borg do like to use a lot of. the HoT I think also helps to boost melee damage for a bit too.
If you wanted the Adapted KHG set you need to first have the main KHG set, so something else to think about there.
Those two weapons seem to be the right combo when I don't equip a bat'leth.
Also, I put the KHG set on my away team of three tactical, one medic. We seem to be pretty much unstoppable.
I haven't been unsatisfied with my KDF performance even once!
Just for contrast I put the MK XII Omega set on my Fed character and equipped the away team with Omega gear on the same officer set up as above.
They are good, but just don't seem to have the authority of the KDF or hte KHG setup.
The other thing is that when you wear it you are boosting the dodge bonus and Critical hit chance and damage of the entire team. And if 2 or three people are wearing it those bonuses stack. This is VERY noticeable in STFs. If you have 3 people with the Omega set the Borg just melt, and no-one dies. Also did you know that if you put one on your boffs the bonuses transfer as well? Yes you could have a 12.5% bonus to critical hit chance and damage, Plus a +125 All Damage Resistance and a +500% Avoidance chance ON TOP of the dodge bonuses you are getting from your armour, just from your doffs standing there!
The main objection to the set I found from people is the gun. Well hey, yes its a rapid fire and people dismiss it because the borg adapt faster. Well true, BUT you have your second weapon (the Adapted KHG rifle works well with it) AND you are doing 15 kinetic damage per shot to the borg with the gun, so there generally is a lot of damage getting through the adaption. Plus it has an immobilise effect, which means the enemies just stop attacking and just stand there. It may not be as dramatic as a knockback, but it is definitely useful.
Having used both the KHG and the Omega, all my characters now use the Omega set and I really feel its loss when I don't wear it. Its just too damn useful. If you want to use the KHG against the Borg fine, that's your choice, but seriously against anything else you will find the Omega just shines. But I tell you when I look up at the status bar and see 3 Omega fields I just smile and relax, because I know that there's going to be slaughter coming.
By the way, the Adapted KHG rifle is a bad choice with the KHG armour, simply because they are both disruptor weapons and the Borg will adapt to both your weapons at once. The Omega is an Anti-proton weapon.