While captain rank boffs would be nice aesthetically, I do not want to have to add even more skills to my already stuffed skill trays, and I abhor using the little boff skills UI element.
If I remember correctly, wasn't that more a veto on being able to change the colors of energy weapons so that "phasers are orange and disruptors are green"? Which has gone way out the window since every energy type comes in a rainbow of colors these days.
You buy out seasonal events such as winter or summer with lobi, not zen. This is because under the old system you used lobi to obtain the currency daily missions rewarded towards the reputation project for said ships.
That is exactly what I meant though, past ships in the shows were designed by people with engineering knowledge, new ships are made by people with art school degrees.
Would not-as-good stats be something simple like just not being a full spec ship, or actual stats like worse shields/hull? I could probably see me buying a D7/Connie that just doesn't have something like innovation or inspiration, but not worse hull points or shields, and I would probably still want a full spec promo…
Maybe not for weapons like those from lockboxes, lobi store, or unique mission rewards, but I can see them being able to do it for standard weapons that change visual based on rank.
You have to get it from the temporal agent per-character, and Jem'Hadar have to be level 65 with 20 hours of game time to retrieve Delta/Temporal rewards.
Was knocked off a platform into the burning rubble at ore processing during the Frenzy portion, ended up stuck in an invisible wall you put there and fell through the floor causing me to have to beam up and start over from the very beginning of the mission.