Simple. Call it a new class, but re-use existing model = saving time, money and effort but they could have just as easily gone with 'Well it's a Constitution-class ship but this one is specialized for role XY'
Isn't the Sombra pretty much just specialized but otherwise identical to Constitution though? The only possibility I see coming out of this would be a Donnie with pilot-spec and manouvers lol.
If he wouldn't bother, people would complain 'devs don't communicate/ignore players/don't have an ear for the community'. It doesn't matter all that much that it's a routine of a few standardized replies with the occasional useful tidbit.
Oh damn. The Aquatic Carrier would really tickle my senses, but in itself it's not good enough to make me buy that bundle. I couldn't care less about the other ships in that one - I know some folks may buy it because of the Dominion DN alone tho.
IMO, before spending more money on the game, I'd rather have stuff I can earn in the game, by playing the content. Costumes, Sets, Vanity-items etc. Currently, we only have that in the form of time-gated events, episode-rewards (despite the better episodes) have been worse and worse recently, and it's often not even a…
Quite frankly, Earth leaving the federation after all that's happened by that time isn't that far out there IMO. The core of the federation itself was pretty much in disarray and humans did what humans do best: Being stupid. Before the vulcans landed to initiate first contact, humanity was kinda thrown back about 150 years…
Most of the allegations were dropped afaik, but once somebody has that stigma attached to himself it can be difficult to move on - no matter the outcome of further hearings etc. When in doubt, there's room for remption IMO. But that's just my personal opinion.
Quite frankly, if they bring in the old Kirk for whatever reason, there's a pretty easy solution for VA. Just ask Vic Mignogna, he's the best for the job.
I just think it's bland, not awful but also not well thought-out. It kinda looks like pieces you could "attach" to the Courage-class to make it a combiner-mecha-style ship (which would have made it kinda awsome). They didn't even think about a fitting name of the shipclass. It's just "that one vessel that 32nd century UE…
Stop. I was obviously being sarcastic. Kelvin-Pike and Forrest died, so they don't count. Kirk doesn't count either as he got demoted relatively quickly and ended his career as captain. Kelvin-Kirk didn't even take the promotion after briefly considering it. We don't know much about Admiral Paris, he *may* have been okay.…
I'm just glad my childhood was during the 90's, where most people I knew were EXCITED about new stuff in their favorite IP's, rather than fighting silly opinion-wars.
Frankly, it looks a lot like the Avenger-class (T5) with the fleet-version's pylons. The saucer is round and the nacelles have slightly TOSified bussards, but the overall silhouette is extremely similar.
I hope it's a skin, unlockable for the LExcelsior. I don't think they can make a better version of it. The version shown in LD looks much like the "Excelsior II-class" from the Fleet Operations mod for Armada II, IMO (which was also a completely new class despite name and basic layout; conceived as a light cruiser sister…
Cosmetic changes = hate of IP Right. I like how logical this kind of argumentation is. Did people freak out like this in 1979 when klingons looked different in TMP?
This applies to the 'early' plasma torpedo as seen in 'Balance of terror'. They also destabilize the molecular structure, essentially disintegrating the target. The Enterprise survived a hit because she was a little too far away for the torpedo to deal maximum damage. SFB and SFC took this a little further.
IMO, the best solution for getting a cardassian is actually playing one yourself. They have some of the way better captain-traits (not as good Vanguard-JH but at least they get scaling buffs).
If there were no restrictions for certain source-material; I'd love to see the ISC and the hydrans (causing more agony over animating non-humanoids for cryptic), perhaps the other SFB/SFC-related races too (we kinda have a stand-in for the Kzinti). I'd also retcon the Hur'q in STO; The Dranzuli should not be the Hur'q but…
It's not that hidden, actually. MS kept a backdoor open that is meant for Users who utilize ANY kind of accessibility-function, either through settings or tools like the screen-magnifier (which has been in Windows for ages now). Those magnifiers are actually quite handy on websites or documents with really small fonts..
Why a science-vessel tho? Isn't the California meant to be a platform that can be equipped for either science or engineering or tactical support? As a support-vessel with a flexible basis, it should be more like the BoP's in STO originally were. Overall weaker but fully universal BOFF-seating, balanced console-layout…
lockbox-flavoured omnies are non-set ones, but a few of them do have a set-counterpart in the lobi-store on top of the normal ones. Namely the Altamid-plasma and the Ba'ul-antiproton.