I hate this mission, but I like the exocomp reward. It's very buggy. I really dislike running though the electrical storm around the reactor.
I have played this mission multiple time and it get stuck in several places. I am currently stuck in the brig. I've player up until this point, cleared up the room and could never talk to mirror Letta. I restarted the mission and the same thing happened. Any ideas how to secure the brig when its empty?
Are there any good ideas for running through the electrical storm? (Who thought THAT would be fun?)
If you're talking about the Warp Core, you don't run through it. You stand there a second and wait for the timing and then you run past when it's clear.
As for the Brig, this is the big problem with this mission, enemies get stuck in the walls. The reason the brig isn't cleared is because there is one guy left someplace that's trapped in a wall or the floor and you can't see or hit him.
It's one of the buggiest missions ever, it took me a couple tries to get it to complete and I'll likely never play it again. I like the mission overall, but it's just way too buggy. The last patch was supposed to fix it, sounds like it didn't.
I've been having problems with getting to Leeta. When it bugs out, I run towards the brig and the doors open up without the cutscene. Usually logging out and back in after a while the mission acts the way it's supposed to.
But... there's times when it gets... stuck on needing to talk to Leeta when I'm at the warp core. The discharges constantly fire off, with no break.
For that deal breaker bug, I had to drop the mission and restart it.
Are there any good ideas for running through the electrical storm? (Who thought THAT would be fun?)
What I found helpful was looking at the floor. You can see scorch marks precisely where the lightning hits. Where the floor is blackened is where you get killed. If you simply stand at the very edge of the danger zone you can wait for a break in the flashing lights and run.
There is one caveat though... I once tried this TFO on advanced. And during that run there was no visible break in the lightening flashes. No visual indication that you could run through as far as I could see though I know there was an actual break because one time I ran through at the right time via dumb luck.
Try double checking to see if you're playing at Normal or Advanced, and if you're playing at Advanced just switch over to Normal and that should make it easier for you.
I would have tested to see if that experience was a one time thing or not but my experiences with reporting bugs to Support has been less than stellar lately and honestly, I'm not 100% certain that there wasn't something that I was missing. So I haven't really bothered.
The lighting discharge in the core is on a timed cycle, you can tell when it's safe because the immediate area gets a lot darker.
As for the brig bugging out. I've only had that happen because I tried to rush using the turbolift from Engineering before the mission objectives updated. The game doesn't like being rushed, if you let it dictate the pace it's less likely to bug out on you.
I hate this mission, but I like the exocomp reward. It's very buggy. I really dislike running though the electrical storm around the reactor.
I have played this mission multiple time and it get stuck in several places. I am currently stuck in the brig. I've player up until this point, cleared up the room and could never talk to mirror Letta. I restarted the mission and the same thing happened. Any ideas how to secure the brig when its empty?
Are there any good ideas for running through the electrical storm? (Who thought THAT would be fun?)
If you don't trigger the cutscene where, as you enter the Brig room - Leeta berates you for taking your time to get there - and you kill all the enemies; then yes you're screwed and have to restart.
If your character runs too fast into the Brig room; sometimes (for whatever reason) - the scene doesn't trigger (I assume the engine software fails to read that your character sprite passed through the trigger point.
After I figured out the above (I've run it a lot to get the Exocomp Boff for all my characters as it's a decent active Ground Boff and I always have issues getting a good 6th Doff for ground); the 'fix' is to just approach the Brig room door slowly until the cutscene triggers; then <Esc> out and blast away.
Post edited by crypticarmsman on
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I don't know if it was part of the fixes they made in the last patch, but this mission is incredibly buggy with its "checkpoints" if you have to stop mid-mission for whatever reasons.
I had one moment where I tried to resume the mission and the objective it gave was the last one I did before leaving the mission. And it spawned me at the very beginning of the section.
It could be progressed if you knew where to interact, but as soon as the warp core fixing moment happened, the cutscene didn't appear (not a big deal) and the energy discharges would never stop, preventing you from progressing (big problem, unless you have the personal transporter module).
So I wouldn't be surprised if it'd bug in other places.
The problem with this is that when you get done with that section the immediate response by the player knowing they have to go into the turbolift is where the problem starts. So basically DeSoto needs to tell you to get into the turbolift before you press F for it to happen. If he doesn't tell you to get on the turbolift the cut scene will not activate and that is where people are stuck because you can't go back and have to restart the episode.
The only other thing I've found is that always one random BOFF will be dead in the turbolift part of the map you were at before you hit F to use it. Although if you flag them to stand well outside of the turbolift before hitting F the BOFF will still be dead but will be inside the turbolift to res it in the mirror base part.
So both things are annoying but like many things in the game you have to micromanage your actions because going too fast or not bending over to accommodate bugs/glitches will be extremely frustrating.
It could be progressed if you knew where to interact, but as soon as the warp core fixing moment happened, the cutscene didn't appear (not a big deal) and the energy discharges would never stop, preventing you from progressing (big problem, unless you have the personal transporter module).
Ahh, that would explain my experience when I tried it on advanced.
Since I last posted, I did give it a couple more runs. The Warp Core lightening run went smoothly without issue. But I did run into the Clear the Brig bug.
To get around it I just beamed out and immediately went back in. It spawns you at the mission start, but all you have to do is run to the brig. No obstacles or bad guys along the way. The cut scene went fine and I could progress.
Another minor bug I found is during the Data Core hack with the Exocomp. Bad guys would only come through one of the doors while the other group that was supposed to come from the opposite side got stuck.
The problem with this is that when you get done with that section the immediate response by the player knowing they have to go into the turbolift is where the problem starts. So basically DeSoto needs to tell you to get into the turbolift before you press F for it to happen. If he doesn't tell you to get on the turbolift the cut scene will not activate and that is where people are stuck because you can't go back and have to restart the episode.
That's it exactly. If you look at your objectives, you need them to update to tell you to enter the turbolift and go to the brig. If you do that before DeSoto's dialog and the objective change, you'll be stuck and not able to make progress in the mission. You'll be in the brig, but your objective will still tell you to go to the turbolift and go to the brig. You can't go backwards in the turbolift, so you need to beam out and reload the mission.
I'm not sure why the devs made that objective so specific, it's just causing problems with mission progress.
I've not seen any NPCs get 'stuck' anywhere. But if you don't enter the brig before you've defeated all the NPCs, it will be stuck waiting for the 'defeat signal' to trigger and you'll be unable to progress. Make sure you actually enter the brig while defeating the NPC security, don't shoot them from outside the doorway.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
As for the Brig, this is the big problem with this mission, enemies get stuck in the walls. The reason the brig isn't cleared is because there is one guy left someplace that's trapped in a wall or the floor and you can't see or hit him.
It's one of the buggiest missions ever, it took me a couple tries to get it to complete and I'll likely never play it again. I like the mission overall, but it's just way too buggy. The last patch was supposed to fix it, sounds like it didn't.
But... there's times when it gets... stuck on needing to talk to Leeta when I'm at the warp core. The discharges constantly fire off, with no break.
For that deal breaker bug, I had to drop the mission and restart it.
What I found helpful was looking at the floor. You can see scorch marks precisely where the lightning hits. Where the floor is blackened is where you get killed. If you simply stand at the very edge of the danger zone you can wait for a break in the flashing lights and run.
There is one caveat though... I once tried this TFO on advanced. And during that run there was no visible break in the lightening flashes. No visual indication that you could run through as far as I could see though I know there was an actual break because one time I ran through at the right time via dumb luck.
Try double checking to see if you're playing at Normal or Advanced, and if you're playing at Advanced just switch over to Normal and that should make it easier for you.
I would have tested to see if that experience was a one time thing or not but my experiences with reporting bugs to Support has been less than stellar lately and honestly, I'm not 100% certain that there wasn't something that I was missing. So I haven't really bothered.
As for the brig bugging out. I've only had that happen because I tried to rush using the turbolift from Engineering before the mission objectives updated. The game doesn't like being rushed, if you let it dictate the pace it's less likely to bug out on you.
If you don't trigger the cutscene where, as you enter the Brig room - Leeta berates you for taking your time to get there - and you kill all the enemies; then yes you're screwed and have to restart.
If your character runs too fast into the Brig room; sometimes (for whatever reason) - the scene doesn't trigger (I assume the engine software fails to read that your character sprite passed through the trigger point.
After I figured out the above (I've run it a lot to get the Exocomp Boff for all my characters as it's a decent active Ground Boff and I always have issues getting a good 6th Doff for ground); the 'fix' is to just approach the Brig room door slowly until the cutscene triggers; then <Esc> out and blast away.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I had one moment where I tried to resume the mission and the objective it gave was the last one I did before leaving the mission. And it spawned me at the very beginning of the section.
It could be progressed if you knew where to interact, but as soon as the warp core fixing moment happened, the cutscene didn't appear (not a big deal) and the energy discharges would never stop, preventing you from progressing (big problem, unless you have the personal transporter module).
So I wouldn't be surprised if it'd bug in other places.
The only other thing I've found is that always one random BOFF will be dead in the turbolift part of the map you were at before you hit F to use it. Although if you flag them to stand well outside of the turbolift before hitting F the BOFF will still be dead but will be inside the turbolift to res it in the mirror base part.
So both things are annoying but like many things in the game you have to micromanage your actions because going too fast or not bending over to accommodate bugs/glitches will be extremely frustrating.
Ahh, that would explain my experience when I tried it on advanced.
Since I last posted, I did give it a couple more runs. The Warp Core lightening run went smoothly without issue. But I did run into the Clear the Brig bug.
To get around it I just beamed out and immediately went back in. It spawns you at the mission start, but all you have to do is run to the brig. No obstacles or bad guys along the way. The cut scene went fine and I could progress.
Another minor bug I found is during the Data Core hack with the Exocomp. Bad guys would only come through one of the doors while the other group that was supposed to come from the opposite side got stuck.
That part is the least buggy one tho. All you have to do is wait for a window of opportunity to pass through, we've had this before in STO.
I'm not sure why the devs made that objective so specific, it's just causing problems with mission progress.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"