How did you come up with that? CBS hasn't released numbers for All Access. They did release combined numbers for All Access and Showtime, which was 6 million. Is it your contention that All Access garnered 4 million viewers and Showtime only 2 million? Showtime has far more compelling content than All Access. "Discovery"…
Is anyone else noticing problems with the search feature? Commons search terms: RSE, RRW, Axanar and other keywords and terms that use to recall tons of hits now return 0-1 each.
Maybe they should re-poll a little farther into the future. I was critical myself, but I think only because of how bloated and in-friendly this setup is to users. I could be wrong but shouldn't a forum be somewhat intuitive?
It shows at the top of your posts for this thread and help gives some more accurate feedback to the devs. At least with your vote the bar graphs from the poll don't look so stark. I feel kinda bad for the fellows.
It's seriously what we have going forward. I am curious as to whether or not there was a focus group involved in this decision or not. Maybe it has to do with whomever is in charge of the overall ARC games portal. I'm simply curious. I've given my feedback and the poll feedback was perhaps a bit more negative than I would…
See the missing letters above? Safari in iOS has a huge lag between what has been typed and when it actually renders to the screen. Maybe this shall pass or resolve itself in time. I was a big reader of the old STO forums, but I'm not sure of the new experience will enhance my desire to use the forums. I hope that doesn't…
I wasn't familiar enough with Vanilla to be excited about the move or not. My instinct was that a forum software change could be a good thing. I was hoping to poll positively, but it wasn't possible. I can't tell where STO forums end and another forum begins (at the landing page) initially. I figured that out but the…
Split it 50/50 and say it's a lack of clearer disclaimers within? It's not a matter of not getting what I want, it's a matter of not being a hypocrite. I'm not going to take a stand against using the prefix on my ships here in the forum just to act differently in the game. It's not my fault that the D'Deridex skin was…
I also continue to support prefix customization for all STO customers generally and Romulan characters in particular. I have a digital paperweight worth $30 just sitting in my inventory. It is in the form of a T6 fleet D'Deridex warbird. I would love to arm this ship and use it, but I'm afraid it's out of commission and a…
I've never been a big fan of any of the Cryptic default uniforms. Too many odd folds, flaps and overlapping materials for just reasons that can't be fathomed. It's never a simple, sleek and elegant design. I want immersion my way, not necessarily with the game story-line. Not that I hate the game's story line per se. I…
I'll play with my imperial warbird until it's ineffective. I may change my mind, but it doesn't seem likely. It's too easy a thing to include for me to be the one to make the compromise. The historical pattern for prefix customization has been IRW prefix for all D'Deridex warbirds, all Romulan ships I've had access to…
No. I'm not defending either faction. I play how I want within the confines of the story, as I think that everyone else does. Whether it be total immersion or with some degree of a role play element. im simply pointing out that there is an advocacy of player choice and its opposition and how they are analogous to the same…
To be fair, it wasn't my intention to be combative. I simply wished to concede the discussion. It is simply because I have re-stated my issue several times and in more than one way and it isn't driving home. I don't feel that I'm having a discussion, but an argument. You see, you and I are on the same page here but with…
I appreciate that. This is at least the third string about this issue and there isn't any resolution at this time. I am worried I'll have to strip my warbird and put it back into mothballs over this. Plus no more money for me on Romulan ships if they don't have this prefix.
Having the IRW prefix is NOT immersion breaking because you are in your own ship and you don't care. Not having the IRW prefix is immersion breaking for me because it's missing and I'm painfully aware of it every time game dialogue pops up and mentions my ship as the RRW. I'm make it crystal CLEAR - I won't spend any money…
I know the lore in the game. I don't CARE. The point that I am making is two fold 1.) there should be some indication in the ship description that the IRW prefix will not be available for the D'Deridex skin on the T6 fleet ship. It's not that hard, 100 characters or less to say this prefix won't be available. It would save…
Absolutely this. And I guarantee that the RRW guys will pass me in my IRW ships and won't think twice about it because they are on their RRW, conducting their own missions and pursuing their own interests. When I'm on my ship I am quite aware that if it is missing the correct prefix, it disturbs my enjoyment and immersion…