This is not exactly the point that Akurie666 was trying to make. Escorts do need to be nerfed, in terms of their healing, but not totally. They can keep their DPS, but maybe half their healing ability, and give that half to sci ships and cruisers, and then nerf the self healing sci ships and cruisers do, forcing team play.
To all of you degrading Akurie666's credit as a debator, it is because he always leaves on the weekends. I've been keeping up his argument, as when one has no computer, it is impossible to continue on an argument that one made. And, to all of you TROLLS, Exaggeration is a form of debate.
Well, Eisaak. It appears that you incorrectly read Akurie666's post. While he was pointing out that common sense would dictate that it would be the best option to run as a Tac with the current state the game is in, he never said he agreed with it, in fact, I do believe that he explicitly stated that he was against that,…
You're right, Akurie666. While it may not be as general of a problem as you make it out to be, it is still a major one, one that needs to be addressed. While some people have a problem with how you address it, honestly, I don't care, as long as the issue is even brought up. Eisaakaz, You sir, are a fail. Everything you…
Greetings! I bought the Kumari Escort pack, and on my Tac, I"m running the Engineer ship. It's very powerful, and it has good heal slots, however, the healing abilities on this ship, I have noticed, are nerfed. This ship, when using an engineering team compared to on my fleet tactical escort retrofit, gives me about 2k…
I do agree with this, but I also think that with the group missions, everyone shouldn't get the same reward in the group. Lower level players, and players that didn't participate much shouldn't get as much as the others, and the people that are high level and did most of the work should get more than average.
I'm sad to say, but the needs of one are NOT as important as the need of the many. While this quote not only applies to you, but also to the whining foundry authors :P. Most PvP'ers are part of small fleets that are trying to build themselves up, as are most players in this game. While most players of this game are not…
If I might say so myself, FES has been loosing quality in it's members, in terms of pvp gameplay, as of late. And, even if you do or do not how to pvp/run a certain type of character, the addition of a pvp reuptation system is simply absurd.
The only way the stuff from STFS are good is if you're using the omega force on a tac, which I do, infact, do. However, if I don't yet have access to the omega force on a tac character, I will most definitely use fleet equipment. not only guns, but also shields and armor.
Regarding the requesting better gear from a possible pvp reputation system, if that ever happens, that will be the last day Perfect World Entertainment or Cryptic Studios will ever get my 14.99$ per month for the gold membership subscription, and they will never see my account log on again. Heck, even this recent update…
Kirk, there is no problem. the only problem is the foundry authors with no life, sitting around all day eating hot pockets in their underwear in their mom's basement, making 3 hour foundry missions. And, this shouldn't be new words to you, if you checked your comments on your missions recently. ;)
You want to know why they're taking them away? Because Foundry Authors of 3 hour long missions were whining that people weren't playing their missions. So, this is all because of about .01% of the playerbase being satisfied, when the rest of the 99.99% is being screwed over. And 50 was not too high.
Lots of players. The players that matter (no offense to the players that don't matter), the players that contribute money to you, the veteran players. the players that know what's going on.
Yeah! When I'm running a colony invasion, we get about 19 per. With up to thousands of fleet marks required for a project, trying to grind colony invasion, federation starbase incursion, or more, won't be able to happen. You need to make the rewards of fleet marks much larger for this not to blow up in your faces.
I agree. This is insane. What Cryptic is planning to do with this is going to kill small fleets and players without fleets. My fleet, which we're currently grinding to get to tier 4, and I mean GRINDING, it's going to add months onto our roadmap. MONTHS!!!!! Thanks a lot, craptic.
I tried putting the visa address in the billing address box, but it wouldn't work for some reason... maybe I'm not using the right address, but I also think that they have a messed up address which is like in the wrong format.... there's no street name/number...
Well, I was doing IGE before season six came out, and I don't remember any problems finishing it, at the same level that I'm finding now. I guess I'll need to do more and see. I finished my second ige since season six came out today, so I guess that's an accomplishment.