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What is the Arc Client?
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palanova Arc User



  • Same here, after code enterd, i got an Internal Error - try later. I try it at least couple of times in the last 7 days, unsuccesfully.
  • I find it on the second map, Idran system, after i speak the ferengi and com out the asteroid, the temproal probe appeard on may minimap az a grey dot, like a derelict ship or satellite. To unlock it i use: 3153 code.
  • I think the Aquarius is still better than other, non FED frigate class ship. Like someone said above, Miranda is way to big, the Aquarius is fit for it. And dont care it is linekd to the Ody. Aquarius is also a stand alone ship. You can buy it, fly it. Not a frigate, destroyer, but fit for the role. Demote it to frigate if…
  • You want more beam hardpoint, try the long range science vessel. She has many, but sometimes it confuse me, it is a little harder to broadside, and use some fore sci ability...
  • I think that those rpg trinity is still good. But need a realy good balance to work it. For example: cruser shoud be the tank, but the lack of get and hold the "aggro" ability , so it is a little rough to do that. Therefor should they have build in aggro beam, like a deflector abiltiy, which instant taunt, or really help…
  • i think it would be better, if we can have some new set, and it must have to gain through specific STF. new 3 piece space set, 3 new space stf guarantied reward, lik ethe borg set was the old borg stfs. new endgame content, and must have go through of them, but secont time, you gain dil and/or existing mark. it would be…
  • The main problem was the old STFs: - it take hours to complete. (2-5 h) - much more tacs needed to discuss during the gameplay - the rewards was the Borg set, it were pretty impressive, but it was almost undooable with pug. or at least needed 2-3 experienced player to finish it and ofcourse they were buggy as hell. for…