I agree with ya mate. As do most players, on all platforms. Its unfortunate that most conversation revolving around STO are protesting against the revenue system. -- Which, imo is really just a symptom of the producers stubborn refusal to open the coffers and revamp the ingame systems, thereby offering players greater…
Its been part of a business agreement between the games producers and Sony. Knowing Sony, who knows if it'll ever be made available for XBOX; but taking the example of the Vizier, its expected to arrive in Mudds, if anywhere. Would be good if its available in the cstore though, for sure! There is a code from a past WoK…
Maybe that'll change during this process? Theres a lot of things from Discovery that still haven't made it in yet. The Klingon EV suit, I'm surprised wasn't and option for Klingon players, in place of Burnhams: If its even possible, it'd be cool if instead of just popping on / off your character when you activate them.…
None really, they all pretty much work as they are labelled. I think it just depends on the players; and whether they know the basic function of a picket (by type) vs a cruiser, or carrier, and then how displacement factors into each's role. Watching everyone float about in Dreads as attack ships, then cringe when a new…
Like in No Man's Sky? -- You're talking "synergistics", beyond just sets. Yeah, it'd be helpful to have a graphical representation of harmonic elements. This sorta thing can get quite complicated too.
Yep, well said. 👍 Recently I was watching "For the love of Spock" on netflix (I think) and in the docco, Leonard Nimmoy (among many others) made it pretty clear that budget per episode / film; directly determined what they could do in either. Especially where the creature shop is concerned, its very much an evolving…
Lol! Ya shoulda just said, "More meaningful PvP" period. -- Fleets / Faction stuff already exists in the game, right? I'm not even sure most SPPvE players are aware of this. With all due respect: Unless they create an entirely different mode you portal to between SPPvE & PvP; this game will never attract PvP gamers, and…
I actually wonder how hard it would be to just separate the colour swatches, in tabs based on material types. -- So when you click on a colour button, the menu that pops-up is tabbed at the top. Just select the material type and then the colour set. My klingons in kelvin outfits, sporting pastels; isn't really at I had in…
I'm pretty sure they'll look at including Ha'tesh's model as a selectable template (Head type category), as well as that of the Kelvin timeline Klingons (helms off appearance), through the course of working on the reimage. As it stands, its a lot of mucking around to merely get close to either type. I don't even think the…
Not me! I adore Kuumaarke! and often replay Future Proof & New Frontiers. The way collaborators have woven in Star Trek lore into and around content is amazing. -- Nothing says "Look at what we got to play with" more than doing it, and sharing the result. I genuinely appreciate it. (and the BSG camera in the Vault:…
Dude, at what point do you begin to concede that there is simply not enough context to fully comprehend this quote you keep lobbing at people to try and shut them down? (Hopefully no one actually acquiesces..) Even a cursory look at all things "Trekdom", should inform you that its a very fertile property, with many…
Yeah, and to add further; it seems to me that not a lot of people don't actually understand the word "canonical" and how it pertains to narratives (its meaning) -- It simply means that 'within the framework of narrative, is established as fact'.. Now when talking about both Star Trek and Star Wars; very little is…
So.. what you're saying is; if anyone just breezes in the forum and wants instant cred, they just pad their posts with extraneous use of the word "TRIBBLE", just like that, all in caps? .. gotcha ;)
Nah, populism overreacting by being thrown outta their comfort zone, is nothing new. Don't even try to tell me it is, or that this is anything else. Heres the Original, original Klingons, I began with: Things changed drastically after this. I didn't think it was all that great initially. Acceptance grew on me. No one…
T6 Kor: Concentrate on EPS, hull res, quantum and choose one gun. Cannons or beams makes no difference (recommend Piezo-Pla.) The rest in stealth / perception skills, red%, buff / debuff. Make sure you equip Mycelial Ambush (don't have to use it); its imperative for perception debuffs and compliments Enh. Induction coils…
Lol! I thpught they just changed the firing cycle to jerk us around.. watch the CD's and you'll see. Its like ready-re-re-re-reset, nope ready, hang on RESET -- and heres some crushing burst damage while it resets to be ready. Manic is a word that comes to mind. -- like guitar hero, only less cool.
First, and seconded! I'd be down for this. Perhaps Mudds is acway for them to offer it to us, yeah? -- I'm not 100% sure, but I think its promotional in a deal with Sony, on PS4. ie. The promotions tab, in the cstore. Course, that was years ago.. The most iconic starfleet uniform in Star Trek, surely can't be on indefinite…
Is that why, though? -- The impression I got was that live service / streaming games don't offer a minimum standard of acceptable PvP. So if it feels shoehorned in (taking the term used), then perhaps its because those limitations exist? In all honesty, while I don't claim that developing a multi-faction PvP system is easy…
Ok. Politely, please condense your thoughts. -- All I see here is your own extreme display of biases, among sweaping generalizations, obfuscated in textual diarrhea. -- with no context. Your nitpicking in broad strokes would require me to exercise telepathy, and I'm not doing that, today. 😅 Its not that I disagree with…
Lol! And again. You seem to willfully take things said "far too literally". (See? I can do this too!). The rhetorical questions asked of you, are an offer to make you check yourself, BEFORE you continue forcing a discussion down incoherant paths. Lol! It seems you hadn't noted that Star Trek offers an enormous amount to…
There ya go again, not making any sense.. the blog literally states in the first two lines that its a narrative deep dive they aren't ready to divulge yet; and that alongside that will be a visual and gameplay revamp of all relevant content, to date, spanning the rest of the year (or more).
Given the recent announcement regarding the Klingons? -- I feel fairly confident it will inspire more story content for other species / quadrants as well. Including Jem'hadar. Their connection to the Dominion, whom nurtured the Feh'kiri, is a firm connection. Personally speaking, I only recently started a Jem the last time…
You're splitting hairs, man. -- "Expanding" and "building upon" are also "changes / changing". -- the rest of your post is an attempt to marginalize, which is really just avoiding stating an opinion. -- coz we know what they are often "actually worth", in reality. Don't we? Theres a literal tonne and a half I could draw…
Lol! "They're out of ideas" tho! :D Seriously, once upon a time George Lucas said much the same thing. Met Dave Filoni and CGCG, then the hungry public got The Clone Wars, Rebels to Mandalorian since.. Its never wise to take things too literally, when producers are openly looking for a muse! Mary Chieffo's wonderful L'Rell…
It would be good if they did more soliton based stuff. I liked the concept a lot. A good start would be making Enhanced Soliton Wave Generator thats -universal-.
Yeah! Its essentially a local subset of an eco-system that we introduce ourselves to; and neither typically inhabit, or even belong in. Taking the stance that we are the foreign object, we try to control our habitation there, whether its temporary, or long term. An enclosure such as a biodome is one way we might do that,…
Lol! Aside from the fact your reading comprehension is atrocious.. -- I'm actually curious as to, how it is you (concisely) feel people should format requests?