Training boffs worked great. Sadly SELECTING the ground skills that are going to be used doesn't work correctly. Moving from a ground map to a space map messes with the selection, and either restores the default ground powers or just selects a new group randomly. Also there seems to be major issues with newly trained intel…
Key market value doesn't mean much. It spikes when a new lockbox is released and then slides down again until the next one is released, repeating the cycle. In this particular cycle there is a bigger loss in perceived value because the older lockbox ships lost appeal and thus there is a bigger loss of key price than usual.…
SPOILERS PAST THIS POINT. It is the original Harry Kim that died in the episode Deadlock and his body was lost in space. The current Captain Kim is a duplicate created in that episode, same as Naomi Wildman.
Insurance covers 95% of the cost of an identical replacement. Make sure you HAVE the extra 5% in your credit account before you leave the dock or you WILL lose the ship if it is destroyed. You will also lose any exploration data you have not turned in and any unclaimed bounties. "Death" hurts but it is not crippling.…
I had over two years of regular purchases, always using the same payment agent (steam) and it still flagged me every time I purchased zen using Steam while I was playing Neverwinter. When I used a credit card that I never used before with ARC I wasn't flagged. So it doesn't seem to work as advertised? In fact it seems…
I am pretty sure it is related to this bug. That bug is caused by some sort of data damage in several (most? all?) old accounts, so it cannot be reproduced in an account that is not affected by it. You might want to ask Crypticfrost as he managed to repro it with an in-house account. I can tell you by personal experience…
No, the first year was different. We got the ships via a store, not the rep system. They are going to have to devise a way for the game to acknowledge that and add it to the rep system before we can get a discount. Assuming they choose to put any more effort into this, something they have not committed to yet.
Basically, each bridge map has spots reserved for tacs, engineers and sci boffs. The boff that goes on each spot is random within the spot "class" and usually changes with each visit to the bridge map. As for boffs not showing up and getting replaced for generics, it means that either you do not have a boff of the correct…
We will have to wait for the fix to see what bugs remain. I don't think it is going to solve the device bug since that is another matter completely separate, but it might solve a few of the others. The problem, like flyingtarg said, is that the system is very complex, and it is built over very shaky foundations, as the…
Ah, the bug that was introduced a couple of patches after the loadouts were released, partially fixed and then reintroduced with DR. Thanks for the clarification.
Sadly, no. At least three separate bugs can cause the boff and/or doff unslotting. Upgrading a ship to t5u for example can unslot all doffs, bugged boffs that do not load correctly can make loadouts fail if the boffs are in the bugged status when you try to load them (they get unslotted but no replacement is slotted) and…
The candidates are bound too, so it is probably WAI. Probably to encourage players to level the intel specialization to access the level 3 intel powers.
Which loadout bug was fixed? The trays resetting themselves on a map change? Or the loadouts failing to load correctly? Or the gear unslotting itself from the ship when you change ships? Or doffs and or boffs unslotting themselves sometimes for no reason on a map change?
They can use the formal romulan uniform and romulan veteran pieces. Doesn't seem to be intended but it is there. Also they can use the dyson uniform and probably any other uniform you have unlocked that works on a regular romulan boff.
It doesn't work, the upgraded gear cannot be turned in. I had an old, pre-rep MK X ground set of Maco gear that I upgraded to MK XII. No accolades and no costumes were unlocked.
You realize that you can use BO with a cannon build right? You only need one beam and since the 360 beams arrays come in every flavor now you don't even need a front weapon slot for it. CRF+BO+APB is king for single target damage if you have the tac powers for it.
My experience with this new system in Neverwinter wasn't so good. All zen purchases through Steam flagged my account for 2-4 days. Direct purchases through Arc were never flagged. My extensive purchase history through steam was never taken into consideration. Just a FYI.
Actually, the boff bug was never fixed. Several things have been added to the game to lessen the impact but the base bug has been around for two years and it keeps messing with a lot of game systems.
I just did CC Advanced. Probably the most boring fight I ever had in this game. I am not sure if the pug was lacking DPS or the buffed HP of advanced combined with the CE regen was too much but there was no way to get the damned thing below 30%. The worst part is that there was no challenge whatsoever, no enemies that…
Bio-Molecular weapons are good with the set that buffs the proc chance (and that includes the bio torps). Protonic polarons are junk, but at least they are free mk xii junk.
I think the next one is the Delta Quadrant buddies lockbox, with the friendly delta races stuff. The next one after that will probably be the Vaadwaur lockbox. There are way too many new art assets related to them and Cryptic is going to monetize them like crazy. Plus several developers have hinted that enemies coming…