And I really wish he wasn't.
The only way in which I could see Prime Kirk in the new films would be through a mind meld flashback kind of thing, but no, apparently there's a scene with Prime Kirk and new Kirk in. God Damn!
If Shatner is in (he costs a lot) then the film will be poor cause the expense will go toward paying for Shatners
not required role.
that tells the whole story... yeah a non story.
this isnt confirmation, its just another rumor until its officially confirmed from abrams, nimoy, shatner or orci.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
For a film that's been planned to be released the year of the 50th anniversary of the premiere of STAR TREK on TV (in 1966) - I'm happy they will be working in both (still living at 81 years old) leads of the original STAR TREK series. (Hell, in 2016, I'd love to see Cryptic get leonard Nimoy to come back and do more voice over for STO - maybe with another mission involving the original series timeframe; and it would be really something if they could get William Shatner too - but both might be out of Cryptic's available price range now, as I'm sure the fact Paramount used the launch of STO to in many ways cross promote the Star Trek 2009 film; that Paramount probably talked Leonard Nimoy into doing it, and footed a major part of his fee.)
Still one could hope.:eek::D
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
His death scene was the best performance he ever gave if you don't count him giving lessons to DeNiro on the best way to slide over a car's hood.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
^ Pretty much this. I did what I practically never do, and went out to check Shatner's Twitter, and there appears to be nada on the subject for weeks. Oh, and if I'm reading this right, he appears to be a died-in-the-wool Castle fan. :cool:
That's the scene- academy award quality amiright ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I haz a sad nao.
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
Yeah in the mirror universe where Shatner is Robert Downey Jr
Are you saying... James T. Kirk is... Ironman?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
This in a nutshell.
Whatever happens, I will dread it. It's got a lot of potential for William Shatner hamming it up and dramatically taking over the JJPrise, and also a lot of potential for Robert Orci's bad writing.
Shatner is so bloated and his hair so weird he doesn't even look like Kirk anymore.
Believe it or not, I really like Shatner, but he shouldn't return to the Kirk role.
1. The Death of Kirk: Fine. Kill him off. The Shat is too old to be chasing Klingons and women around the galaxy. But in the movie (which one was it?) where he's freeclimbing and falls and Spock rescues him, he explains to Bones he wasn't worried because he knew he would die alone. He died in the arms of a fellow Starfleet Captain, he was never alone. So now, they bring him back and kill him off properly. I'll be happy.
2. Star Trek (2009). It has been a long standing tradition in the Trek IP that time travel "issues" are resolved, or at least leave things better than they would have been. This did not happen in the 1st JJ Trek. Now that they've had their fun and completed theplanned 3 movie story arc, they can fix it, restoring the timeline and making having TOS Kirk necessary to tie up loose ends.
It could happen...
dont forget JJ abrams in the torp tube as khan would say.."Very alive"
They should consider sending him through some octagenarian version of the 300 workout for a few months. It might just prove beneficial to him for quality of life beyond the movie. As to hair, Hollywood has lots of good, um, hair effects wizards.
Good idea. It might kill him.
Old Spock is a conceit which screams lazy writing. But lets not get into just how bad the plot holes were. The movies were fun to watch as popcorn banalities.
Where exactly was 'Shuttlebay 2' on Voyager again?
I am pretty sure that was sarcasm.
As for Shat? I personally don't mind as long as it's done tastefully. I'm more concerned about the way that "JJ" does things. (ie: the destruction of Vulcan, the death of Spock's Mom, Red matter .... etc. just to list a few).
Just my opinion.
That's the joke.
The JJ Enterprise was specifically stated to be ejecting warp cores, plural. Apparently the JJ-verse version of the Constitution class has several warp cores working in unison instead of a single core. Having one or two remaining after ejecting the rest ought to thus allow warp travel at a reduced maximum speed as compared to having all of the cores.