likely they have a huge backlog of bugs to fix since the update, and taking on a few each day instead of trying to fix it all at once and breaking more in the process, this slower means, is more through, but don't quote me, its all in theory
the game is "free" so what do I expect, actually nothing really, its inconvenient yes, but as opposed to paying a monthly fee, its something I can deal with, I can understand the life time members feeling cheated in this regard, but again the core of the game is F2P now
it was working fine for me the last 2 days, odds are since the servers went back up everyone is trying to log on at once, some USA schools are out too, so theres a lot more network traffic, but I think the login server just died from all the attention
I hate to say it, but it was bloody working better before you guys fixed stablility issues, so there was the occasional lag spike, but at least it connected, lol
"give it all shes got scotty" "I am captin" "well all shes got aint enough, what else you got?" "I could try kicking players, but I canno make any promises that will help"
Kirk's enterprise's warp drive is about as functional as our STO servers, completely freakign random, sometimes warp speed, sometimes overdrive, sometimes a random worm hole forms when your going... "its nuu good captin, we dun got da powar"
I want warp speed now Scotty, ona side note, I did notice when I was actually on, the excelsior ship's deflector scoop was oval shaped now, instead of round, not sure whats going on there
well I wait for STO to become stable again, maybe i'll actually try the new star trek game for consoles, or even dig out Star fleet academy bridge simulator for my SNES, at least those ships don't have wait lines
I hate to say it, but why didn't anyone else learn from blizzards TRIBBLE ups in the past? look at WoW, at one point each expansion brought that game to its knees, even major releases on the conoles have brought online to its knees, time to quote scotty "An engineer always gives himself a wee bit of leeway on paper" in…
Do we have photon torpedos? -Not installed till Tuesday can we play star trek online? -not working till Tuesday well what do we have? -Q and his endless trolling