I had room in my inventory. Also the event quest was there again. Normally if you get credit the event quest changes to the trade tickets in for dilithium followup quest. Also even if it was in overflow I didn't recieve the 50k dil either.
Apparently the plan at some point was for that starbase that gets sucked into the vortex is suppose to come out in the 25th century and you go there to get the 23c stuff. Either they decided to not do that, even though it's visible in sector space or they are waiting for a future event to open it up.
Yeh I had the fortune of someone else in the stf group PM about that guy and I could run ahead and sit in the drop down before the guy could block it. That said I remember last time a guy was serial griefing in pugs he got away with it for 3 weeks, even twitch streamed himself griefing players doing that TRIBBLE, till some…
Use the mission guides in Elite. If the part above isn't green don't move onto the next part. As soon as objectives turn green on the mission list then you can safely use the trigger.
Ground Elite STF have a massive lower equipment requirement than space. Ground you only need 3 good items for the character and there weapons like the 116b that make anyone meet the basic damage requirement. Also Ground STF usually have combat secondary to the objective. You don't HAVE TO clear the enemies to complete…
I went around. There are still small pockets that house the good missions. I went to the ferengi vendor on DS9 4 times and none of those times was a haggle mission. I'd say it's still broken.
that's not my concern it's about converting marks into credits as quickly as possible. I have a fleet that doesn't have mark slots ever available I just want to burn 15K marks I have on some of the DR characters that just can't be done because everyone has too many marks and no other way to turn them into credits
It's been working for me. Make sure to go back into Option>Control>Autofire and make sure it didn't disable again. This can happen when reloading the game or if your config file gets corrupted. Remember it has to be enabled in options menu before you can right-click the icons to go green on ground.
This is fustrating. Here's my suggestion for getting through it. DX9 for graphics. (not DX9ex) turn off cam shake Known things to cause direct crashing 1. Cryo grenade effects. Lower or put into safe mode if this is causing your crash 2. Vel'sh ... NPC dying. This happens in the 2nd large room in the tunnels. After you…
All I learned from this stream is apparently I should get an anti-proton rom tac in a scimatar and just delete my other characters because they don't matter.
What I notice is I have to run this in safe mode or the game will crash on just loading into this mission. Even in safe mode when you get to the room with the Vel'sh Tactician the moment you kill one of them the game will still crash for me. Turning off camera shake helps the crashing in load but still the Vel'sh death…
I crash at 75% loading starting Cold Comfort. I think there's a bad urban texture that exist in the Breen indoor missions and Voth battleground outskirts that crashing clients left and right.