Congratulations on well fought matches. There seems to be some serious accusations in this thread however, care to offer explanation for your strategies in order to defend their legitimacy?
Except in cases were this supposed "QQ" serves to fix exploited mechanics and devices, thus increase the quality of "PewPew" for all those not in the wrong. The superior.
I for one believe that this may revolutionize game play. Tear the control of Player versus player from the establishment of exploiters and neckbeards. Huzzah.
Fleet v Fleet would be great, then some individual posters (not to name names) could potentially be in a position to how you say......put up or shutup? This is the truth it is somewhat refutable IMHO.
PvP needs everyone to stop complaining about things. Using purple mark X antiproton weapons, loading up on EPS consoles, and Mk X Covariant capx3 shields you aren't correct telling people their BO or gaming keyboard or ISO, or SS, or Romulan boffs are OP lame weak or OP.
I'm not trying to specially call anyone out, but I feel that there has been some individuals who have been making it a point to QQ and flame other individuals and groups quite a bit since LoR. I'm not trying to point out any specific forum posters though with this post I'm making.