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nelly1956 Arc User



  • The more experienced players followed the guides in the forums long ago and fixed their lag issues.
  • I was just now in an ISN. It was a PUG. I knew something was wrong when the two Klingons said 'lets mess with these blankedy blank feds.' They didn't do anything for the entry group. They both just sat there. The other two ships with me had rainbow beams. The first group took longer than it should. The whole time the…
  • I started late in the event also. The patch description says those who started it can continue. The CE event is not listed in the PVE queues and I cannot find the CE in the Memory Alpha area. So how are we supposed to continue! False Advertising. :mad:
  • I just did a CE and the game crashed at 25%. I tried to reload and it wouldn't go. I had to reboot the computer. When I arrived back in the game it had just ended. I didn't get my loot. Darn it. :mad:
  • It looks like there will be hours of wait time today while the devs do whatever devs do so I think I'll post one. I pugged into a Cure Space Normal and typed hello. Everyone else said hello. I fly over to the right and shoot the BOPS. They both die and I start on a node. Two other ships show up and start on the same node.…
  • You might want to edit that name out. Its against the rules to post them.
  • Funny. There's no way I'd use rainbows even if they were set up right. I've seen too many times first hand how weak they are and I've only done a couple dozen STF's.
  • Yea, I could hear him cussing in the other computer room. My dad NEVER cusses. LOL
  • If they want to learn the ropes then they need to do it in organized groups. If you are trying to do a Normal STF with a 10% rule in an unorganized pug, good luck with that.
  • LOL :D I had a bad one today, not for me but for some poor clutzo running rainbows. Cure Space Normal. At the start I went over to the right and started shooting nodes. I was followed by two ships. I saw right away that one stopped at the spawning BOPS and started shooting. He was using rainbows. The second ship also…
  • Sorry, I wasn't trying to be arrogant. Aggravated would be a better word. I haven't seen, or at least not posted many bad STF's or Fleet Events in the last few days. That one was a wopper so I thougt I'd share.
  • I'm so tired of incompetent people i could screem. I just finished a csn. We won but barely. At the beginning I went to the Kang first which is something I never do. ALL 4 TEAM MATES FOLLOWED! Nobody flew left, nobody flew right, nobody flew to the center. Nobody was taking out cubes or nodes. I typed, Is anyone going to…
  • I did an ISE today with the Klink saboteur. We flew in, someone says 10% rule and everyone said ok. The entry group died and 4 Feds fly left and start on the cube. The Klink flies right and attacks everything. He kills a node while everyone is yelling at him to stop. He says "HaHaHa, (name withheld) strikes again!!!" Then…
  • I just now pugged into a Fleet Alert. I was just setting there and suddenly warped out. I didn't even have my hands on the mouse or keyboard! No leaver penalty though. :D
  • Ahhhh. I see your misinterpretation. The MMO being the real person where the 'people inside' actually refers the the characters generated by the game. Still lmao. :P
  • Lmao. That's a pretty odd interpretation. What part of it says the average MMO player has a brain?
  • That reminds me of something my dad said; 'Sooner or later the people inside those computers are going to get tired of being killed by the people outside those computers.' I hope the people outside aren't throwing Skittles and Rainbows when the people inside retaliate. The people inside will surely learn from the mistakes…
  • Golly gee wizzers! What's with all the rainbow warriors! Every STF, every fleet run, every mission, it's one after another rainbow boat. Has the world gone nuts? Come on people! Grow a brain! Dump those rainbows and get some firepower! :P Seriously, I ran three fleets and a cure normal today and didn't win any thanks to…
  • You can recieve the Strange artifact on ANY of the Return Artifacts missions on Critical. It doesn't matter what sector.
  • I joined a KSN a couple days ago. I haven't done a lot of KSN but I understand how it's done. The first cube went ok, nobody chatted or said hi except me. When the cube went, two of the group went left and two went right. I flew center to kill probes. Things were going really slow and probes were thick from each side.…
  • I have to agree with that. I do more CSN than any other STF. It's where the players show their true colors (with rainbow beams and skittle cannons!) ROFLMAO :P
  • So, we put the desktop, keyboard, monitor and mouse in the backpack. Strap it all on the bike and head off into the sunset. Ever heard the song Unknown Legend by Neil Young? I'm the one on the bike. I prefer putting the laptop in the backpack. It leaves room for a change of cloths.
  • Jake, I see you completed the shipyard already and two of the engineering projects. Now we wait. I think I understand it better now. The vendor is what is throwing you off. It's all in the projects. :D (Right?) Get better dad.
  • That's what it sounds like to me Jake. I'm the third member of Jakes fleet and yes, this part has been a source of confusion. We've not been able to find much on it anywhere. We completed the military tier 1 a few days ago and started the ship dock part today. I'm assuming the provisions are the ones that we buy from the…
  • Today was awfull. My fleet only had about 100 points to go to get over the last hump on the star base tier 1. I thought no problem, I could do that in three or four fleet grinds. Yea, right. Eight losses later I still hadn't earned enough points to get us over the top. I gave up and saw later that one of the other fleet…
  • I went into a fleet event today. There were 2 escorts, 1 heavy cruiser, an excelsior and me in my oddy Everything was going great, all the levels went very fast, everything was fantastic. All the players were coordinating just great. It seemed like we were all focussing on one ship at a time and killing it quick. It was…
  • This isn't a bad one. I joined a CSN pug and was amazed at how quick it went. There were no Klingons, rainbows or skittles. One escort protected the Kang while the rest of us killed the nodes and cubes. Another escort was practically one shotting any ships spawned by the cubes. The cubes were all dead in about 5 minutes.…
  • I had a bad CSN today. I joined a pug and only 4 ships showed. I figured it was still winnable. So I fly off to the right and start shooting. So this guy, I'll call him Skittleman, starts telling everyone they need to go to the Kang and protect it and he will take care of the nodes. I saw his skittles and know instantly…
  • Why is it that the people most likely to be unable to defent the Kang are the ones who always insist on defending the Kang? And there are usually 4 of them. :mad:
  • I had a bad fleet event today. Partly my fault. Just before the event I decided to switch from a disruptor equipped cruiser to a phased tetryon beam/cannon escort. I was just short of Rear Admiral Lower Half when I tried it. I saw that the mission was a failure from the start. All the other ships were either skittles or…