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Post your worst STF experiance



  • nelly1956nelly1956 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I had a bad fleet event today. Partly my fault.

    Just before the event I decided to switch from a disruptor equipped cruiser to a phased tetryon beam/cannon escort. I was just short of Rear Admiral Lower Half when I tried it.

    I saw that the mission was a failure from the start. All the other ships were either skittles or rainbows. One person dropped out within the first couple minutes. I tried anyhow.

    I wasn't doing much of any damage. Nobody else was either. I died twice before the mission failed in the second wave.

    Now for the really bad part.

    JUST before the mission failed I realized my weapons and all the other power settings were at 50%. I raised the weapons to 100% and my damage figures jumped dramatically. But it was too late.

    Mission failed. :(
  • pup1980pup1980 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    nelly1956 wrote: »
    JUST before the mission failed I realized my weapons and all the other power settings were at 50%. I raised the weapons to 100% and my damage figures jumped dramatically. But it was too late. (

    Is that what they mean by "Take weapons off stun."?

    Roflmao. I love this thread.
  • velktravelktra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    nelly1956 wrote: »
    JUST before the mission failed I realized my weapons and all the other power settings were at 50%.

    Haha. :D

    I've done worse. I've gone into events, PvP, and STFs and forgotten to take my ship out of "speed" mode.

    There, now you feel better. :P
    Demons run when a good man goes to war.
  • teleon22teleon22 Member Posts: 424
    edited September 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Had an instance of ISE that I can't really decide whether was good or bad yesterday.

    I jumped into an existing game in my Fleet Sao Paulo - heaven knows what had happened beforehand, but the first generator had, by the looks of things, been taken out immediately prior to my appearance. It looked like the 10% rule had gone out of the window and there were spheres all over the place. The optional only had approximately two minutes left on it.

    Needless to say it didn't look good - the team appeared to consist of a rainbow-boat Regent, a rainbow boat (well, to be honest only phasers and Polaron) Star Cruiser, an Odyssey that seemed to flying around taking pot-shots at the Spheres, and a Dreadnought that, to it's credit, appeared to have pretty solid DPS and looked as if it was running itself ragged trying to keep the Spheres in check.

    Anyway, I flew in to assist the Dreadnought, since it appeared to be the only ship managing decent DPS, and we mopped the spheres up fairly quickly, with the other ships alternating between what they probably considered to be 'lending a hand' and exploding. Needless to say, the optional failed in this time.

    We killed off the last sphere, at which point the Star Cruiser bailed - I assume that he was either annoyed that the optional failed or just a loser. Possibly both. Sadly the Regent, upon seeing this, followed him moments later.

    So with only three of us remaining we move onto the the transformers. With only three players left, myself and the Galaxy-X player admittedly asked each other if it was worth continuting. We decided that there was nothing to lose from trying, and we therefore did.

    The Odyssey player should fly an Escort though - I wouldn't say he was useless as such, but hit and run isn't the best (in my opinion) use for an Odyssey. We killed the transformers - I reduced two to 10% and the Galaxy X did the same with the oposite two, and we then popped them as quickly as possible, subsequently blasting the generator with everything we had, weapons batteries utilised, phaser lance, HY torps and rapid fire cannon. The Odyssey actually made itself quite useful by shooting at the spheres which slowed them just enough for us to take the generator down literally seconds before the first nanite sphere got within range.

    The rest of it was pretty routine, but I suppose that this leans more toward a good experience than a bad one, as we did at least manage to finish it with a three-person team, though a prototype drop rather than two measly EDC's would've been nice!

    Was that Dreadnaught using TBR-I by any chance?
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    CSE the other day took down all nanite probes center and helped kill guard spawn on right, then killed middle guard spawn solo when someone in a kitty carry explodes on left and begins to rage....

    Baddie: 'why no one every help against guard spawns?!?'

    So I kill the negvar spawn solo that kilt him and clean up nanites on left. Proceed to kill cube on left and center raptor spawns pretty much solo.

    Baddie: 'NOOBS why you kill cube now we loose NOOBs there are still nanites up!!'

    So I throw a tac team on Kang (side note why on earth do so few people do this it keeps his butt alive better than anything in the game) mop up raptors and finish middle cube and proceed to assist team in cleaning up the mess on right. Also at this point I notice the baddie can't CC for beans.

    Me: 'we are fine stop raging and stop being a baddie'
    Baddie: 'I know what i'm doing i've done this like 500 times how many times have you done it?'
    Me: 'so you've done this 500 times and still can't kill a neg'var solo and wonder why I call you a baddie? LTP'
    Baddie: 'no one can solo a negvar moron'
    Me: 'I can. Did it twice this match in fact'

    If you are not a top tier player, and by top tier you can check an old thread I made on the subject, shut the frak up and keep the rage to yourself.

    Really pathetic thing is I was flying my quantium defiant at the time. Yes I solo neg'vars with a torp boat escort and I consider myself a player of 'average' skill who has no right to rage on his teammates in game.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Assorted comments by random trolls in STFs I've done:

    "Sure whatever you say noob" (when I told him mrrmll is the most efficient)
    "noobs you can't even kill her" (while trolly here refuses to fight donatra, no wonder it's going slowly, maybe cuz there's some cruisers here and he's got the BoP? Hm?)
    "you guys suck especially you vaporak" (CSE, three people and this guy couldn't defend the Kang and I'm not sure why he's blaming me. I was happily killing the probes until I noticed how poorly they were doing)
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • matridunadan1matridunadan1 Member Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    Baddie: 'no one can solo a negvar moron'
    Seriously? What kind of guns does he have? A NERF Tag Blaster(tm)?
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Oh joy, just wait to get into an STF and see three time ships with no power at all and a rainbow Odyssey. That's a good time to chew and swallow the leaver penalty.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • vongravenvongraven Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I keep reading this thread for quite a while. Some of your stories sound really familiar, so I do feel your pain as my own. And finally, after today's run, I decided to post here as well.

    Actually I'm a very tolerant and patient person, so I never rage out about any of the bad runs. There were plenty - the most stories would be repeated though, and I can't say I feel bad about them. The worst runs are usually the ones I've screwed up myself for whatever reason. (Lack of attention, daydreaming, sudden distraction - and pop it goes, the bloody gen...) I think we all had some runs like this. The one I've remembered the most was KA elite. I was working on a transformer, some klingon carrier was guarding the gate and helped me from time to time. So, all gens are popped, I'm happily blowing all of the cd's on the transformer.... And dpsing.... and dpsing.... and nothing comes... And than I the klink comes and starts dpsing the gen behind the transformer I haven't noticed. Well, he said nothing, and yet his silence was all saying. That must have been the most embarrassing run I've ever had. But not the worst one.

    The worst one is probably the todays one. Infected Space Elite. I can't complain about the group - it was really good. We went through the instance and done the optional with some minutes left. I was going with my Tac captain on the Galor - I do enjoy playing "semi-support" classes like Tac cruisers and carriers. And than one of the sci's starts whining about all the horrible aggro he got on the Tac Cube, oh woe, those bloody Tacs are playing cruisers (there were two of us), and ain't able to hold the aggro! Those n00bs!.. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I DON'T WANT any aggro on my Tac. Neither my escort, nor my tac cruiser. I avoid it. One of the main reasons I'm not taking my Escort to the pugs anymore is the fact I start tanking just by entering any STF. Well, I can tank, for some time. Escorts are even crappier tanks than cruisers are dps boats. And yet it's rather stressing, so actually an opposite of why I'm coming to STF - to relax and to have some fun. And, to be completely honest, there were situations my sci got aggro in some insane dps teams popping Cubes like normal BoPs. And yet I've regarded it as my own fault and never came up with idea acting like an elitist spoiled brat and going forth insulting people. Actually I wanted to say that I'd gladly bring my Escort and do some high dps, but not in a team where a sci mourns and whines instead of healing properly. (Never seen him healing at all, it was me tossing heals around.) But than I thought the poo fight won't do me any good, so I didn't say anything.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well... not all sci builds have heal. Some prefer things like Tyken's rift or Grav well.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • vongravenvongraven Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Yeah, that's the point. You can't just judge the person for his/her career. It would be the same to say "every engi should get a cruiser and tank, every sci should fly a sci vessel and heal and every tac should get an escort and go dps".

    The main thing that's making me mad is someone daring to accuse others of having "the wrong" ship, career, etc. Your career choice usually doesn't bind you to a single role in the team. And that choice is still your own, as long as you are managing your tasks. I mean, if you ain't a rainbow ody tac with 0 idea what does abbreviation "STF" stand for.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    One of my faves for STF is an Eng in an escort. Using Eng skills to keep the escort in one peice works nicely.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • vongravenvongraven Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My fav is a Tac in a Recluse so far. Those "unique" ships like carriers, flight deck escorts, cruiser/escort mix like Galor and others are a huge fun to play. Choosing them I have the possibility to play a "semi-support", and it's a best matching play style for me. I'd rather watch out for the team and heal/CC if needed than tank in an escort tbh. An engi in an escort would be a great combination as well - I can imagine it's not as squishy boat anymore. I'm trying it other way around atm. Galor isn't making an uber dps boat but it's a nice combination of survivability with ... non-perfect pugs, damage output and maneuverability. (And a nice RP boat as well, which isn't as unimportant to me.)
  • odred1odred1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Worst not in the sense of game play but in the fact the team had more teeth than brain cells.

    khitomer accord (as usual), spawn in to see a couple of dps an odyssey class and a bortas (think it was before these ships were released in the C-Store). First thing destroy the tac cube, starts off okay however the Bortas is still at the spawn zone telling people what to do, calling people noobs the usual, while not lifting a finger. That?s when I realise the other 3 ships have gone to stop the Borg probes..
    Now this is an elite, 1 person isn?t leaving the spawn zone but wont shut up on the chat the other 3 are on probe watch? this is going to be a long day, well I wipe out some generators destroy the cube by my self ? and then I see it ?. Mission failed 10 probes got through.. :eek:

    Back in the day natural selection would have killed off the stupid members of the species?.
  • odred1odred1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Worst not in the sense of game play but in the fact the team had more teeth than brain cells.

    khitomer accord (as usual), spawn in to see a couple of dps an odyssey class and a bortas (think it was before these ships were released in the C-Store). First thing destroy the tac cube, starts off okay however the Bortas is still at the spawn zone telling people what to do, calling people noobs the usual, while not lifting a finger. That?s when I realise the other 3 ships have gone to stop the Borg probes..
    Now this is an elite, 1 person isn?t leaving the spawn zone but wont shut up on the chat the other 3 are on probe watch? this is going to be a long day, well I wipe out some generators destroy the cube by my self ? and then I see it ?. Mission failed 10 probes got through..

    Back in the day natural selection would have killed off the stupid members of the species?.
  • kj7az1954kj7az1954 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    The other day I started a Enemy Signal Encounter (Not an STF)

    Some guy was in there with a oddesy. He was ranting and raving about everyone needing to follow him because he knew what needed to be done. There were only a couple other ships doing the mission besides me.

    He wanted us all to team with him. I didn't team and went off on my own. He came up on a ship I was shooting at and he started shooting with his rainbow beams. He wasn't doing much of any damage.

    Anyhow, I killed the ships and then he started ranting on me.

    The last enemy died and I left.

    I don't know what his problem was but he was a wierd one.
  • novemberalphanovemberalpha Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    hey what does pug stand for i cant figure out some of these short terms that are used
  • doctormerkindoctormerkin Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    pug=pick up group..
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Every IGE Pug.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    pug=pick up group..
    AKA auto teamed groups.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • taavit22taavit22 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I wouldn't call it the worst, but the most amusing.

    Warp in to CSE. See the other four players are part of a Fleet - okay, at least it looks promising. Fleet groups are usually well-coordinated.

    So three guys go right, one guy slides up to the Kang, and I go left to intercept some BoPs and start working on the lower probes.

    The guy who slid to the Kang began yelling at me because I wasn't 'following instructions'. Presumably, the ones he spammed to his fleet on joining. I, of course, couldn't see them. Since I'm in a whale, while I got the BoPs down, it took me a little bit of time to get up to speed and start heading to help his fleetmates.

    He was so wrapped up in telling me what to do that he let the BoPs from the right side just hang on the Kang ... we lost the optional in under a minute.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Wow.... truely pathetic. It's always annoying to see someone "coordinate" while not actually helping.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • nelly1956nelly1956 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Why is it that the people most likely to be unable to defent the Kang are the ones who always insist on defending the Kang? And there are usually 4 of them. :mad:
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Because they know that if they do anything else they will be destroyed?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • pup1980pup1980 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    They just get better and better. Every time I log in I have to read this thread. It's the first one I catch up on and the last one I catch up on.

    Keep up the great writing.
  • pup1980pup1980 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There I was......

    I just logged into an ISE.

    I say 'Hi' as usual.

    No response.

    The first group goes well.

    The left side, not so well.

    The Borge swarm us.

    For some reason I draw all the fire. :eek:

    I die.

    I come back and draw all the fire again.

    I die.

    I come back and this happens all over again several times.

    I had to bail. :(

    I wait and go into a second ISE.

    It went normal.

    I didn't draw all the fire and all was well.

    The first ISE was REALLY odd.

    Are the Borg programmed to cheat now? :confused:
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    they've always been programmed to cheat....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • henrik68henrik68 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    To be honest the worst experiences for me are the ones in which no one even bothers to respond to others (in chat), to me that only gives me the feeling that they are only in there for the loot and not having fun/cooperating with other people!
  • sheppardussheppardus Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    last night I played CSE, with prob one of the worst co-ordinated teams I ever ever pugged

    Start off saying Hi and stating that I would take the left hand side (I'm a science captain)
    I start taking out the BoPs coming my way and then move onto the probes, at which I notice 2 other ships coming to join me attacking the probes, I decide to look back at the Kang and notice 4 BoPs circling it with one guy defending, I race back to help clear the ships away and destroy them at which point the rainbow boat that was defending the kang then decides to go help the 2 ships attacking the probes on the left leaving me to try and defend 2 waves of Bird of preys and then help the 5th guy with a spawned Negh'var.
    After this guy explodes he decided that he wasn't going to help again with the Negh'var and ****s off to the otherside of the map leaving me to destroy the Negh'var alone as well as keeping the Kang safe,
    I start typing really quick telling people to stop focusing on one side of the map together and to help me with defending the Kang from all 3 shipyards (they were ignoring ships spawned right by them) with no responce whatsoever then I notice they have taken all probes out and are all attacking the Cube, at which point i start private messaging them to stop attacking as blowing it would mean game over for us hoping they would see this over team chat, but to no avail.

    Cube blows and several waves of raptors spawn, my 'team' mates return to destroy a few but all blow up in short order not doing any real damage, I get blown too being overwhelmed by raptors and sit and watch the Kang be destroyed.

    Then finally someone uses team chat and blames the loss on poor defending of the Kang!!!! not the fact they blew up a cube before even taking out any other nanite probes, nor not working as a team,
  • eigthballereigthballer Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    something similar happened to me yesterday. two people insisted in splitting. When finally they got together we managed to get the 4 generators on one side, they started on the spheres (the regular ones) so there was no way to bring down the tranformer before the nanite probes and spheres overwhelmed us. sigh. It helps if two people get the nanite probes/spheres, an two should be enough on the trasnformer, specially if there is 1 science with photonic fleet.

    On the other hand I have had two fails since yesterday on the cure ground. The double turret gate. People don't seem to undrestand that 1) once the first node is activated you are on a timer for the whole thing, 2) nodes need to be protected, and 3) they guy setting the charges on the turret needs some cover. You need to distract the turrets: shot once, once it turns on you, cover your TRIBBLE, as soon as it turns on someone else, get out and fry it. That way it never does too much damage to anyone.
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