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mwgacy1 Arc User



  • This reminded me of a quote I read in a Dev blog I read a few months back, possibly around the time of the last season release, where one of the content designers explained that they wanted players to feel like they've achieved something every time they logged in. I hope they stick to that and adjust the XP gain as…
  • I haven't got around to leveling this one yet (hence the lack of uniform) but no Seductive pose here. http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/68381/module_gallery/original/2077248.jpg
  • And another one here. I actually uninstalled last week but I still want to play STO so I reinstalled (lasted all of two days...). But, I deleted all but one character and that one's going to be upgraded using Dilithium I pick up in game, no more spending for me as I just don't feel that blowing masses of Dilithium to…
  • I'm in pretty much the same place, I'd love to feel as though any of the grind will be worthwhile. The only thing I'd add is that the changes to the queue events (which were pretty much the main place I'd spend my time pre-DR) have made them so tedious, the addition of extra HP to an NPC that poses no real threat to me is…
  • No. The amount required, in both money and in game resources, to level a character to 60, pick up gear, traits, BOffs, level Reputations etc and to arrive at a good, solid, end game character is becoming a little extreme. I actually deleted a couple of characters when I realised how resource intensive it would be just…
  • In my experience, this is usually only an issue with friendly, and usually other players, NPCs around. Colony Invasion is usually a particularly bad spot for me, with a couple of Tactical players spamming Security Escort and the Shard of Possibilities, pretty quickly NI will infect virtually everything, both hostile and…
  • Not sure if you'll also get this to work but I saved my Fed characters UI setting in the HUD section of the options and loaded them on my Romulan. My original character had Emotes disabled before LoR and after loading the UI settings my Romulan does too. It's been patchy for me (only worked on 3 of the 4 Romulan's I've…
  • It's not so much that, at least not from what I was seeing. it's more that they have so much spam and control, from boarding parties, viral matrix, tractor mines, they jump around a lot to get behind you etc, that if you're in the default Romulan ship at that tier (the D'Deridex) you're screwed because you find yourself…
  • Unless of course you use PayPal (or one of the other 4 options, not including Skrill themselves) which is paid directly to Perfect World. As the email notification usually states Perfect World B.V they're likely based in Holland, probably the reason for the charge in Euro's rather than Sterling. ETA: Although some of the…
  • All the options that I've used charge in Euro's rather than Sterling, not just Skrill. I'm not sure what the actual issue is, the exchange rate doesn't change that much so it's not like the effect is huge and even if it was, the exchange rate between USD and Sterling changes all the time anyway so you'd have the same…
  • This is why I also like the current system. Except I'm more realistic and will be doing it on Day 2 once the server's recovered :D
  • I think it's a huge improvement, the old UI has never been particularly appealing (IMO) but the new one I really like, especially with the Romulan Classic colour scheme. I'm not a huge fan of the power preset part of the UI, I had to resize the UI to make it more visible as I usually have it set to 0.8 and it was hard to…
  • As I've been levelling all the DOffs I've received from the DOff contact have been of the Romulan faction with no exception. Not a single Fed DOff has been received so far.
  • Personally I think the levelling speed is about perfect*, not because it teaches you everything you need to know (it doesn't, it teaches you little although the Romulan's are a little better with the suggestions from your BOffs about power levels and cloak usage) but because the 'seek alternatives and participate in other…
  • There are already different Plasma weapons available from the flotilla. They're still Plasma but there are different weapon variants with a different look, much better than the generic Plasma weapons that are currently available on Holodeck. The weapon below is a wide beam rifle IIRC.…
  • It doesn't work anyway. The BOff has to be commissioned before it can be trained by another player but once commissioned it can no longer be used for training other BOffs. If it did work I'm sure someone would have figured it out in the (almost) three years that the ability to train other players BOffs has been available.
  • I've been using these for about a week now, and you're not even close. The Romulan ships are currently running with -10 to all subsystems and the abilities are nowhere near as powerful as they seem. They're nice but quite a few of those testing them would rather have the +10 to all subsystems back*... As for the "instant…
  • Yeah, I can agree with that. I like the singularity abilities, my current concern is the opportunity cost and it not feeling worth it. We're currently dealing with a 20% reduction in base power settings and to make it worse at least one of those abilities (I can't yet see the details for the last two) require a spend in…
  • No one's suggesting the singularity should be taken away, they're arguing that the abilities aren't worth the cost. Personally, I don't think they're worth the cost either, I can do a lot more with +10 to each subsystem than I can do with a selection of weak abilities that take a while to charge and have a negligible…
  • I just don't see them being useful in PvE at all, so far I've not had a chance to use them because things just die before it's charged. Of the 3 abilities I currently have access to I've used the heal once, the others I used to see what they were like and never touched them again as they were either so weak they weren't…
  • I wouldn't say that. Not only does it look different it feels nothing like the equivalent T3 Fed and KDF ships to use. Thanks to the RBC it also promotes a different play style, it's not great if you try to play it like a Fed escort due to the turn rate but it's pretty nasty if you use it like a huge Hegh'ta. Those Sci…
  • They had similar, if not the same, icons to the reputation weapons. They certainly didn't have the normal Plasma weapon icons. I'm fairly certain they start at Mk V too, the Mk I items there were the same as on Holodeck.
  • Some of the Plasma weapons available from the Flotille have a new style, much better looking than the current Plasma weapons IMO and looking as though they're an older version of the Reputation weapons (I'm not sure if that was the intention). That's a common Wide Beam Rifle, available from the Flotilla ground equipment…
  • You just described all of Star Trek.
  • Unless you run the mission in the Hobus system (with either a Federation or Romulan character) and find out why the Hobus star was unstable in the first place. Even if the Federation didn't help them, the blame lies a lot closer to home for the problems the Romulan's face.
  • AEGIS never had adapt modifiers on the shields, instead affecting hull damage resistance. The set bonus is called Reactive Shielding but it never affected shields.
  • Disgusted? Pretty much every VA/ LTG level character in game has surpassed Pol Pot in the genocide stakes, I would have thought that may have caused more issues than the STO average bust size.
  • I just to just sit nose against the Cube (or Gate's) hull and blast away until it was dead, only if I messed up would I have to fall back to heal. As long as you keep moving whilst nosing against the Cube you'll maintain some defence so won't take a one shot, just watch out for the tachyon beam: that close in there's a lot…
  • The NPCs all follow the same path every time, I've never had an issue getting them in EWP, and I'm using a Regent with no turn rate buffs or RCS consoles. If there's someone in game that can't manage to lay EWP across a predetermined path then they have bigger problems than how much their Cruiser sucks, mostly because the…
  • I don't have an issue with either Cruisers or Science ships in STFs, but Aceton Beam is one of those abilities that may as well not be there. It does a decent job of dealing with energy damage but even an Escort can deal with that from an NPC, it's the kinetic damage from torpedoes that hurts and it does nothing for those.…