Talked to a lot of my fleetmates last night and not one of them (15-20 people) could access gateway. Some tried over and over again, some tried once and gave up, but no one could access it at all. Why create a system where little to no one can access the system. I would love to access the system, but Cryptic won't let me.…
When trying to log into gateway I keep getting the following error. Cryptic sends me a code to input, but there is no where to input it and by the time I get the code (Which is in a few seconds) gateway times out. It times out, but eventually decides to load asking for the code, I input the code and can finally log in, and…
To this very day I have not opened one lock box and I am enjoying the game every day I log in. Yes I would love to have more Lobi Crystals, but I will never open a lock box no matter what is in it. They could put a Jem'Hadar attack ship in one and guarantee me I will get one every other time open one and I will still not…
If the enemies were harder in PvE then yes I would, but their not hard even on elite so nope no need to grind for the dilithium. If I PvP'd I would grind for the gear, but the grind for gear is why I don't PvP. The grind for gear is pointless, because as soon as you have the top gear it will just be outdated with the new…
The old system grind, grind, grind and you may get tech to drop. New system grind, but not as much as you did before and you don't have to do the same STF over and over again. You get Dilithium each run you do, so giving some of that back is not that big of a deal. I like the new system compared to the previous.
My toon is 5 foot 6 inches (1.676 meters) tall and my MACO Rifle is almost as tall as me. Yeah they need to fix the scaling in this MMO, I guess this MMO was made for giants.
Disagree, reducing the cooldown is still not enough incentive to play any of the foundry missions. There are so many out there with 5 star reviews that are horrible missions. If PvE Queues are dying it's because of the Winter event and seeing how the drop rates from the snow piles in the last patch was reduced, people will…
Cryptic changed a system in STO and from my experience they rarely change it back due customers complaints. I highly doubt we will get the clickers back, that will hurt fleets, and people from buying stuff. A major percentage of those users that used the clickers really don't like the foundry missions. 15-30 min missions…
I like the improvements from last year. Very good job on the area Crytpic, but I wish there was more to do besides dig thru snow piles, snow ball fight every half hour, and races. Wishlist:* Replayable long race. * Snowball fights every 15 minutes. * Down hill skiing (skiboards or skis) Competitive and non. * Make the map…
The Reputation system isn't helping much, costing a lot in ECs to complete those systems which takes away users supporting their fleetbases. Smaller fleets will be disbanding a lot faster soon, because the Mk XII elite gear is about to be unlocked by a lot of the larger fleets.
I saw this happening as soon as they annouced fleet starbases were in the works. Fleet starbases and Cryptic won't admit this, but fleet starbases were designed in part to elimate smaller fleets and it is happening. Small Fleets are disbanding, I have had a few friends fleet say their starbases have come to a complete stop…
Yes, I know gettting silenced really $uck$, but Cryptic will never remove the system. Because it keeps Gold Spammers from entering Zone Chat again. Since this thread was started I have not used zone or local chat at all and haven't been silenced once, but it maybe because I use 12th Chat, one of the several other chat…
If it keeps people in game......YES. I am so tired of leveling new toons just to try out a new trait or a new species and every new system they add to STO makes wanting to level a new toon even more unappealing. So if a retrait, respecies, resex, recareer tokens keeps me interested in this MMO then yes give us the tokens,…
Every other MMO I have every played has had a Retrait, Respecies, Resex, Recareer Tokens. I don't understand why this is so hard for Cryptic to come out with. I'm starting to get bored with my current toon and would like a new one, but I really don't want to grind up a new toon. CRYPTIC PLEASE GIVE US A RETRAIT, RESPECIES,…
Agree completely Regen shields are the worst shields if you don't know how to use them correctly, but if you keep the shields distributing they can be the best shields in STO. But like everything else in STO what works well for one user does not work for all. I know how to get my regen shields to tank, others can't. 98% of…
Regenerative shields are great, but a lot of people do not know how to use the correctly. Regen shields to be useful require the user to keep distributing them which in turn will help regen them. When I say keep distributing them I don't mean every once and a while hit the distribute shields button, I mean you need to hit…