i found a pic of a miranda class from the TOS era this wouldve included reliant as she was one of the first generation mirandas built. this is not reliant but one of her sisters from the TOS era so yeah reliant had been around for quite a long time to earn her nickname
i would sacrifice one season just to get some of the issues fixed maybe not you but i know many people who would be happy if they devoted one season to fixing the game.
Hmm? win? yeah yeah over there i think alex has it oh and its not the enterprise its the USS Fiestaprise where every night is taco night lol WOO HOO orion slave girls giggity giggity goo
No worries man a few days ago i was talking about something i didnt quite like about S11 and had someone ask for my stuff even though i never once said i quit....im beggining to think the forum is starting to get alot of beggars no? :D
the miranda class was around just about as long as the original TOS connies and reliant was a refitted miranda like the enterprise was hence the nickname "Old bucket" she was about as old as the enterprise.
when are we getting exploration back? how about never what are the chances of getting exploration back? about the same as a snowballs chance in hell New Dawn when we went back to being explorers...via the admiralty system yur ships boldy go where cryptic wont let us