Most aren't worth upgrading besides ones that upgrade for free like lockbox, lobi, event, and doff promo ships. Only other ship that is even slightly competitive with t6 is the Scimitar, so an upgrade token is worth it for that only.
me and most people on my friends list and fleet didn't bother with this mirror event, its too long and no way we could put up with doing it 14 times. I would do the old mirror event 14 times, or maybe a different version of the event, but not this mirror event as it is now. 4 years into the game you will have lots of…
of course they didn't, but that doesn't mean they should go ahead and make a $300 ship obsolete if they want to sell more or don't want people complaining of being scammed on other websites and telling people in their other games with lockboxes about this, which I am close to doing. It costs more then LTS, it is not…
Who knows, why would anyone buy keys anymore when right after you get a new lockbox or lobi ship they will release a new tier of ships that use boff abilities you can't use on your ship that costs 4 times the price or more. This is such a ripoff that old lockbox/lobi ships and JHAS and bulwark aren't automatically upgraded…
I don't recall seeing you in Panda teams much until after most of them left to other games, nor was SP or you even in last tournament we took 1st in, I did sci. So look at yourself first. You are just their cheese researcher. As for Kerrat, all KDF pvpers are kerrat mainly, HoBO only started doing premades for about a year…
That wouldn't solve the problem of endless disables and would also make playing damage dealer on non-t6 ships impossible. It is hard enough to vape t6 ships in a BOP as it is now, but doable, BOP without intel would be useless against double hp. Nerfing damage and cc from intel powers against players would work better.
you are devoting entirely way too much thought to this, do you actually think premade pvp is going to exist with t6 ships as it is now? The fact that the cheaper scryer can do things the wells cant is one of the reasons pvp is dead, we got ripped off getting the wells and lobi set basically.
Your a bug pilot too if I remember, well don't bother for now, pvp is a joke right now, the constant disables and nonstop crits from the new intel abilities make playing non cloaking ships impossible.
Why don't you read the forums so you know whats going on before throwing out misplaced insults.:rolleyes: I am not saying we are the bad guy, it is what everyone else is saying with the forum war. I am not saying we should generalize all feds, just stop generalizing all KDF pvpers because they happen to be mostly in the…
Yes the compressed cryo launcher does less damage in ground pvp, so it should have been obvious intel stuff should have been that way. They also can make disables lower duration vs player, they do it in Neverwinter, by default all cc lasts half duration vs players. It does show they do think of PVP in Neverwinter though…
I am one of the officers of the fleet and I don't even know who he is referring too, I would kick someone if I actually see them say what he says they posted in zone. We are a huge fleet though and usually invite fleetless KDF we see in kerrat, some stay and join us on teamspeak and groups, some never communicate and just…
House of Beautiful Orions, the main and most successful KDF pvp fleet over the past 2 years. Due to the KDF being smaller most of the KDF pvpers join our fleet and since KDF are the "bad guys" we are seen as the "bad guy" fleet. Feds do everything and more that KDF pvpers and our fleet specifically is bashed for, but since…
Why are you complaining Selia is one of the main abusers I see. I have to spend whole matches watching you to keep your alpha nuked and you sci spammed to stop you from slaughtering Fed puggers with SS3
Even though I personally don't need or use intel in pve, I did specify I would prefer a nerf to only apply to pvp and not pve. They can make abilities do less damage or effect players for lower duration.
If we were responsible for killing kerrat and the PVP queues they would have been dead long ago. No its because of the new intel stuff, something we aren't using anywhere near on the level as many Feds are. Some of us haven't even set foot in an intel ship, I only have used T5U B'rel on my level 60 tac and sci since DR.…
You don't like accusations you stop making them too then. You aren't queuing with it, but you are spawn camping kerrat with it, so you are just encouraging more KDF to reply in kind to the feds there. Like I said many times and even made a thread about, my rage and others is more about the lack of PVPers now because of…
Still logging on every day, don't know what you are talking about. My complaints is the new stuff is killing the pvp queues, less people in general are playing pvp. I don't want to gank Feds with this new OP stuff if none of them will play, I can get along just fine without it, so I want balance so more Feds and more…
The queue are dead, everyone should be complaining, unless its someone like you that is running around abusing every new thing helping cause it to be dead. We still log on every now and then despite all the new spam but its usually dead. You are talking about every advantage, that is your fleet with the pixel reading third…
Yeah you missed the part where I said kerrat has only been dead since DR if it was because of HoBO it would have been dead long ago. Guess you can't argue with that.
Why is it kerrat is dead only after DR then? it can't be because of us, we hardly use any intel compared to some of main fed abusers. Its people spamming ionic turbulence and surgical strikes, something feds are doing way more then we do. You are just being a petty, sore loser, constantly complaining over dying in a pvp…
I haven't seen you since DR, you haven't seen how bad it has gotten. At least with our vapers in Kerrat we had to wait a few minutes between vapes, and there are only a handful of us that can consistently vape and get kills. Problem now is every noob with surgical strikes can constantly get kills, even without attack…
Looks like any fix will be too late anyway, PVPers are leaving in droves, queue didn't pop at all this morning when I was on. PVP is dead, this is a NGE (the update that ruined SWG) level disaster. Enjoy using your overpowered toys on NPC's, hope you have fun.
I would completely quit too, but I still will log on briefly to make my rounds in the troll B'rel to spam these intel users I find in Kerrat and in the queues if they ever pop. I am done taking pvp or anything in this game seriously though, and am done putting any effort or money into it.
Its not BOP's that are dying to it, at least not mine a lot. I only been playing BOP on both tac and sci and I am seeing the Fed pugs on my team in non-cloaking ships getting slaughtered by eclipse intel ships and romulan intel ship using SS. They are using all the usual Fed ships, Avengers, other t6 ships, oddy, etc. Also…
No, they should improve NPC's by giving them more boff abilities and better AI. Make it so DPS isn't the only thing needed to win. Give some NPC's feedback pulse or RSP, make some NPC's healers that uses extend shields, hazard emitters, etc on other NPC's, make the healer super tanky so using abilities to disable or push…