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maltheist Arc User



  • By obsolete I meant that my gear became non-competitive with those that run the cutting edge gear. The only thing that kept the grind interesting before was tweaking my build for maximum DPS. That would no longer be possible with the gear that I worked so long and hard to earn. So . . . yes, I could play the game with what…
  • I had a worrisome feeling about PWE's money-grab reputation when they took over from Cryptic. I loved the game too much to give up on it then. When fleet versions of c-store ships were announced it made me think that there was truth to PWE's reputation. Still, the game was fun and I stuck with it. The reputation system…
  • Thanks for the responses, everybody. Those traits are interesting.
  • It effectively has APB3 x 2 by using 3 x Zemok for -45% cool down on attack patterns. The 5 seconds when APB3 is not active is covered by it's 5 second duration.
  • I think you were confused, noblet. I posted 2 builds, the one I am using now which is the science heavy build, and then there was the experimental build I was using for this thread which had 2 Tacs.
  • Thanks for the responses so far. And thanks for taking the time to offer a build fix, noblet. The alterations in that build fix you offered seem like a DPS reduction to me. I was avoiding using A2B because I wanted to keep Aux as high as possible to benefit the offensive Aux rep trait and other abilities. I was also trying…
  • This thread is for theory-crafting purposes when it comes to my Fleet Patrol Escort Refit, as a break from my FAW Avenger build. I have been considering an experimental build. I have all but a couple of pieces already. This is the build in theory so far: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=mustang2_7284…
  • My gut feeling was that the DHC/CSV combo was the superior choice. It is good to hear that others seemed to agreed. Next question, which has higher DPS . . . CSV1 and TS3 TS2 and CSV2 This is using Disruptor DHCs and Gravimetric Torp. The Disruptors (+155% or +160% base damage from sets and consoles, and up to 3 targets…
  • I should have mentioned that I only bother with PvE, mostly STFs/SB24/Minefield. Most of those enemies are dead with one or two volleys, so there is almost no risk of losing my firing arc or having to slow down or stop.
  • I am interested in buying your Diplomacy Boff. Contact me by in-game mail @nontheist to discuss the details.
  • I took a break for about 3 months and was booted from my previous fleet. Since I have to start over anyways, I thought I might try a different fleet and yours looks very interesting. Please send an invite to Darok'Kaden@nontheist if you are still looking for members.
  • Task Force Spectre The first T5 fleet to complete all star-base upgrades with T5 in Military, Engineering and Science
  • I had recently been asking other players which they prefer, Romulan or Omega torps, and why. I mostly received positive feedback for the Romulan torps, and negative about Omega torps. People griped that the Omega's were "bugged", and praised the Romulan's for damage and spam. I earned both torps shortly after the rep…
  • Problem solved. You may ignore this thread. The problem was that I only had two open slots in my inventory, and the ships show up in three separate boxes that require three inventory slots to be open.
  • I had this problem twice now. The first time it lasted about a day and then just took care of itself. I had tried several things like removing power from the router, turning off protection software and firewall, etc. I had finally given up and gone to bed. The next day it was working again, so I just assumed that it had…
  • This fleet is very active, well organized and very helpful. I am glad that I chose to join the UFP, and I am sure you will be as well. They have star-bases for the main UFP fleet (for your primary character), the UFP Reserves fleet (for your alts), and the House of Kular (for your KDF character). It is worth checking out.
  • In the interest of keeping this thread alive, I thought I would share my current build. The success of this build is directly attributable to this thread, so I wish to thank the OP and all those that contributed along the way. The USS Valkyrie NX-96369-A, Heavy Escort Carrier Captain Awen "Njall" Bashira,Trill Commanding…