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Diplomacy boffs, Nausicaan vs Orion female, just what are they really worth now?

kitsunesnoutkitsunesnout Member Posts: 1,210 Arc User
Believe I've heard before in a thread I tried to find that sci was the most often desired of those two. For a long time I've been maxed in diplomacy but never claimed one of these and forgot about it. I recently heard of trades/sales nearing lock-box ship amounts of money involving these of at least 100m, I'm a little skeptical of that having heard of values more like 40 or so mil for Orions in the past, but am I really unknowingly sitting on more money than that and how do those two choices compare to each other, as well as whether sci or engi should be picked for marketing? If Nausicaan sells for nearly as much as Orion, I'd like to pick up a Nausicaan instead so I could use it for a while if I end up taking a while to make a sale.

Lastly my main question is what channel would be best for offering them on a best offer/auction basis out there? Would appreciate any sound advice from someone familiar with selling these!
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  • guest12343guest12343 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sorry to go off-topic, can someone re-post this, i dont want to wait for forum registration timer.

    Exploit for infinite Contraband, infinite credits.

    There is a clingon-only mission with a disabled starship that cannot be killed and cannot fight back. park a carrier with orion stealing shuttles next to that disabled ship, go to work, whatever. Come back a few hours later, you are full of contraband.

    Trade contraband for dilithium, sell dilithium.

    Infinite money.

    Goons found this a while back, they are laughing at everyone else all the way to the bank. They farm this mission with dozens of klingon accounts, one of the reasons why they all so rich.

    I dont even play this game, but, I hate goons in a different game :)

    So, you know, fix the mission or something :)

    Thanks in advance for re-posting.
  • kitsunesnoutkitsunesnout Member Posts: 1,210 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Good heavens, this got derailed from the start *muzzlepaw*, let's try to stick to what's relevant please and pay that no attention, surely many others who are getting their diplomacy maxed at this time when the economy is in flux would be interested in getting some idea as to what these boffs are going for and where to best sell them.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Let's see... You hate goons in another game, yet you assume the role of a goon by hijacking someone else's thread because you cannot be bothered to go about things the correct way, and then proceed to post instructions on how to do an exploit in the guise of reporting an exploit, and then expect someone else to repost your garbage?

    Not. Gonna. Happen..

    And it's Klingon, not Clingon.

    Get it right!

    In all fairness his account is not allowed to post new threads. He can only reply to existing threads for around a week. It is a forum restriction. That is why so many forum newbs tend to necro older threads.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Good heavens, this got derailed from the start *muzzlepaw*, let's try to stick to what's relevant please and pay that no attention, surely many others who are getting their diplomacy maxed at this time when the economy is in flux would be interested in getting some idea as to what these boffs are going for and where to best sell them.

    I have no information, since diplomacy boffs are not really one of my interests in the exchange. However, I would suggest going to the Diligram channel and looking there for help.

    They're very well-informed about the economy, and they're no friends of the Goons either, so you don't have to worry about them crashing your questions there. They likely don't even know the channel exists.
  • kitsunesnoutkitsunesnout Member Posts: 1,210 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    I have no information, since diplomacy boffs are not really one of my interests in the exchange. However, I would suggest going to the Diligram channel and looking there for help.

    They're very well-informed about the economy, and they're no friends of the Goons either, so you don't have to worry about them crashing your questions there. They likely don't even know the channel exists.

    Well this would be a very simple matter if they could be thrown on exchange, but it's now like how it was with when I sold commissioned romulan operatives since had to be traded, thanks, I'll see what the channel is about next time I can get on.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Well this would be a very simple matter if they could be thrown on exchange, but it's now like how it was with when I sold commissioned romulan operatives since had to be traded, thanks, I'll see what the channel is about next time I can get on.

    Of course, I meant over all that in regards to STO's economy, that diplomacy boffs aren't one of my things.

    I just know the Diligram channel might be a good place to go -- I'm not positive, but I wanted to provide at least some useful feedback so the thread doesn't get completely derailed.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    i think the collective this guy belongs to refers to his kind as a 'sperg' hey.
    welcome to 2010. this is not a revelation.
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    guest12343 wrote: »
    Sorry to go off-topic, can someone re-post this, i dont want to wait for forum registration timer.

    Exploit for infinite Contraband, infinite credits.

    There is a clingon-only mission with a disabled starship that cannot be killed and cannot fight back. park a carrier with orion stealing shuttles next to that disabled ship, go to work, whatever. Come back a few hours later, you are full of contraband.

    Trade contraband for dilithium, sell dilithium.

    Infinite money.

    Goons found this a while back, they are laughing at everyone else all the way to the bank. They farm this mission with dozens of klingon accounts, one of the reasons why they all so rich.

    I dont even play this game, but, I hate goons in a different game :)

    So, you know, fix the mission or something :)

    Thanks in advance for re-posting.

    You need to learn some patience. And stop causing thread drift. You've thrown kitsunesnout's thread for a loop by generating useless noise and discussion.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Yes, yes, we all know about Utopia Planitia.

    Now, I'm also curious about the value of diplo boffs. I've got a feeling a sci Nausicaan might be the most valuable of them, as any reasonable person would have a couple of embassy Romulans in their tac slots and probably a Borg engineer.

    So dat Pirate is probably worth something to somebody.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    There's a philosophy I used to have when I played various card games back in the day:

    Practical over pretty

    Or basically I would try and get cards I needed for a deck first over getting cards I simply desired for collection or other reasons.

    In the case of STO, it still works because Nausicaan BOFFs ever since they were fixed are 'practical' because of their Pirate Trait, which adds to all damage you do.

    Now, will there always be a market for the 'pretty' of female Orion BOFFs? Of course. But they mostly just offer sex appeal, and not much in the way of useful extras in combat unlike Nausicaans.

    So I'd recommend a non-tac Nausicaan BOFF. BUT don't actually pick it up yet. See if you can find a buyer FIRST, then have them tell you which one they need. Otherwise you will pick one and be stuck with it until you find a buyer who needs it.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If you were so lucky as to have claimed a diplo boff back in the day but not commissioned them then you could put it on the exchange for pretty much whatever price you want now as there is almost no competition there anymore. I sold an Orion Tac female for 90mil a few months ago when I was in that exact situation.

    These days however, all new diplo boffs can't be placed on the exchange, so you have to commission it and then strip its gear and do an in-person trade. They go for about 20-30m depending on the buyer and if there was a WTB or a WTS offer that initiated the transaction.

    Your best bet is to not actually claim a boff. Instead you should offer the 'diplo boff of their choice' that way your customer can choose exactly which one they want, then you get that one from the diplo store and do the trade. Win/win. You don't have to worry about getting a stinker with no sale value, and the customer gets exactly which one they want.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • kitsunesnoutkitsunesnout Member Posts: 1,210 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If you were so lucky as to have claimed a diplo boff back in the day but not commissioned them then you could put it on the exchange for pretty much whatever price you want now as there is almost no competition there anymore. I sold an Orion Tac female for 90mil a few months ago when I was in that exact situation.

    These days however, all new diplo boffs can't be placed on the exchange, so you have to commission it and then strip its gear and do an in-person trade. They go for about 20-30m depending on the buyer and if there was a WTB or a WTS offer that initiated the transaction.

    Your best bet is to not actually claim a boff. Instead you should offer the 'diplo boff of their choice' that way your customer can choose exactly which one they want, then you get that one from the diplo store and do the trade. Win/win. You don't have to worry about getting a stinker with no sale value, and the customer gets exactly which one they want.

    An option I had always had in mind, but that also isn't without it's risk, incase you get someone supposedly interested in a less usually desired choice, but they end up unable to go through with the deal or disappear at the last moment, then you are still stuck with it. So I'll still play it safe with offering only these two regardless if it comes to that. I won't complain about an easy 20/30 mil if that's all I can get, I'm kinda bankrupt atm XD! But I'm going to take my time nonetheless and feel the market out.
  • maltheistmaltheist Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I am interested in buying your Diplomacy Boff.

    Contact me by in-game mail @nontheist to discuss the details.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Just out of curiosity, would it be possible for a klingon to have a full roster of human boffs, by claiming one and buying the rest?

    Or are they limited to one active at a time?
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Believe I've heard before in a thread I tried to find that sci was the most often desired of those two. For a long time I've been maxed in diplomacy but never claimed one of these and forgot about it. I recently heard of trades/sales nearing lock-box ship amounts of money involving these of at least 100m, I'm a little skeptical of that having heard of values more like 40 or so mil for Orions in the past, but am I really unknowingly sitting on more money than that and how do those two choices compare to each other, as well as whether sci or engi should be picked for marketing? If Nausicaan sells for nearly as much as Orion, I'd like to pick up a Nausicaan instead so I could use it for a while if I end up taking a while to make a sale.

    Lastly my main question is what channel would be best for offering them on a best offer/auction basis out there? Would appreciate any sound advice from someone familiar with selling these!

    orion females i would imagine would cost a pretty energy credit on the exchange and these few and far between most times anyway. rarity vs expense vs teenage boys and their near naked women.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,274 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Its funny I have a female orion science diplo boff yet I never have her in typical Orion bikinis I keep her in normal Klingon uniforms. I was actually planning on selling he but since they can't be put on the exchange I think I'll keep her. All the diplo boffs are worth it for the uniqueness.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Do you have a choice of profession?

    Does the Nausicaan have the Pirate trait?

    What traits do the Orion have slotted?

    I would pick the Nausicaan for the space trait if you like the extra dmg... or Female Orion Science Officer for ground duty if it had Seductive (for the threat reduction) and Superior Creative (for the bonus heals and dot dmg).

    Note on the "Female" part... ground battles isnt really my focus on this game so if I had to use ground toons...
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,274 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, would it be possible for a klingon to have a full roster of human boffs, by claiming one and buying the rest?

    Or are they limited to one active at a time?

    No its not because once you dismiss a marauder/diplo boff its gone for good you can't get a replacement from the store. However if you buy other players boffs you can achieve a full crew of them.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    As for the Orion Female, the only one with superior creative is the tac. Of all of the diplomacy BoFFs none are really ideal for Science if you want a healer. I have a Naussican Engineer as my tank and he is a beast, especially since you can put tier 3 abilities on them. The only science Boff I might get next is the Gorn with Bite.

    Theoretically you could farm the Boffs, just create an alt level to 11 then run diplomacy doff missions. It would require extensive travel in the systems but could be done in a couple weeks.

  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    lowy1 wrote: »
    As for the Orion Female, the only one with superior creative is the tac. Of all of the diplomacy BoFFs none are really ideal for Science if you want a healer. I have a Naussican Engineer as my tank and he is a beast, especially since you can put tier 3 abilities on them. The only science Boff I might get next is the Gorn with Bite.

    Theoretically you could farm the Boffs, just create an alt level to 11 then run diplomacy doff missions. It would require extensive travel in the systems but could be done in a couple weeks.

    Bah then Orion Ground would be worthless to me... I use a Betazoid Science with the threat reduction and Sup Creative. So only "value" to me would be the Pirate trait for Space. And for right now... not sure I would want to give up my a Human BO for that dmg buff. I am finding the near instant repair of offline subsystems too good right now with a full human crew.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    westx211 wrote: »
    No its not because once you dismiss a marauder/diplo boff its gone for good you can't get a replacement from the store. However if you buy other players boffs you can achieve a full crew of them.

    This is good to know.

    And, of course, one could just use a friend to transport these boffs from one toon to another.

    I'll have a look at this, I quite fancy my Fed with a few Nausicaans.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Orions don't make great boffs, unless you want to pretend you're flying a harem. There's nothing special about them, no space traits, and they don't intelligently use the one unique ability they have- mine regularly tries to seduce nonliving targets like turrets and generators.

    So yeah.

    Fed Gorns are pretty imposing on an away team (seen them crit bite for 1k before), and Nausicaans give you more space damage, which everyone likes.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sold like a dozen of them recently, made 20-30 mil ec per Boff. People were mostly interested in Nausicaans, but some Orion slaves were sold too. :)
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