I think we should all take a step back. Both sci and tac abilities need to be removed/regulated. Yes there should be regulations on sci players, since fbp and resonance beam will wreck any tac player, even weak ones. On the other hand, there's broken things like kemocite, immunities (r&r being the worst offender), viral…
Honestly, I would like to see rulesets that completely leave out DR and after (as it was DR itself that caused most of the community to leave). I'm fine with T6 ships, but not the spec tree (which is a massive grind), the new intel and pilot abilities, and all the other related BS that came along with it. But I figure not…
I'm a lifer and I usually get my 500 monthly zen on the 15th of every month. It is now the 16th and I have not received my monthly zen. Did they change how that system works? Whatever happened, I would like to know where that 500zen is.