Looks like they let old code creep in again, this has happened before. The timer on the FE Weekly Reward box has been set to 7 days instead of resetting on Thursday like it is supposed to.
Well one thing is the mission is meant to be played before you are even promoted to Lt as it is part of the tutorial, and at that intended level the spheres are toned way down. But since you are now a Lt Cmdr, the spheres are no longer gimped so you will need appropriate level gear to take them on.
If you don't already, use the mouse for the Omega game, using the arrow keys is way too slow. The other 2 games, stick with the keys as the mouse is way too slow.
I think a viable solution would be to use something they've already put in the game, Fleet Dilithium. Have the Fleet centric PVE's award an equal amount of Fleet Dilithium as the regular dilithium. So all the fleet PVE's, like Colony Invasion, Fleet Alert, Starbase Incursion, etc, would reward 480 dilithium AND 480 Fleet…
Actually it's 775 points for the ore mini-game. It would be nice if the radiation scan used the same reward table as the ore mining since the scores achievable with both are nearly identical.
Open the Hail Starfleet menu and check your In Progress tab to see if there is one there for each of the commendations. It's not always automatic once you cross the necessary threshold of XP, especially on Romulans, Delta and AoY recruits. It will also show up in the small menu showing your open missions, but if you have…
May have the math wrong, but I believe you multiply the percentage chance of failure per item, so it would be: 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 = .512 chance of failure per time you fire a torpedo, or a 48.8% chance that you will reduce the cooldown every time you fire.
Thalaron Pulse: While charging, this power will no longer instantly trigger if interrupted by offline subsystems. This applies to both Player and NPC versions. The version used by Donatra in Khitomer Accord is different, in that it cannot be interrupted under any circumstances So another question, does this mean Donatra is…
Resolved an issue that was causing all Even-Mark Kit Frames (Mk II, Mk IV, etc) to have a higher rank requirement than intended Does this also apply to the kit modules? Because they have the same problem.
Actually you can, you just have to take them off Active duty and remove their items first before trading. After all, this is how you get your BOFFs trained by other players. This only works on the non-unique BOFFs though as I do not believe this can be done for Tovan Khev and others like him.