You can do a project for 1 (one) carapace every 20 or 24 hours. I know that's not an ideal solution, but it's the only solution, while the event goes on.
Same here, Azure nebula didn't reward me with marks twice in a week, that also being the only times I've played it recently. Both cases was a random elite TFO, all optionals were done in time. p.s.: i DID get the random elite mark box, but not the "main" mark reward. Not sure about dil.
Yeah I find it kind of weird, that OP couldn't deal any damage in gateway to gre'thor, there is 4 constant enemy spawn points during almost the entire time of the mission. Now if it's about the herald sphere, i can imagine someone could get an AFK penalty, if extremly unlucky. And I can also imagine someone forcing AFKs on…
If you compare it to other summon consoles, this one also disables enemy ships for 8 seconds, which others don't. You could use it for an emergency getaway.
This is true, the mastery can be done extremly fast, if needed. Still, if one goes and unlocks a trait on 5 or even more characters, it becomes a mind dulling procedure of 1. setting the ship up (10 minutes) 2. playing "Wanted" (3-5 minutes) 3. changing back to the ship you actualy pilot (a few seconds). Do these steps on…
I strongly agree with darkbladejk. As i've stated at least once in an other thread, while at first it seems to be the same "problem" at first (elite players in normal tfos vs normal players in elite tfos), it is so clearly NOT. Elite tfos FAIL, if the players are not competent enought, while normal and advanced tfos don't…
+1 for the "git gud" suggestion. Some maps can be done with 2-3 capable players, but there are some, which need the whole team to do their work, else they fail. One could say, that this is a diametral problem to the "elite players are ruining random adv. tfos", but don't be fooled. While it's true, that a player far ABOVE…
I agree, the starship trait unlock should be account wide. It takes me personaly 5x longer to set up a ship (which I almost never fly again), than to level it up to t5 (that is done by playing a single patrol). It's a pure waste of time and in MY PERSONAL opinion, this system is still in place only because we don't get…
Most of elite content is carried by dps and only dps. Lets take for example -dranuur gauntlet- will fail, if not enough dreadnoughts are destroyed. And depending on the enemy type you get, the DPS number has to be quite high across the board and even one bad apple in team can be enough for that entire TFO to fail (let's…
Thank you for your time and doing this test. It's quite clear, that the omni is far inferior to a standard beam array and they're not even close performance wise (not that that's any news to people, who are interested and competent in doing solid DPS). Would be interesting to see a comparison between omni and DBB, as the…
Except that DECA is mostly hiring in Bolgaria, Hungary, India and "worldwide", only one of their job openings is stationed in Germany (Berlin) and it's a financal management post. They could literaly hire 5-10 people for the cost of one, if comparing salaries between US and the listed countrys. Not saying, that they will…
People comparing damage numbers between beams and omnis act, like dual beam banks are not a thing. Also seems some argument are there just for the arguments sake. Again: lock omnis to rear weapon slot, lift other restrictions. Problem solved. P.S. as stated: dual beam banks are indeed a thing.
I suggest to have the omnis locked to the rear weapon slots, without any other restrictions - same as mines, or the reverse of cannons, which are locked to front weapon slots. This way you would have some sort of restriction and at the same time the possibility to run multiple omnis on ships, which would actualy benefit…
1. Literaly never happened to me (I have an ridiculous number of TFOs behind me...). And even if that truly happens to some players, it's not reason enough to have such a long period, before the match begins. If i play 10 TFOs in a row, that's around 15 minutes wasted. And that's just the time wasted during those…
Seems, that the rewards are indeed as they're supposed to be. I mean, it's fine, if you ask me. What's not fine, is the fact, that you get a whole coil, even if you fail the TFO. IMO it should be the other way around (piece for fail, coil for success). P.S. why do I think it's still "fine"? Because the average isomag was…
Afaik every combat pet can be slotted on a BOFF. One of my BOFFS has the targ of grethor, one has the war targ, one the bioengineered dino and one either the tard..igrade(?) or the mars base android. There are plenty more in the game, besides the ones i've listed...
For starters, a 1-2 minute timer should do the trick. This would be enough time to get to a t-rex area, from any point on the map. As it is, the t-rex spawn is instant, once the requirements are met and the people to far from a spawn point are left dry. And to pour salt on that game design wound: the people who are the…
P.S. also thank you, BMR, for your comment back in the previous xgamerfreakz post. As you can see, some people don't recognise you as an admin only, but take you for a person of some authority in the game and think your one-liner comments are valid.
You didn't get anything straight. I don't mind content being more difficult, but this solution is lazy and doesn't change the fact that I *still* vape out borg like ants with a can of gasoline. I don't even have to "adapt" to anything, because the only time i get spanked by the borg spheres is when someone else happen to…
Increased borg difficulty, which was so heavly advertised, boils down to spheres being able to one-shot a player, who happens to be near to them, when they die. To make it short: this is almost insulting to the whole player base - we actualy deserve something more creative. Also a bunch of offensive powers and traits have…
Yep and even the Vaadwaur jugg is in one of the Mudd's bundles - which IS the best ship in game, for DEW. It definetly beats the Vengeance and even has a very powerfull DEW trait (+10% critH). So I don't see a problem having prototype dreads in a bundle, two of them are practicaly never used or bought anyway. edit: also…
I've modified my build to be able to carry most elite TFOs (of interest!) with minimal or 0 help, so as always - there is no problem. But yeah, in this "reverse case of 2 much DPS", some people can actualy get ... "robbed" of their time and resources by unprepared players. On a different note, I didn't even notice a high…