Has anyone ever noticed that in the fleet starbase where all the uniforms are displayed, the voyager uniform is missing? What is the deal with that? The uniform is in the game. You can wear it, and yet they left it out! What would Janeway say?
Thanks for the rant, but it doesn't answer my question. And no, I'm no sucker. I'm actually quite financially savvy. I love star trek, ever since I was a kid. I attribute part of my success in life to the morals I picked up watching star trek. Playing this game takes me away from my hectic life for a few hours and I become…
Are you sure about that? I will pay the subscription, but only if i'm 100% sure I'll be able to jump the queue. I don't see it as rewarding them for messing up. I would subscribe simply because of the many many hours of joy this game has brought me and for how good a job they have done with it. This nonsense lately is a…
This latest server business is a big let down. Of what I've seen of the new expansion (the 5 mins I got last night before I got booted out for maintenance) it does look great. The expansion is too big - simple as. Its a 4GB download, which restarted on me no less than 4 times yesterday wasting 5GB of my limited monthly…