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Lifetime Subscription Sale Ending Soon! [Now Ended]



  • gtpermangtperman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It certainly did happen for Pandaria. Hours in queue, lagtastic and bugtastic when I got in. And I had multi-hour queues for 5.2 as well. I seem to recall the Wrath launch being similar, but that's far enough back I can't be certain. Again, maybe you were on a low-pop server. Mine certainly wasn't.

    And you're going to have to cite where they're "renting servers." I've never read that from any reliable source.

    I'm not a lifer, so your comment is way off-base. In addition, I've read Lifers right here on the forums ******** about it too. Might want to check your preconceived notions at the door.

    I didn't play Pandaria but a 2 sec Google search told me that it only happened on High capacity servers and that Blizzard gave anyone on a High capacity server free server transfers to Medium or Low capacity servers soo... NO ONE had to queue if they didn't want to. As for Wrath, I had chars on 4 different servers and the only one that had a queue was Tich, which was above High, it was Full. Even then the queue was less then 10 mins.

    As for renting servers, they don't tell anyone officially where they rent from but a little logic serves that purpose. Obviously the company didn't fly around the world buying warehouses in 10 diff countries then staffing them so they could run one server in each, but if you need more proof, just run a traceroute then track the IP. When I do it, it tells me that my server is in TX, the same traceroute as some company called Limestone Networks. Not 100%, I admit, but seems convincing enough.

    As for the preconceptions, I don't have PREconceptions, I have conceptions based off experience. Experience that tells me that every complaint thread in the forums has fans in it flaming the OP and telling him that he should just be appreciative that a company sells him product (they word it differently, though). Most of them are Lifers. You are right that there are irrational people who aren't Lifers and some reasonable Lifers too, nothing is 100%.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    liamculver wrote: »
    But only if I can jump this horrendous queue ;)

    It will let you jump the queue. I logged in just a little while ago and saw the line over the 20,000 mark. However my LTS put me in the queue at 35. A few seconds later I was in game. Just keep in mind though that you do have to queue with other LTS/Golds. So if there's 2,000 of us LTS ahead of you, you will be placed behind that 2,000. In my case there were only 34 other LTS/Gold ahead of me so I was able to get in very quickly.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • mrspam404mrspam404 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Again, people don't read the thread before posting. Even WoW has this problem with major patches/expansions. It's just not practical to set up servers for the rush, only for them to go idle later when traffic goes back to normal.

    What you said is completely untrue. WOW had some problems early on. Nothing like this. And your comment about it being not practical...LOL Maybe not as expensive for them to not rent enough servers is what you should have wrote. So its ok for a player to pay hundreds of dollars on ships, and its ok for cryptic to sell LTS for a hundred or two or whatever the hell they are, but its not practical for us to expect Cryptic to have enough servers for the launch of a major expansion they've been advertising for weeks, when they know there are going to be tons of people wanting to play?

    The QUE right at this second is almost 25 THOUSAND people sitting there looking at a QUE screen. Ive been in it for almost two hours when it was only like 17,000 to begin with and there are still 10,000 people ahead of me. Anyone who can defend this, or thinks this is acceptable, well I just don't know what to say to you.

    I thought the fiasco last week with the server was bad. I mean Cryptic takes this server down for maintenance more than any major MMO game that I know of.(don't give me EVE's daily reset either) Name some other MMORPG's that have more downtime than this one if I'm incorrect. Give me names of the game and a date range and I'll bet you this one was down more than it. On STO's best week.

    They said last week during that TRIBBLE they were making improvements so it didn't continue to happen, but here we are. My GF just asked me why I was sitting here just looking at a black screen, and when I told her what was going on, she asked me why didn't they rent more servers. The word cheap comes to mind tho, but that my opinion.

    It doesn't matter how much you complain tho. If you have something bad to say about Cryptic, they will pretty much ignore it. You get called a whiner on the forum, or you're filled with nerd rage. People will come and defend them no matter what they do. And that's why they will continue to treat their customers the way they do.

    As far as I'm concerned I will continue to play this game because it is free. I will never pay for a LTS. More power to you if you want to, They'll be glad to keep taking your money. I'm done paying for anything in this game however, until Cryptic starts acting like a real Developer. They can start by maybe adding some customer service, and it might be a good idea to rent some more servers for the short time at least. :eek:

    Before the fan boys and girls(I know its cliche, but its really the truth) respond to me and say its a free game, or give them a break, or bla blla free expansion, just don't bother, I've heard it all before. You don't have to agree with me but I def don't agree with you. I'm going to voice my opinion with all that really matters. None of these words matter, because like I said they will just ignore it, everything is always fine, everyone is having fun being a new Romulan. What Que? From now on my wallet is going to voice his opinion, and he is staying in my pants... :eek:
  • liamculverliamculver Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lan451 wrote: »
    It will let you jump the queue. I logged in just a little while ago and saw the line over the 20,000 mark. ....

    Thanks, that all I wanted to know. Gold standard here I come!
  • gtpermangtperman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    liamculver wrote: »
    Are you sure about that? I will pay the subscription, but only if i'm 100% sure I'll be able to jump the queue.

    I don't see it as rewarding them for messing up. I would subscribe simply because of the many many hours of joy this game has brought me and for how good a job they have done with it.

    This nonsense lately is a real bummer, but what can I say? It's a great game. If it wasn't I don't think people would be so annoyed.

    Yes, a fleet mate was telling me (before I stupidly tried to change characters almost 4 hours ago and never got back on) that she was a Lifer and was #1 of 18k when she changed chars, got in almost instantly. I also see posts by Lifers who can't get in, so I guess it isn't flawless but it helps.
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    <--- is a lifetime member since beta
    <--- still can't login due to "Login failed for unknown reason" error that is under their ***Resolved Issues*** list.... awwww :(
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

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  • cronkstarcronkstar Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Boooo u Paid to cut in front of o bout 2000 peeps :mad: Sad
  • wargadwargad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Looks like I might be buying lifetime here soon...
  • lordhallslordhalls Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok so if I pay the 14.99 a month can I get past the ques?
  • natoednatoed Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I got it too, but where the "fu" is my bubble gun not happy Jan.....
  • qoojoqoojo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So is it possible to packs and such things with 500 pt stipend from the LTS?
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    qoojo wrote: »
    So is it possible to packs and such things with 500 pt stipend from the LTS?

    Well you can save up the stipend each month to buy some of the more expensive items from the store. It never expires so you can get anything you want with it given enough time. On it's own though you can get a good amount. Most uniforms are 550z. Top off your 500 with a little bit of dilithium zen and you're good to go. Can get master keys at 125z each as well.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • killgore3232killgore3232 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am a recent purchaser of a LTS. I, for one, am having a blast with the game and felt that it was worth the price. The additional content with the release of LOR has been awesome and I thank the development team for their hard work. As for the hiccups with the release, I'm not too upset about it. As others have mentioned, it is far more uptime than down, and each patch has made things better. Keep up the good work guys, and I look forward to great things to come.
  • xariamaxariama Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If only I could afford even this price... you'd have to take off the 1 on it. *sigh* Oh well, guess it's not meant to be. But hey, kudos to those that can do it. :)
    Lane Bjorn Jorgensson, Captain, ISS Voltaire

    Here's a map to show how much they've screwed up the game map.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To celebrate the launch of Legacy of Romulus, lifetime subscriptions are on sale from now until June 21st, 2013 at 10AM PDT! Visit this page for full details.

    Link to the Lifetime Subscription page.

    Why, you finally talked me into it. :) The new Romulan expansion looks great. Now, if only you will ever fix mail, and some other outstanding stuff, I'd be most happy!
  • noristaenoristae Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would rather enjoy a lifetime sub, I think... if the game was more stable. Well and truly, I'm not going to spend 100, 200, 300, or even 15 a month, when the game seems less stable than the greek currency...
  • willsmokeyawillsmokeya Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well I paid $300 for my lifetime sub and we get 500 zen a month but this month I didn't get my zen,its always there on the 20th of the month but not this time,i put a ticket in...after a few days my ticket disappeared and im still waiting for my zen...so careful how ya spend your money.
  • calfencalfen Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dear Cryptic,
    Well, I have to say that I was strongly thinking about buying the LT subscription, but...

    In my case, I calculated that it would take about 20 months, before it would pay off for me. Please note that this is valid for me (calculated inventory+bank slots+some stuff I would use). For somebody who plays a lot more, or likes the fancy stuff that doesn't influence gameplay, it may be worth it.

    I even went to the "buy screen" to see the number (was not sure about EURos) - and then I wondered on how long I am going to play and I saw this
    We make no explicit or implicit warranties on the service period of the game.

    Well, this combined with what I have seen lately - serious trouble with the game engine (or databases) = bugs that basically break the game (I don't mind minor bugs that do not break the gameplay - they will get squished eventually), I was wondering about the future of STO - considering how long is going the STO last.

    What bothers me is the influence on other (more financially engaged) players. I mean, I rarely pay for ZEN, but from time to time I do. - Now with the large amount of players that came with Romulans that saw only bugs and downtime... this may have cost Cryptic some people - and eventually us, since when the game can no longer financially sustain itself it will close.

    Guys at C should 1) announce some long-term (2-3 years) plans and strategy or at least some thought on that matter... 2) Communicate - for example MAKE "a known bug" list and if there are any way circumvent it temporally, when you are going to probably fix it, etc.

    just food for thought.

    PS: If any of the above suggestions are already in place, I apologize, but I didn't see it.
  • oxiiimoronicoxiiimoronic Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah I'll most definitely be buying the LTS before the sale is up... the $100 off is a major incentive. I know I'll most definitely be playing STO on and off longer than 14 months it will take to pay it off. Plus all the cool added stuff that comes along with it is just a bonus. :)
    lordhalls wrote: »
    Ok so if I pay the 14.99 a month can I get past the ques?
    I'm currently paying $14.99 a month and the other night when there were over 10k people in queue I was never above, like, 2k if I remember correctly. Even then it went by pretty quickly. I was disconnected a few times, and while frustrating in itself, it still wasn't a horribly long wait. So you should be fine, although I haven't run into any queue times since then.
    "I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know." ~Captain Picard to Data

    "In the absence of love, there is nothing worth fighting for." ~Elijah Wood
  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    calfen wrote: »
    I even went to the "buy screen" to see the number (was not sure about EURos) - and then I wondered on how long I am going to play and I saw this .
    We make no explicit or implicit warranties on the service period of the game.
    Well duh. The subscription isn't for YOUR lifetime, it's for the lifetime of the game. No different than any other "lifetime guarantee".

    There was high risk the game may not take off or last in the early days, which is why I didn't opt for Lifetime back then. Now it's been 3 years and they keep adding content, and presumably more players, so I'm not worried about it disappearing any time soon.
  • rarmstormrarmstorm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's a nonsense to pay for Star Trek Offline.
    After buying the romulan expansion pack and paying a montly fee, after what i saw in 2 month of game, i think i'll return that game to free.

    The 1 Share game server is not worth of my money.
    It's a nonsense statement of ppl that don't know what they are doing.
    No guarantee that that game last more than 3 month with that criptic policy to not spend money for uprgrade in new dedicated server and fiber line.
  • sophus84atsophus84at Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about making it possible to pay it via paypal, and by that i mean.. not forcibly having a credit card.

    i just wanted to pay via my paypal account where the money is.. and i cant.. as i HAVE to add a credit card... please make it an option that paypal gets an invoice like every other online shopping site also. thenthe money gets directly from the paypal account to yours. without anywaiting time.. why this need for the credit card on a life time sub? its not like i would pay monthly now

    specially as it says an various sites for the life time sub "You can pay with a credit card or Paypal, or pick up a game card." Why do you say Credit card OR Paypal when infact you just want the credit card and dont accept a normal paypal account?

    i already sent a Ticket: #130528-002874

    i really want to give you money. dont make it that hard for people -.-
    "Mei Borg is net deppat".....

  • trevoriihulltrevoriihull Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It would be mor atractive if i wouldn't have to get a Credit Card (don't want one, ever) or a paypal account for one use. If I want to buy ZEN i can do it via Paysafe, tell me a good reason why i can't do that for a LTS?
  • sophus84atsophus84at Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    paypal is okay with me, as it doesnt need a credit card at all. but this is nonsense. and prepaid costs 40 bucks more for me then just for the prepaid card. when do americans realise that in the EU credit cards are not that common. -.-

    please make there an easier way to pay.

    whats the sense in paypal, when you have to add a credit card? paypal is THE payment method for people who dont have a creditcard or dont want their credit card info being send to the company.

    so if the company has a button "pay with paypal" which cryptic has... they should just accept the payment and dont squid around for credit card info

    the money is on paypal, TAKE MY MONEY -.- xD
    "Mei Borg is net deppat".....

  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sophus84at wrote: »
    How about making it possible to pay it via paypal, and by that i mean.. not forcibly having a credit card.

    i just wanted to pay via my paypal account where the money is.. and i cant.. as i HAVE to add a credit card... please make it an option that paypal gets an invoice like every other online shopping site also. thenthe money gets directly from the paypal account to yours. without anywaiting time.. why this need for the credit card on a life time sub? its not like i would pay monthly now

    Did you know PayPal will give you a debit card for free? Looks and works just like a credit card to the outside world, including PWE, but draws from your PayPal balance.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • xsilvermanxxsilvermanx Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Did you know PayPal will give you a debit card for free? Looks and works just like a credit card to the outside world, including PWE, but draws from your PayPal balance.

    First time I'd hear from this.
    Wanted to buy LTS as well, didn't have the chance as electronic debit advice procedure wasn't allowed for me. A friend would've been able but I ain't.
    Have transfered the money needed to buy LTS on my paypal-account. Hope that this will allow me to buy it without problems, as soon as it arrives.
    But yeah, I've just applied for the debit card. Hope that it will work. If yes I might be playing as a lifetime member soon.
  • sophus84atsophus84at Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Did you know PayPal will give you a debit card for free? Looks and works just like a credit card to the outside world, including PWE, but draws from your PayPal balance.

    no actually, i didnt know that. is there any more info about it? as inside my paypal i cant find anything related to that.

    but how long will that take til its there as the special-offer with the life time sub only lasts one week

    nevermind.. it takes 3-4 weeks until the paypal debit card is in..

    again whats the problem with paypal here.. paypal is there for people who dont have a credit card... and the cryptic site says paypal accepted.
    "Mei Borg is net deppat".....

  • bluegrassgeekbluegrassgeek Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rarmstorm wrote: »
    It's a nonsense to pay for Star Trek Offline.
    After buying the romulan expansion pack and paying a montly fee, after what i saw in 2 month of game, i think i'll return that game to free.

    The 1 Share game server is not worth of my money.

    I wish people would get off this myth.
    Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.
  • xsilvermanxxsilvermanx Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay, guys, PayPal is useable. BUT you don't just put the 148,75Euros in the account there. Put atleast 180? into it, obviously more when the price is back to normal.
    This is because the price is without the taxes. Yep, would've been obivous but still ^^
    So now I've got lifetime because it worked.
  • azurerail1azurerail1 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    LTS sounds like a good investment, but like all things in life we need to be practical open minded about what's included. But in order to do this we need to pay first and with the ZEN factored in this game costs a large sum of money to get all the perks going.

    Even at the current sale price, the LTS offer does not look like a cheaper Alternative, because, we Still need to buy more to Enjoy many other perks. I know there is a ZEN allowance but is this the saving money option, is the question i'm asking. On Youtube Vids we can see some of whats on offer as a gold member and there are Mixed reviews about its value over "Free to play" or "Silver players" as being just as Expensive Ether way, "Gold" or "Silver". These MMORPG games still Amaze me with there Depth of content but spending Around US$200 for LTS is Still too Expensive for my pocket and by my looking into whats on offer is Neutral and the Difference Between "Monthly Subscription" and "Lifetime Subscription" are nearly the same in offerings and not to forget "Veteran unlocks" confuse me to their individual Values for money. The current LTS Sale is near Tempting to buy for my Family but is beyond our pockets for now. Just for the sake of market research i would be happy paying $149.00 and i'd consider $160.00 Fair and i Consider the current offer as Medium Expensive.

    STO is a Great game but being a Subscriber to me right now is Too Expensive for the inclusions of perks, plus, how long will Sto go on for influences my Decision to Buy. The LTS is a good idea like i said before,but, Theres not a big enough Benefit by Being a LTS holder (That i am Aware of) to warrant the Investment over the Value of ZEN in Star trek online to being a money saving option.

    As a Silver player i have Flexibility to spend to my Budget and hold off for a few months. Despite the over all Buying Zen costing a lot over time Its the Flexibility and convenience that compels me to stay is a Silver player for now.


    Except for a Title and a Monthly Zen allowance plus Exclusive Content most of the Gold Member Benefits are Puzzling as i cant see all ill get by Becoming one (No Trial of Premium Content ) and Add on ZEN Store Items Gets too Expensive up front.

    Concluding Thoughts: A Silver player can Enjoy STO very much and is Diverse and Flexible via ZEN. Gold Members Get perks, But how and why is it a benefit to be a Gold member, And Why have a LTS and Monthly Subscriptions, I cannot see how being a monthly Subscriber is a benefit over Silver or even Gold membership?. If we had a Video on the Home page or in game that shows the Benefits of Gold membership, i would consider Buying it more that i do right now
This discussion has been closed.