We have the experience of long-time online gamers, and recognize the difference between a stable game and an unstable one, as well the difference between effectively informing players of a problem and generally failing to do so. ;)
Same issue here, either indefinite "connecting to server" screen, or indefinite "retrieving character list" screen, can't access the game. Obviously something with the morning maintenance/new patch.
Think you kindof missed the point there Matok... your generic 'stiff upper-lip' message doesn't really make any sense in this context. For one, how is a broken Zen store a 'benefit' to anyone? It's an annoyance for the players, and certainly doesn't help the game's bottom line at all. Second, how does 'playing the game…
Newp, buying zen is still down for steam users, and its too late for them to get my monies. What I'd been saving in my steam-wallet for this game I decided to spend last night on something new when I realized they'd patched the game without fixing/acknowledging this issue.
I've just started playing these last two weeks and I've got my character to lvl 49 already, having barely touched the missions/quests/assignments that aren't tied in directly with the main story arch. I've not repeated a single mission (except for maybe random Borg encounters and a fleeting bout of PVP matches) nor even…
I realize this is an ancient thread, but it's the one Google took me too when I had this same problem/question, so I figure I'll update it with the solution for future folks in the same boat. In the 'controls' section of the option menu, set the camera to 'Chase camera' for the ideal option; a locked camera that follows…
I guess it just blows me away that this isn't a higher priority issue. I can't see a single official message/response saying 'yep, steam users can't buy zen right now, we're working on it, sorry/be patient'. You'd think losing access to a portion of their revenue-stream would illicit more of a response. The dudes taking…
Precisely the same problem here. I can find absolutely no option for getting Zen through any other mechanism than downloading the ARC gameplayer, but that's unacceptable to me, as so much as glancing in the direction of the ARC gameplayer causes the game to forget I've ever patched it, and re-download the ENTIRE 10gigs,…
Having the same issue here, and am quite certain the problem is on their end, not mine. Servers seem to be in some sort of trouble. Just started playing this game last night, getting it downloaded was a chore (arc and steam fought over which gets to run it, and in doing so somehow made the game forget I'd already…