Yeah this is one of my gripes for some insane reason sometimes it spins the camera to the side view of the ship and i have to keep adjusting it in battle although i did figure out this is because i moved the camera with my left mouse button so it always seemed to go back to that spot when i let go of the mouse
I would like to see a lock on the back of the ship.
Having an escort ship that uses cannons, I'd love to have a rubberband camera which defaults to a position behind above and behind my ship (like in other MMOs). If i then wanted to "look around" then, by holding down a mouse button, I should be able to turn the camera using the mouse (in the usual way) but the moment i release a button it should "snap" back to its default position.
I need the opposite: Fixed-on-my-character/ship camera.
Not too big a deal in space combat, but ground combat in PvP is rediculous without it.
I'm pretty sure there is an option that keeps the camera locked onto your target. I think it is seperate from 'Free camera.' I'm at work, otherwise I would confirm. unchecking it might help you out.
I've tried the lock on target camera option and its horrible: You lose all orientation on which way you're moving. Especially if the target is running around.
In space, if you hit the x key, then zig zag a little bit, the camera will lock behind you. As soon as you lock onto something tho, it will slue to the target. Thats the only thing I have figured out so far. I havn't tried it on the gournd.
I realize this is an ancient thread, but it's the one Google took me too when I had this same problem/question, so I figure I'll update it with the solution for future folks in the same boat.
In the 'controls' section of the option menu, set the camera to 'Chase camera' for the ideal option; a locked camera that follows your ship, but can be broken to look around using a lift-click drag of the mouse. Perfect for cannon escorts.
I would like to see a lock on the back of the ship.
Hope this helps!!
I need the opposite: Fixed-on-my-character/ship camera.
Not too big a deal in space combat, but ground combat in PvP is rediculous without it.
if you crouch the camera will slew to behind you .. that's about the only suggestion i have.
I'd love for such a feature.
I'm pretty sure there is an option that keeps the camera locked onto your target. I think it is seperate from 'Free camera.' I'm at work, otherwise I would confirm. unchecking it might help you out.
In the 'controls' section of the option menu, set the camera to 'Chase camera' for the ideal option; a locked camera that follows your ship, but can be broken to look around using a lift-click drag of the mouse. Perfect for cannon escorts.